Pneumonia.: Hi Guys. I don’t post on... - Lung Conditions C...

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Mavary profile image
70 Replies

Hi Guys. I don’t post on here often and would like to ask a question. How long does it take to get over pneumonia. I suffer with mild asthma as well. I think I’ve had every antibiotic in the book but still have it in my left lung. I’ve got no energy and am still coughing. I’m also short of breath. Alongside of this my hiatus hernia decided to play up and I’ve got to be very careful what I eat. I think that’s why I got pneumonia in the first place. Because I wasn’t eating very well. I’ve lost nine pounds in weight it was eleven due to not being able to eat very well. I’ve now put back on two pounds by eating jelly, custard and yogurts. Everything has fat or spices in it. I so miss not being able to eat nice things and I’d love to feel able to go out for a walk or something but I’ve absolutely no energy. I have to go for an X Ray on the 27th June and then see a Consultant on 7th August. I’m also going for the camera into my stomach on 6th June. I just hope I feel a bit better by then. Should I still be feeling like this or should I start feeling better now? I’ve now had the cough for just over three weeks and my hiatus hernia has played up for about four weeks.

Has anyone any advice on how I can feel better?

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Mavary profile image
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70 Replies
Annie31 profile image

I don't think I can be a lot of help except to say that my sister-in-law had pneumonia last year and she was in hospital for a week and on discharge was told by the consultant to completely rest for six months because that is how long it would take to get over it. Perhaps your asthma is exacerbating the coughing, perhaps check with the doc if youre unhappy about that.

She did suffer with breathing difficulties for quite a while until she started to feel really better. I would say you are still in the early throes of it at this stage.

Robin77 profile image
Robin77 in reply to Annie31

Yes, I always needed at least 6 months too to be really OK - but that was from the point where the acute infection was gone. Mavary says infection is ongoing in left lung.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Annie31

Thanks Annie 31.

My Consultant said not to do anything for six weeks. I suppose I’m trying to run before I can walk.

Mavary profile image

Hi Robin 77.

I saw my Dr on Thursday and he prescribed yet another lot of antibiotics. He told me I’ve had nearly all of them. I’m now on Co-amoxiclav. I had Doxycline intravenously in hospital, plus Clarithromycin orally. I was sent home with Amoxicillin which was changed to Co-amoxiclav on Thursday. I’m a bit worried as nothing seems to get rid of the infection completely. Admittedly I did start with double pneumonia and it is now just in the left side. I just feel so weak in everything I do. Thank you for your post.

Mavary profile image

I think my family think I’m swinging the lead a bit. One of my Sons think I should get up early in the morning and go down the town for a coffee. He may be joking of course. He’s well known for that. I’ve told him I’m nowhere near fit enough for that. Another one says I shouldn’t have antibiotics and should get over it on my own and he’s got COPD. He’s hiding his head in the clouds. I’ve told him he’s going to kill himself if he doesn’t look after himself. The one who says about going for coffee is getting my shopping for me. My Neice is coming to clean so not too bad. I still have to get up, make my bed, empty the bin, do the washing, get my meals and wash up. A simple task usually but a struggle feeling like this.

Mavary profile image

i Can manage what I have to do. I just take my time doing it. If I get halfway through something and can’t manage it I leave it till I can. My Sister would cook for me if I asked but my tummy is so cantankerous I wouldn’t even ask her. It’s all trial and error what I can eat. I had pneumonia and TB when I was young so my lungs aren’t going to be that good anyway. It’s surprising how one organ in your body can make you feel so useless. You’ve been so helpful in your posts. Thank you.

O2Trees profile image

Ive thought about leaving this reply as my experience has been very different to others here but it gives some variation.

Ive had double pneumonia twice, once three years ago and then this March. Both times I've been given tazocin intravenously in hospital, and Im a bit surprised if you haven't had this one. One of the consultants called it the grand-daddy of them all (ABs!). I had it for 5 days first time, then on the recent admission I had it for three weeks, the final week being administered by the Hospital at Home team. The key to totally getting rid of pneumonia is being given a strong enough AB and for long enough. What Robin says is right - you are still ill so you aren't in a position to have any idea how long recovery will take, let alone go down the town for a coffee - words fail me!

I think recovery may depend on how fit you were before the infection took hold. I was pretty fit for someone with borderline very severe copd and bronchiectasis, but when I came out of hospital this time I couldn't walk without support and then only a few steps. But I built up my strength by doing a tiny bit more each day and slowly began to do the PR exercises I do at home, plus working out an eating programme to put back the ten pounds I had lost. I too had digestive problems which have subsided a bit now but I think this is quite normal especially as the ABs etc make your stomach more acid.

