After Diabetes, high blood pressure is the leading cause of kidney disease. If you have high blood pressure, make sure to have blood work done to test for kidney disease. Question the results from your doctor and make sure you are clear on exactly what your kidney function is. There are many people on our Kidney forum who were not told they had early stages of kidney disease. There are ways to prevent damage and slow down the disease if caught in early stages.
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I have seen too many people, along with myself, who left it up to the doctors to tell us if there were any issues with our organs, only to find out later that we could have caught the issue earlier.GP are just that. General practitioners. They know a little about a lot. In the US, a rating of 60 or above GFR ( this shows Kidney function and is one of the blood tests) is shown as normal, so most doctors see that number as normal and go on, but in reality it is stage 2 ( early stage) kidney disease. At that stage, much can I be done to slow down progression.
Please educate yourself and keep yourself healthy. Please share this information with those you love. Here's to a long healthy life!