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xdianex profile image
15 Replies

Hi I’m new here and just wanted to ask a bit of advice. Since November last year I’ve had a cough, I went for a chest X-ray came back clear was given antibiotics and flixnase and told it could be postnasal drip. Fast forward to March symptoms not improving and getting worse. I stated taking antihistamines in case it was pollen made no difference.

Called the doctor who by then wasn’t seeing people due to COVID 19 given more antibiotics and an inhaler. Called again a couple of weeks later as still no improvement told maybe it’s Gerd 🙄 anyway up until now I’ve had 2 chest X-rays 3 lots of antibiotics, the inhaler, omeprazole and antihistamines. He’s wanting to send me for an endoscopy and said at the beginning I need some breathing tests. He also said I might need a course of steroids but I need the tests first...... I’ve not seen anyone in all this time not even my own gp. I’m constantly coughing it starts dry then becomes productive as the day goes on. I’m waking on a morning feeling like I can’t take a deep breath then end up having a coughing fit. My lungs feel raw. My mum has severe COPD and my dad died at 56 with obstructive airway disease. I know it’s not the doctors fault everything is shut down but I feel like I have to just put up and shut up. I feel like all I do is moan ☹️ should I keep phoning my doctor or should I just wait?

Thanks Diane

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xdianex profile image
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15 Replies
Damon1864 profile image

Hi and welcome, sorry there is no really useful advice I can give you, I think you may have to get your diagnosis before the GP can get you the right medication. I know it's not much help but hopefully it won't be too long before you get the hell you need. Have a good day and take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx xx 🌈

Welcome xdeianex

I would ask for a referral to consultant or at least a CT scan, you have been dealing with this for a long time, too long so you need a diagnosis. Hospitals are seeing people other than covid patients now so just say those words, I need referral to a specialist, I need a proper diagnosis to get the proper treatment.

Meantime ask your doctor for carbocisteine, and drink plenty of water to help keep the mucus thin and more easily coughed up.

Also ask your doctor for a sputum sample pot that you can use. How do you go about getting this.

If what you are coughing up is discoloured you need to get a sputum sample in for testing, ask your doctor how to go about this at current time.

You may want to start practising the ACB techniquie and have tissues by your side if the huff stage allows you to cough somethinh up, (drinking plenty of water each day will help you)


Hope you can get the CT scan arranged and appointment with respiratory consultant before too long.

Best wishes

PS don't put up and shut up, make yourself heard x x

RoadRunner44 profile image

I completely agree with Bkin. You really must not put up with this waiting to see if things get better any longer. Your symptoms havent improved and your doctor doesnt really know whats wrong. You need to see a consultant who will organise the right tests and scans to determine what is causing your symptoms. Don't let this go, you only have one life and need to be able to enjoy it.

peege profile image

Can't add any more to above except to say chest xrays don't always show anything. I had many, all came back 'clear' apparently. One technician once asked me if I'd had TB so clearly they were not clear grrrr.

the CT scan finally showed the damage so I could get the appropriate treatment.

The breathing test will be either a spirometry (some GPs have the gadget or could be a LFT, lung function test.

Don't hold back in getting your needs met. I suffered for 3 years before I got treatment from being a woose. If I had my time over I'd see a private consultant for the tests and diagnosis.

Good luck, Peege

MissKota profile image

Your back story sounds so familiar to me. I went through a similar process and barrage of tests but it wasn’t until I had a CT scan as a last resort that they discovered I have bronchiectasis.

Ask your GP for a referral to respiratory and a CT scan.

If you aren’t producing infected sputum it’s unlikely that antibiotics or steroids will work so you definitely need a sputum test ASAP.

Keeping fingers crossed for you.

Kat 🤞🏻

Enniskillen profile image
Enniskillen in reply to MissKota

I have been diagnosed with Bronchiectasis as well this year. How does it affect you? I have an auto immune condition Sjögren’s syndrome as well. I have a dry cough worse in mornings. I am terrified I may have another infection as I’m prone to infection. I sometimes don’t know what to do for the best.

