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Lung cancer

Elsy12345 profile image
45 Replies

Hi everyone sorry it’s been such a long time I’ve been on , my mum hasn’t been too well, I’m on to ask a question if anyone knows, my mum got diagnosed with lung cancer on April had 2 weeks radiotherapy 3 times a day , got out of hospital and was fine , now she’s had a sever wheeze and cough that won’t go again, she’s very breathless docs have giving her antibiotics and steriods but nothing taking it away I’m praying the cancer isn’t progressing I’m so so terrified.

I’m really lost and scared 😩

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Elsy12345 profile image
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45 Replies
Caspiana profile image

Hello Elsy, 🙋

I am so very sorry to hear about your mum. It's really hard to say, what's going on. You'd definitely need the doctors to tell you. However, what I do know about radiotherapy is it can cause breathlessness and cough, also known as radiation pneumonitis. What does her doctor have to say about it? Radiotherapy side effects don't usually start immediately, they start a week or so later and get worse before it gets better. It must be very worrying, please do contact her doctor. Sending best wishes to you both.

Cas xx 🌿

Elsy12345 profile image
Elsy12345 in reply to Caspiana

Hi Caspiana Thankyou so much for your reply means a lot I’m just so lost and very scared! My mum has a scan tomorrow with hospital and results on Friday I’m really terrified Incase they say it’s gotten worse , she also has COPD so I’m thinking it could be that also. Just a very frightening time. Thankyou for reply

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Elsy12345

Understandable to be scared Elsy. I am assuming you are your mum's carer ? Although I would be very scared too, please remember that she needs you not to go to pieces at the moment. Please be the advocate for your mum, and although I understand very keenly the impulse to get upset, try to remember that she now needs you to hold her up and not the other way round. Go ready to ask questions, find options and solutions that will help her get through this. Be prepared for all contingencies and do not back down. xx

Elsy12345 profile image
Elsy12345 in reply to Caspiana

Thankyou Caspiana yes I’m my mums carer she’s well other wise just the wheeze and really breathless for the last few weeks , I need to stay strong but my anxiety is over the roof 🤦‍♀️Xx

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Elsy12345

Please let us know how the scan goes Elsy. Thinking of you. xx ❤️

skischool profile image

Elsy,given that your mum had successfull radiotherapy recently i image her consultant is well on top of this and although cancers and tumours are rarely completely irradicated they are normaly reduced to such a size that all that is required is monitoring over a period of time,usually about 3 yrs until until one is declared cancer free.Although i am not in any way qualified to say don't worry i imagine that this may just be an infection of some sort that will be eased by the current meds.?

Best wishes Ski's and Scruffy.


Elsy12345 profile image
Elsy12345 in reply to skischool

Thankyou skischool , this makes sense more now I don’t know much about lung cancer , google is a nightmare so I really appreciate all your kind information I’m praying she’s going to be ok I’m so so scared she’s my best friend x

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Elsy12345

Elsy she will remain your best friend for a very long time as long as you stay away from google.😊 x

Elsy12345 profile image
Elsy12345 in reply to skischool

skischool yes I know google is a horrible thing sometimes I make myself so ill , Thankyou all soooo much wish I could give use a bug hug use make me feel better xx

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Elsy12345

Just look after your mum as you have been doing Elsy and keep giving her all the hugs you have,we are happy just to support you in doing so.😊 x

Elsy12345 profile image
Elsy12345 in reply to skischool

Thankyou use are amazing I really appreciate it all x

CDPO16 profile image

I'm sorry that I can't give you any answers Elsy. Has your mum's doctor arranged for any tests? You didn't say how long she has been taking the steroids and antibiotics and it does take a few days for these to start having some effect. As Caspiana said, try and have a chat with her doctor and ask your questions. Best wishes to both of you.

Katinka46 profile image

I can’t add any more to the replies you have had from our wise members. You are understandably in a very difficult place, just hang in there and come on here to have a moan. It is what we are here for.All the best

K x

johnderby profile image

Hi Elsy. Sorry that your mum is struggling with her breathing. As Caspiana said it could be radiation pneumonitis. This can come on a little while after the radiotherapy. Please try and hold it together and ask all the questions you need answers to on Friday when you see the consultant. Thinking of you and your dear mum and sending you both lots of hugs. John

Ergendl profile image

It's often so much harder when you're the person supporting the patient rather than the patient themselves. Hope it all turns out the best possible way for you both, and good luck being your Mum's advocate in all the medical appointments ahead. Do let us know how you both get on.

Babyboy12 profile image

Good morning Elsy12345 please do not get all worked up just wait for your mom to have her scan and see from there. My twin brother had lung cancer few years back and they took half of his lung away and since than he as been cancer free. Our father as got copd and he only as to walk from the living room to the bathroom and he is out of breath. It could be both for your mom having the radiotherapy and her copd. Please be strong for yourself and mom I know its a worrying. Please let us know how your mom got on at the hospital. As the doctor could be right with haveing the infection. X

Ragrug profile image

Hello E

Ragrug profile image

Hello ELSYJust a quick note,I was also diagnosed with cancer in April 2020 and also have COPD had radiotherapy shrank the tumour but also destroyed some good cells,can't be helped, that did make me feel very wheezy, then a few weeks later I developed a chest infection. It was treated with antibiotics and I got used to the different breathing.Hope for your Mum that it is a few good cells, and she will get used to it. Keep cheerful my daughter is my minder and best friend where would we be without you.