My respiratory nurse kept warning me not to go too fast, to remember how ill I'd been, and that I might not be able to get back to where I was before I got ill and, like everyone here is saying, recovery could well take six months. However she still referred me to the senior physio for assessment for PR as I was not allowed to go back to my weekly maintenance session without doing the PR course all over again (rules is rules!). But the physio said i only needed to do 4 sessions of the course and she would monitor me. I just finished on thursday, doing 440 metres in the six minute walk test. My copy of the respiratory nurse's letter to my GP said I am now back to normal activity and strength. This has taken a little over 2 months and Im hoping, depending on the waiting list that I'll be back to the maintenance sessions in a week or two.

I have no idea how Ive been able to do this, unless it's sheer determination. But I know only too well that it's not possible for everyone - if you have painful joints for instance you aren't able to exercise in the same way as someone without pain. Many have heart problems which makes it difficult. I wish you a good recovery Mavary but not until your infection has properly gone. Otherwise you risk hospital. My thoughts are with you - as said above, don't be afraid to ask for anything you need, and to tell them how you are feeling. It is vital you get everything needed to get rid of the pneumonia. Good luck :)

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to O2Trees

Hi O2Trees.

I was very fit before this happened. I’ve got mild asthma which I know about if I get a cold. Otherwise my heart is good and I’m pretty fit. I’m sure I got it because my hiatus hernia started playing up and I couldn’t eat anything. I tried to get an appointment for the Dr when I first had hiatal pains. I couldn’t get in but he phoned me. He made me ring 999 and get an ambulance with blue flashing lights out. I told him it wasn’t my heart but he wouldn’t listen. Imagine how embarrassed I was when they came. They checked me over and it was fine. The trouble is my blood pressure went so high they stayed for an hour and a half. They said they usually take people in with blood pressure like I had but because I was aware of it and so was my Dr they wouldn’t. I breathed a sigh of relief. I’ve got white coat syndrome. Anything stresssfull and it shoots up sky high yet first thing in the morning at home it’s so low I’ve got a job to wake myself up. The Dr said I have to go back in a week if I’m no better and he will send me for another X Ray. I had double pneumonia twice when I was young and it was double pneumonia I had this time. First thing in the morning can be quite scary as I wake up not able to breathe very well. After using my ventolin it loosens up. It’s not a nice feeling though. I find sleeping up high helps.

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to Mavary

Yes, I slept in a chair most of the time I was in the hospital, no chance of lying down. Besides the pneumonia I'd had type 2 respiratory failure which was terrifying and my breathing was pretty awful for about a week til the steroids kicked in properly. And i had hideous oedema right up to my knees which took several weeks to subside after I came home.

But I don't understand why the blue light thing felt embarrassing - I've had that several times now and all I feel is thank goodness they're taking it seriously. Im surprised you didn't get taken to hospital, especially having had TB as a child - that would surely be bound to have compromised your lungs. I don't know if this is a postcode lottery thing. Although Im quite scared of hospitals Im always so relieved to be taken in if Im that ill. Having said that, my consultant said I should be home asap as hospitals are dangerous places for people with pneumonia, hence the final week with the hospital at home team.

I see Sassy has mentioned Lansoprazole which could help if you're not already on it - also sleeping on your left hand side might help with keeping acid in your stomach at night. Very best wishes recovering your previous fitness.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to O2Trees

Thanks O2 Trees. I dont know if they did read TB on my notes. I never even thought to mention it. Apparently the pneumonia killed the TB when I was about four years old. I know I was very ill at the time.

Marie22 profile image
Marie22 in reply to Mavary

You must tell them about TB, i had whopping cough as a baby, that damaged my lungs, but didn't affect me until I was 80.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Marie22

Will do.

carolg1 profile image
carolg1 in reply to O2Trees

Hi O2Trees it’s Carol could you have a look at my recent post re digestion I’m having such an awful desperate time at the minute wondered if you having any advice for me xxx

Mavary profile image

Will do. Thanks.

sassy59 profile image

I just want to wish you well Mavary and please take one day at a time. Do you have medication for the hiatus hernia. I take a maintenance dose of Lansoprazole 15mg per day.

Take care xxxxx

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to sassy59

Hi Sassy.

I take omeprazole twice a day. My Dr gave me Rinitidine as well but it didn’t do a thing. I put the camera off a few years ago when I doubled up on the omeprazole. I know I have to have it now as it’s pretty bad.

