My mum was admitted to hospital recently with a pain in her stomach, following an X-ray and CT they discovered a twisted intestine which was also inflamed anyway that was sorted out and once again mum was fine. The scary bit is the X-ray and CT showed a mass in her lung, some suspicion with her spine and unusual lymph nodes??! Mums had a MRI on her spine and has a lesion which is not yet impacting her spine so the doctors aren’t overly concerned at present. She has a 4cm lump? On her upper right lung which they are having a biopsy on next Thursday. Mum had breast cancer nearly 10 years ago, so the doctors aren’t sure at this stage if it’s breast cancer, primary lung cancer which I’m assuming has spread to bones or something else? It’s quite overwhelming trying to take this all in as since mums hospital admission she’s back to her normal self with no unusual aches or pains (mum has rheumatoid arthritis which is well controlled). Just wondering if anyone has any advice/opinions on what we can expect.
Feeling overwhelmed and scared - Lung Conditions C...
Feeling overwhelmed and scared

Oh dear, how worrying for you. I'm pleased your mum's back to her normal self after that scare and I'm sorry I can't help with advice on this. I'm sure someone with more knowledge will be along soon. Sending you and your mum much love and will be thinking of you. Keep us posted!
Apologies for mistaken identity, but still empathising with your situation and hope things get better for you both.
Oh dear, you must be so worried, I can't really give any advice on this but hope things turn out well and she doesn't have to face any more problems, Thinking of you both, sending love and good thoughts. XXX
No. Fingers crossed 👍❤

Hi Carole must be a very worrying time for you, I really hope things start to get better soon my fingers are crossed for you r mum and my thoughts are with you all. Take care and let us know how things are with you both.😊Bernadette xx
Hi all I dont think this sassy is Carol I think its somone else with same user different number apologies if I'm wrong xxx
You’re spot on Blackbird. My mum passed away in 1991. Xxxx😘👍
Hi all, this is Carole and I’m sassy59 not Sassy19. There seems to be some confusion which I hope can be rectified. Xxx
Hi Carole, think Sassy 19 will have to change her ID, as I also thought it was you, I know your Mum passed long ago. Recently "Breatheasy" changed her ID because of our Beautiful Anne having had a Similar ID. Sorry I have imposed on Sassy 19's Post, I do hope her Mum is ok and Today all went well for her. Sorry I am so late in responding Hun (sassy 19). Love n Hugs to you all & your Mum. xxxxx
Hello Carolina, it’s ok as just a bit of confusion really, no problem.
I’m wishing Sassy19’s mum well and hope things improve for her. Such a worry.
Hope you’re ok sweetie. Love to you and all the family. Xxx 😘💋🥰💖😘
I will change my ID if I can fathom out how lol it will make it easier for everyone ❤️
I did wonder why I was being called Carole, apologies to confuse you. I’ve only recently joined.
Sorry Sassy19 things seem to have gone haywire at the moment.
Sorry to hear about your mum and hope she will be ok. Thinking of you all. Xxxx
Hi Sassy19, please let us know how your Mum gets on. It is awful waiting for tests and results but all you can do is keep busy so the time doesn’t drag. ....PosyP
Good luck to your mum. Hopefully all curable
I’ve been reading up on cancer and obviously there’s a lot of horrible stuff out there so trying to not dwell too much on everything until we get the diagnosis. But from what I’m reading if cancer can it be curable? If they think it’s spread to her bones?
Hello Loki19 .
Please don't read too much on the internet. Your mum's case will be very unique to her. And yes, cancer , caught early can stopped in it's tracks. Your mum being back to her old self, sounds as though she isn't too fazed and will take this (new) bull by the horns. Please just take it a day at a time. I am sure her medical team are very good and will do everything they can to help your mum get a clean bill of health again. You just need to keep her happy, comfy and occupied. 😊 Sending love and hugs,
Cas xx 🌿🌷🌿🍀🌷🌿
I can’t answer your questions (sorry) but just wanted to send best wishes to you and your mum.
Sorry I can't answer any questions or offer advice, but sending hugs and best wishes xx
Thank you all xx
Sorry to hear your news Sassy19 (thats going to be confusing, there has only been one sassy up until now). Its good that your Mum is back to normal and she is feeling ok. I do hope that its in an early stage and can be treated easily, fingers crossed x
Thank you all so much, feeling overwhelmed now by the support here. ❤️
This must be very stressful for you right now, not sure what your mum might have to go through so build up your strength for the coming months. It sounds not too good news, but with all these modern treatments things can often be treated that could not in the past. Take care both and good luck for a speedy treatment .