MissKota profile image
MissKota in reply to Enniskillen

Hi, I’ve been diagnosed for about 9 years now and I get regular infection 3/4 times a year with a lot of green/grey mucus. It also seems to flare up with weather changes and strong smells - that’s when I get the dry cough and breathing problems but not actual infections. I think it goes without saying that I’m tired a lot of the time, and have learned to do things slowly with lots of rests in between.

Do you have a ‘rescue pack’ of antibiotics and steroids at home? I haven’t found an inhaler that works for me but I have salbutamol for emergencies and take carbocisteine daily to thin the mucus. Also morning clearance physio helps.

When I was first diagnosed I tried all the different gadgets and even bought a Flutter Pipe but tbh every time I used it, it sounded like someone farting in the bath so I would get the giggles. Needless to say I gave up on it.

Your dry cough could just be down to dry air and a humidifier might help but I would phone your GP or 111 just for peace of mind. These are very frightening times for us with compromised health.

Take care and stay safe.

Kat x

Enniskillen profile image
Enniskillen in reply to MissKota

I’ve never been prescribed steroids. No don’t have a rescue pack of antibiotics. I have a lot of on going tests. I have a fear of more lung involvement due to the Sjögren’s. I’m not breathless tbh. Cough quite a lot. Feel if I have a lot of phlegm in my throat. I keep clearing my throat as well. The more I goggle the more down I get about the whole situation. I was supposed to have an urgent bronchoscope back in May the consultant decided against it thought the changes was due to Bronchiectasis. I keep thinking what else due to my underlying Sjögren’s. It’s all making me really anxious. Our doctors in the present situation won’t see anyone. Apparently no telephone slots available either. Sorry for the long rant x

MissKota profile image
MissKota in reply to Enniskillen

That’s okay, I know how you feel, I was like that at first. You feel like it’s a battle getting any answers or people to listen to you. At the very least you should have two weeks’ supply of antibiotics to keep at home. Tell the receptionist at your GP you should have the Rescue pack antibiotics. The GP should prescribe without needing to see you as they are for standby.

Also, take a look at this...


I found it to be really helpful.

Lastly, we’re you given information on how to clear secretions? (Lung physio)

Stay safe

Kat x

Enniskillen profile image
Enniskillen in reply to MissKota

Thank you kat x

Enniskillen profile image
Enniskillen in reply to MissKota

How does the Bronchiectasis affect you as I have had a diagnosis of it as well?

xdianex profile image

Thanks everyone I’m going to call again.... I’ve just finished another course of antibiotics that apart from making me feel sick have done nothing 🙄 xx

Iris99 profile image

Agree with everything the others have said, sounds like my own experience too. Just to add to this, even after bronchiectasis diagnosis I still carried on coughing and nothing showed up in sputum samples. A few years later I was given a course of ciprofloxacin ( abroad) for a bad stomach upset. Not only did it deal with the tummy issues practically immediately, it also to my joy got rid of the infection causing the coughing and since then have never been as bad again. I get the occasional flare ups and always have a rescue pack of antibiotics ( not ciprofloxin though, the doctors don’t like prescribing it) . Good luck and persevere with requesting a CTScan.

xdianex profile image

Quick update managed to get another phone constellation with a doctor...... they are still saying they can’t get me into a respiratory clinic for tests and that because my X-rays looked fine they won’t refer me to a specialist yet. They have now given me a Beclomethasone inhaler to take twice a day and said to carry on taking the salamol if and when needed. She’s going to call back in two weeks to see how I’m getting on and said it takes a good five days to see if the new inhaler works. I’ve been referred to ent to see if it’s anything irritating my throat but still not had anything for that..... personally I can’t see it being that as throat isn’t sore 🤷‍♀️ sooo still in limbo 🙄 Thanks to everyone that replied, I sometimes feel like a right moaner but fed up of feeling so rubbish with my chest. X

Ergendl profile image
Ergendl in reply to xdianex

It could be useful for you to see the ENT department even if you don't think that's the cause, because they will tell the GP if they think it is a lung problem which should be referred to a respiratory consultant. Wishing you all the best, and hoping you get sorted very soon.

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