Best regardsragrug

Nannyckae profile image

Hi , sorry your mums unwell but I to have lung cancer and COPD and have just finished radiotherapy. The symptoms you describe were all explained on the fact sheet I was given before having radiotherapy . Possible , cough sun burnt like skin in area of radiotherapy fatigue possible chest infection and breathing can worsen sometimes a week or two after treatment .If in doubt contact mums cancer nurse who will advice or reassure . Hope this helps

Digger0 profile image

Fingers crossed for your Mum's scan today, and for the results on Friday. I'm sure that by the end of the week you will be happier. The Oncologist seems to be on top of it all.

stamford1234 profile image

Sorry to hear your concerns about your Mum, I am sure you are doing a great job looking after her. Don't forget yourself too. All the best

Canabeans profile image

I'm no expert but have they not given her a follow up ct scan normally after about 8 weeks , I think you should ring oncology and ask for an urgent appointment for her to be accessed hope it's just from the treatment my hubby had surgery and still has a cough a very tickly one , hope your mum is sorted soon x

Elsy12345 profile image

@canabeans my mum has to get her scan today and results on Friday 🙏but this cough and wheeze has just came on last few weeks it comes and goes but recently it’s been most days so praying it’s just her COPD OR nothing too serious thanks everyone for lovely kind words use are all amazing and so happy I can chat to u put my mind at rest a little x

Canabeans profile image
Canabeans in reply to Elsy12345

I too am worried about hubby hes developed a cough and gets breathless it seems you just get over one hurdle and another appears hubby is seeing the surgeons team on wednesday xx

Elsy12345 profile image
Elsy12345 in reply to Canabeans

Hoping your hubby starts to feel better soon, thinking of use x

Mary-Jo1 profile image

So sorry Elsy - hope there's better news around the corner.

Alberta56 profile image

Best wishes to you and your mum. Hope the results will set your mind at rest. x

Elsy12345 profile image

@alberta56 Thankyou very much really appreciate your kind words I’m an anxious mess trying to stay postive but so hard x

Nicholatracy profile image

Hopefully the scan will alleviate your fears. Prayers across the pond 🐞

Elsy12345 profile image

Thankyou Nicholatracy will get results on Friday 🙏🙏xx

watergazer profile image

Some good advice above Elsy. Try not to overworry about things that aren’t definite. Sending you Hugs 🤗🤗🤗

Elsy12345 profile image

Hi everyone , my mum has been taken into hospital she was gasping for air her breathing got so bad so there thinking it’s a chest infection I’m really really worried sick to my stomach , I’m not allowed to go in and see her due to the covid carryon. I’m hoping it is jusy a chest infection and not the lung cancer please please pray for my we mum her name is Margaret Thankyou everyone for all your support means a lot x

skischool profile image

Elsy hang on in there,she will be in good hands,Cancer very rarely demonstrates its presense by dramatic changes in health and the chances are that this is a normal though quite serious chest infection that need addressing with a hospital stay and the appropriate meds.Best wishes for a speedy resolution and for your mum to be more comfortable again.

Ski's and Scruff's

🙃😻 x

Elsy12345 profile image

skischool thabkyou u have made me feel a little better I just don’t have no one to talk to or anyone for a little advice I feel totally broken , hopefully the antibiotics kick in soon and she can breath a little better on her own so so scarey seeing her gasp for air they gave her a nebulouser and it helped so I was on FaceTime to her trying to calm her down a little , my heart aches so much Thankyou so much for kind words I really deeply appreciate it xxx

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Elsy12345

Maybe reduce the time on facetime to a minimum for a few days just to give your mum space and time to recover,sometimes when you are struggling to breath too many anxious messages can actually make things even harder,i will leave you to be the best judge on that and wish you both well.


Elsy12345 profile image
Elsy12345 in reply to skischool

Yes definitely I was thinking the same 🤦‍♀️I’m just a worried mess , does anyone know how long it takes for antibiotics to kick in xx

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Elsy12345

A lot depends on the severity of the infection and sometimes a second or even third course are required but quite often with i.v ab's an improvement can be already be observed within a day or two.

Elsy12345 profile image
Elsy12345 in reply to skischool

Ok Thankyou so much skischool xx

Elsy12345 profile image
Elsy12345 in reply to skischool

I don’t no how she got a chest infection when she hasn’t been out the door only at hospital on Monday for her scan but this gasping for air has been going for a long time now good few weeks now needed hospitalised as the antibiotics weren’t working the GP had left her xxx

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Elsy12345

Then she is now in the best possible place to have that breathing issue investigated and resolved,virus's and bacteria surround us in everyday life even when we are at home and the best possible defence is to be as hygenic as possible and in the best possible health to combat them.🙃

Karenanne61 profile image

It all sounds so scary and I feel for you both. There are lots of us on here who are happy to be a listening ear for you.

Elsy12345 profile image
Elsy12345 in reply to Karenanne61

Karenanne61 thankyou means a lot it really does xxx

Karenanne61 profile image
Karenanne61 in reply to Karenanne61


Elsy12345 profile image

GOODMORNING everyone 🤗my mum is still in hospital but so much better today so antibiotics must be working her breathing is a lot better she can breathe on her own 🙏without oxygen, I’m crying happy tears , scan results today, thankyou everyone for all the love and support use are all amazing 🤗🙏xx

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to Elsy12345

Glad to hear your mum is improving in hospital - sometimes IV antibiotics are needed. Fingers crossed for the scan results today.

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