So sorry to hear this hun. I cant really offer you any advice but do hope that you get support and advice and that the news isnt bad when it comes x
I’m thinking of you and your mum. Liz x
Sassy Sorry but you must leave your treatment to your doctor but personaly if I was in your position I would ask your doctor if a nebuliser with colomycin would be of any help.Or some other drug suitable for your condition and a nebuliser.
The doctor will arrange treatment in time I’m sure, we wouldn’t do anything other than leave it to them.
I’m not quite sure what a colomycin nebuliser would do as my mum hasn’t got a chest infection or any symptoms that require medication at this stage. Thank you for your reply though as any response is appreciated.
Dear Sassy 19,
So sorry to hear about the troubles your mum has been having. The thing is to stay positive, which I know is a tall order, but being positive around your mum will help her no end. My thoughts and my prayers are with the pair of you.
Best wishes. Lilianne.
Sorry to hear about your Mum, all I can say is keep on at the doctors, keep asking them what they are going to do about the mass on her lung, insist that they start treating her straight away, refuse to leave the hospital until they do, it seem these days if you don't insist and keep on at them the doctors put you at the bottom of the treatment list thinking you're not bothered, or that you wont cause them any trouble, they send you away thinking out of sight out of mind, then you can't even get hold of them, instead their secretary keeps fobbing you off saying the doctor is not available, and all the time you are wasting time, time where you could be getting some treatment. Good luck, don't be scared to insist and ask questions about what and when are they going to help your mum.
Marrigold x
Unfortunately I learnt this lesson the hard way earlier in the year when my dad had pneumonia. At his 6 weeks X-ray they discovered he had fluid on his lungs and said they’d just refer him to respiratory who would get back to us. The following week I called ACU to say he wasn’t better and was getting symptomatic and they agreed to see him so spent the day with them having tests and some fluid removed for testing and then sent home again with the same we will get back to you. The following week we were back to ACU again as he had difficulty breathing they removed 750ml from his lung and again sent us home!!! The following week is had enough, complained, told the respiratory department I would phone them twice a day until they did something, they agreed to look over his notes and work out what to do, got a call later that day asking me to take dad back into hospital where he was eventually put on a ward (after having drips put into him whilst sat waiting in a corridor) and had a chest drain inserted. They told us the next day he was seriously ill, they took just over 5 litres from his lung!!! He’s home now recovering but at least the respiratory team know us now and recognised us when they came up onto the surgical ward to speak to us all so fingers crossed they won’t pull that one again!!! It’s very much out of sight, then you must be ok xx
That was awful for you all, just keep on at the doctors over your mum's problems now, you seem to be the one to do this, keep on and on, don't leave it even a week. While i was at the hospital visiting a friend there was a man there doing a sit in because they were doing nothing for his mum, so be careful. Best of luck to you all.
Marrigold X
I think we all would be worried at what is happening but, I know its cheesy to say this, but you can only try to worry about what you know not what you think might be happening. Deal with each day and help her to be positive.
I’m learning this slowly lol
I am the fixer in the family and I’m out of my depth obviously with this one and have no choice other than to sit back and wait for it all to unfold. My mum is fab she says “ it is what it is” “ when we know we will know what we do to deal with it” she’s amazingly strong I wish I was more like her. X
Fingers crossed and try not to worry x
I had breast cancer 30 years ago and have just had 2 heart valves repaired. I think in many ways it's easier for the patient than the relatives. Doctors, nurses etc concentrate on the patient si it can feel bewildering for you. Your mum seems to be feeling how I did on both these serious occasions and her strength will get her through whatever she has to face. I pray that whatever it is it can be treated and cured. God bless. Xxxx
Sorry about Mum, but todays' doctors are highly skilled, and they will sort it out now matter what it is, l'm sure.
I have had a twisted intestine, and it was very painful.
Try not to worry too much, especially around Mum.
My thoughts are with you both, keep positive!
Thank you.
I try my hardest to not worry too much and be positive but it’s hard.
I find myself watching her all of the time to see if she’s having any symptoms. I have noticed her sniffing and she’s a bit hoarse but not sure if really new or something I hadn’t really noticed so much before? I gave my mum two ragdoll kittens last year and I’ve got a few of them myself and need to take an antihistamine otherwise I’d be sniffing all day so guess it could be that.
I don’t know how you all cope so well with it all x