People who take blood pressure tablets and catch covid19 have experienced severity and have low recovery results. Is Amlodipine in this Ace2 category ?
Is Amlodipine dangerous if you catch ... - High Blood Pressu...
Is Amlodipine dangerous if you catch Covid19

Amlodipine is not an Ace Inhibitor, it is a Calcium Channel Blocker. Ramipril, Lisinopril, etc are Ace Inhibitors. I heard on the news yesterday that Ramipril and Candesarten (an angiotensin receptor blocker) are the ones which have a risk with them.
Thank you very much. That is a relief.
You're very welcome but if you need more detailed info on it, you can always ring your pharmacist or GP practice. x
Your reply is alarming to anyone on those tablets, and i hastily looked it up on google and found this "A joint statement from the British Cardiovascular Society and the British Society for Heart Failure has offered reassurance to people taking ACE Inhibitors (drugs usually ending in '-pril', such as ramipril) and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARBs, drugs usually ending in '-sartan', such as candesartan)."
There is a lot of misinformation on the news.
I couldn't agree more. I had actually saw what I said on the news that morning (it was either Sky or BBC) and I was alarmed because I actually take Ramipril and the other one mentioned was Candesartan which my husband takes. The problem we have is that information changes now so frequently and it really scares people. The best thing to do is to ring your pharmacist or check with your GP.