Thanks Sassy. Xxxxxx

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Mavary

Love and best wishes Mavary. Xxxxx

longlungs profile image

Hello Marvary so sorry to hear that you have been proper poorly by the sounds of it, Im hoping your through the worst of it now and on the road to recovery.I have no experience with pneumonia or hernias and find myself very grateful for that,so cant swap notes.But reading your post seems like your doing all that is right for getting back to normal or maybe a new normal?any illness that we suffer with at our advancing years takes longer to get back on track ,so hang in there your getting there. I do hope that infection thats left in lung goes quick so take things easy baby steps for now eh.Its lovely to see you please takecare and get well soon. Janexxx

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to longlungs

Thanks Jane. Nice to hear from you too.

I’m still not well by a long way. It’s a bit worrying how many antibiotics I’ve had. The Consultant did say I may need some steroids down the line but the Dr says not yet. I can’t believe how poorly I’ve felt.

Anyway how are you doing?

Mavis. Xx

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply to Mavary

Antibiotics now theres a subject and a half! lol, I have too say my body doesnt like them these days they make me feel worse on top of already suffering an exacerbation,Fortunately i dont get those very much and if I do feel the slightest symptom I start swallowing my diy oregano capsules and so far so good nothing has taken hold that Ive needed anything further. Also i take my canna capsules daily so this helps with any inflammation .Ive had a right turnaround in my thoughts re supplements or natural healing remedies .Im terrible cos I do lots of research scare the pants off myself then wonder why I have so much anxiety and panic attacks! Having said that what I do now is when I feel that rush of fear wash over me Ifirst get sniffing some lavender essential oil which slows your heart down within a few minutes then I get my camera on my phone and video myself so I chat away about nothing and everything and almost immediately I feel calm coming back in w hich is blinking fantastic cos panic knocks my door most days but now I have it under control. I still meditate . I have white coat syndrome too and my doc kept upping my bp tablets to the highest dose I really wasnt happy so bought a bp machine and guess what normal readings, gotta watch these docs and keep them on their toes :) So Mavis Im pretty darn good thank-you. A funny thing to end on when I first started recording myself I played it back and noticed I burped loudly,well I thought thats not very nice Jane so went back on Phone And apologised for such bad manners :O as if there were people listening silly mare Iam. Gotta smile Janexxx

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to longlungs

I smiled too Jane. The thing is I don’t feel nervous but when I went into hospital last week my blood pressure was over 200 over 87. When I’m home it can be 120 over 67. So it’s only when I get nervous. My Mum my Auntie and Uncle were all the same and lived until they were all 85. So I don’t fret over it. It took a long time for me to accept that I needed blood pressure tablets as I knew I had a nervous one. I think I agreed to take them round about the time I lost Mike. I think that pushed me over the edge and I knew it was time. I still only take one though.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to longlungs

Good to see you again Jane. Hope you’re doing ok. Xxxx 😘

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply to sassy59

Thank-you sassy nice to see you too.Ive been a little nervous of coming back on as I was away for quite a while but hey your all such a lovely bunch of peeps I thought why not I should put a post up but a little lost for words! oh how we laughed. The mood has to grab me if you know what I mean timing is everything :).

Iam pretty good have had lots of stuff go on these past few years which did have an effect mentally on me so I bowed out of all things and took time out to heal Iam such a woos these days but Iam also very strong and never say die me,Im defo that bad penny or the come back queen hahaha.

Hows your Pete doing? Has he had any help with his back? and of course his lungs how are you both coping?

Keepwell be happy and breatheasy Janexxx

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to longlungs

It’s so good to have you back and I’ve often thought of you. I will pm as don’t want to detract from Mavary’s post. You take care xxxx

Donkster profile image

Hi Mavary

I had the same as you if you want some tips try Gaviscon to relive the hiatus hernia. Then if you have managed to get out of the chair you have been sleeping in just try and walk the more you do the more breath you get back. Avoid chocolate, coffee, caffein in general plus any alcohol small steps to start with.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Donkster

Hi Donkster. I’m not allowed gaviscon with the omeprazole. Only on a one off. I avoid most things as my stomach doesn’t like much at all.

Thank you for posting.

Donkster profile image
Donkster in reply to Mavary


Like you I’ve been intolerant to many foods gluten dairy corn even etc you would be fine taking Gaviscon if you was needing it. Try breathing exercises breathing so your stomach moves before you’re chest does it might help settle your stomach

peege profile image

Hiya Mavis, so sorry to hear you're so unwell.

