Hi all, I am a 37 year old female and I was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure. At first the GP thought that my suffering with covid was causing my blood pressure to remain high but after a month of consistent high readings, he started me on amlodipine on 15th March 2021. My feet became swollen and I had chest Pains (different from my post covid chest pain). The BP was slow in lowering.
Amlodipine was stopped after a week and I was started on nifedipine. This made me feel very unwell to the point where I was struggling to get out of bed. However, the BP started lowering and readings reduced from the 188/117 and I was getting 146/ 97 and even came to 137/99 . The gp advised that I persist with this medication until 12th April.
Last week Wednesday, I spoke to another gp as I could not bear the side effects of nifedipine. This gp advised that I stop it and take amlodipine then manage the swelling by elevating feet.
Tonight I can't sleep as my left arm feels as though it's stiff or almost getting paralyzed. This feeling started around 10pm in the fingers and has now reached above the elbow (3am) has anyone felt this on amlodipine?