I take my blood pressure at least 3x daily. I also take my wife's pressure as well since we both are hypertensive. Here l am taking my pressure lying down.
How often do you take your pressure. - High Blood Pressu...
How often do you take your pressure.

I take my blood pressure (BP) roughly every other day. I record 4 measurements and average them. I record whether or not I have taken my BP pill before my measurements or not yet. The level is higher if I have not yet taken my pill and it is lower if I took my pill (Lisinopril) afterwards.
I keep all of my recordings and I graph them. It is important to get to know your daily variation in your BP. If you are having problems in BP it is necessary to measure more frequently than this. It could be possible that you have very high BP in the morning, but you are OK in the afternoon (ir vice a versa), In this case you should know the half life of your BP reducing pill and the time it is reaching it's maximum efficacy and take the pill at the appropriate time.
It takes quite a while to understand these profiles, but it is necessary to persevere and get to know your own characteristics.
Do no rely on your doctor's measurements since you run the risk of being dosed on the white coat effect. Take your own measurements.
That's some heavyweight equipment to be taking your own blood pressure with Hpb200. I'd guess you have constantly high bp and those frequent readings have been recommended by a health professional such as your GP. Otherwise, for most people, it's best not to get too paranoid about readings. BP fluctuates wildly according to what we are doing, and for those who are only monitoring a moderately high BP, and/or are controlled on medication, myself included, I only take two or three readings per week.