I only recently found out, by bringing my own monitor to a GP in order to compare the readings, that my blood pressure monitor was showing readings of 15-16 points above the GP's one. My Omron was a number of years old and apparently one has to send these monitors about once every three years to get recalibrated. I trusted my old monitor although I got worried more than once because of very high readings.
Blood pressure monitors need to be re... - High Blood Pressu...
Blood pressure monitors need to be recalibrated

I wouldn't know where to return mine, I got it from Amazon (its an Omron) and I have no idea what firm supplied it. I suppose a large chemist might do it?
Keep the receipt. I remember reading on Omron Web page that it's enough if you give them the serial number and they will know how old the monitor is. I think it comes with 3 years guarantee. But I'll always try to compare mine to my GP's one in about two years time to verify how similar the measurements are.
Well, yes I should have kept the receipt, but its a bit late for that now, I'm not intending to go back to my GP any time soon (famous last words) but next time I'm there I'll take the moniter with me ans see if she'll co-operate.
I'll try dropping Omron an email as well and see what they suggest.
wow thank you for that info ......I didnt realise they had to be( monitors I mean ) re recalibrated ....... try taking a long deep breathe and slowly exhaling whilst BP is being taken.... it calmes me ..... good luck x
Whenever i have bought a new one i always take it to the drs when i have reason to visit to make sure we have similar readings so i know my own is more or less right.
I consider myself to be far from being stupid, but I never thought about it. You must be a lot cleverer than I. Now, thinking back, I think that it's up to our GPs to attract our attention about this recalibration. Don't you agree with me?
Some years ago i had issue with my gp because he wouldnt accept that my readings at home were ok. So i took in my own monitor to prove it and had a 24 hr one fitted to prove i suffer white coat. So now if i buy a new one i take it in.
Not everyone would have their own monitor, most, i would think, accept the reading they get whilst sat infront of their gp.
I was told quite recently, something nobody informed before, that patients can borrow a BP monitor from their surgery for a short period of time. This is important to know when people are given medication for such an important issue as not everybody can buy a monitor.
I expect it wouldnt be offered unless patient asked. I had to wait a couple of weeks for the 24 hr one.
I suppose one has to ask but nobody told me that they're available in the first place. You mean that in a normal surgery you were offered the 24h monitor? Are you a private patient as I only know of a hospital for heart problems where people are given such a specific monitor? What was their findings? Were you given medication for high BP?
My GP referred me to the hospital to get my 24hr one strapped to my arm. The velcro on the cuff was so worn it slipped loose whilst I was driving home so I wasn't sure how accurate it could be. My husband wrapped it closed using selotape and when I returned to the hospital next day I was told off for not using surgical tape!
You just can't win sometimes can you?
I found the whole business highly stressful especially as I don't sleep very well at the best of times (just can't drop off) so being woken up every 60 mins made life pretty impossible. What really pi**ed me off was being reprimanded for the selotape ..... I should have turned round and gone straight back on the way home - but I'd wasted so much time in the waiting room there wasn't much day left.
Amazingly the results were more or less normal so they took me off the diuretic, although they left the other two meds on script.
I don't know how high your BP is nor what medicine you're taking, but after 2 different medicines made the blood results involving the liver look as if I had liver cancer, I just wonder whether you can't start, if you're not yet doing it, some daily physical activity and see if that won't help you in stopping taking the medicine as there is no medicine without side effect.
This is so true, a friend of mine went through the exact same issue and worry. Those bits of kit don't last forever and can cause unnecessary stress.
Exactly. It's strange that nothing is said by the GPs when we're asked about BP results using our monitors at home, as nothing is written either in the information leaflet that comes with the monitors. I was only worried about the batteries running out but nothing about the monitor having to be checked at least every three years.
Ahh thank you for the welcome Rebec! Yes, I'm all about health and nutrition and ridding everyone I know of the ailments (and meds) that have increasingly crept into our lives and stayed over the last 3 decades - like BP!! I don't work in hospitals but I would if it would help. Basically I work with individuals on one a one-2-one basis. One cap doesn't fit all in terms of nutrition, so I don't pretend it does.
I always use a manual bp cuff with a stethoscope. This is the most accurate way to take blood pressure. It's not difficult to learn how to take manual pressures. I would suggest buying a stethoscope to use with osillometric units. This way you can hear the artery to be sure the numbers coincide.
Good idea if someone else uses the stethoscope and not the person having the BP measured as then one is not relaxed and the reading won’t be so accurate.
Don’t you agree with me?
WOW ! Don't Say That. I'm Using A 13 Tear Old Omron Here At Home,,,,, My Goodness ! I Don't Know What's Been Right Then..... [ this one was my moms but my doc said it was the best. but he didn't tell me about calibration ].....