O2 is right when she says the best antibiotic and for at least three weeks. Co- amoxiclav isn't bad, as long as you take it for long enough. Azithromycin did it for me on a three month course at 500mg - after many different abs over the previous two months. Was hell on the gut but high strength probiotics helped enormously. I hope they're testing your sputum for the best ab for the bacteria you have.

I'm afraid it could take months to get back to your previous fitness. Please don't overdo anything, I know it's the biggest pain in the **** but it's the only way to do it. Drink plenty of fluids, I avoid fat, red meat, most oils except olive, acid foods, sugar, fizzy stuff and alcohol for acid reflux.

Good luck my dear. Peege xx

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to peege

Thanks Peege. I think I may be ringing 111. I forgot the Drs are on holiday tomorrow. I just want a good nights sleep tonight then sort things tomorrow if it doesn’t get any worse. My stomach is driving me dotty. I was able to eat anything about five weeks ago. Now I have to be careful with everything.

Ramy22 profile image

Co-amoxiclav sorted my pneumonia after a couple of weeks and everything got back to normal and, apart from asthma, I was fine for 2 years until bronchiectasis set in as a direct result of the pneumonia .... so take it easy!!!!!!

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Ramy22

Hi Ramy.

I’m taking Co-amoxiclav but am getting worse on it. I asked the Consultant if this would make my asthma worse or if I would get anything because of it. He said no I should recover fine. You see they don’t always know do they.

Ramy22 profile image
Ramy22 in reply to Mavary

The antibiotics may still work. They are very good! And all may still be well!

lungnorm profile image

There is no rule on how long pneumonia will last. Can last forever if its not treated correctly. Usually if the selected antibiotic does not appear to be doing anything the doctor should change the antibiotic. I have had pneumonia for varying lengths of time usually 2 weeks but has dragged on for 4 weeks.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to lungnorm

I think I’ve taken everything and none of it is working. My temperature this morning is 37.5. Mine is usually 36.3.

Alfiebax2 profile image

It can take up to 6 months before you are completely over it but I think with your other complaints this is not helping your recovery .Good luck with your forthcoming spots.

Love Babs 😎

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Alfiebax2

Thanks Babs.

B0xermad profile image

Hi mavary I have had 2 hospital stays with pneumonia in 2 yrs and although the stay is short, 6 week recovery to feel better and less weak but at least 6months for full recovery if lung conditions are what you have also to contend with .day at a time and wih you well

katieoxo60 profile image

Hello, sorry to hear it is ill health that as prompted you to post. It does take some time to get over Pneumonia. Don't you have the injection for prevention as you are asthmatic? Too late now but maybe worth considering when you are better to prevent another long spell of illness. If you feel able take a short walk , but not if you still feel ill. You will need to gradually rebuild your stamina like after an operation, one step at a time is the motto do not overdo it.Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to katieoxo60

Hi Katieoxo60.

I didn’t think I would be posting on here for myself. I keep my eye on the group but only read things I may be able to help with. I’m getting fed up now. I’ve missed every day of sunshine. I walk across to feed the birds but not a lot else. Of course being on my own I have to do things. I’ve got my Son to do my shopping and my Neice ( love her heart) is doing my cleaning. I just wouldn’t have the energy. By the time I’ve made the bed sorted my meals, washed up and emptied the bin I’ve had it.

Anyway how are you keeping. X

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to Mavary

Hello again, my grandchildren help me. Not easy when you are on your own. Guess I am still coping quite well but not A1 . The heat causes problems for my chest and at present I am seeing the physio for the joint pain. My granddaughter says I'm going to live to 150 years old, no thanks if I can't control my illnesses. Have a good day, we have had thunderstorms here past few days. xx

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to katieoxo60

We’ve had thunderstorms too. The only Granddaughters that are old enough. One is in Uni up country and the other has not long had a baby. I don’t think the latter would be into housework. It’s my own fault for having boys. Not that I would change them.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to katieoxo60

Hi Katie. I did have the pneumonia injection but apparently they only cover you for certain bugs. The Consultant told me there are lots of different pneumonia bugs.

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to Mavary

Sounds a bit like the flu ones , don't protect you from all types of the virus/bacteria. hope you feel better soon.x

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to katieoxo60

Thought I was covered and am not. I didn’t know it. I knew the flu one they only covered you for certain strains. You learn something new every day. X

Marie22 profile image

CT scan would show a lot more than an X Ray. Could be cancer. Sorry.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Marie22

I hope not! I never even thought of that. Still you never can tell.

Marie22 profile image
Marie22 in reply to Mavary

My husband had several X-rays before going into hospital, Dr said indigestion 2nd Dr said the same. Nothing in the X-rays. He was so ill, I called the ambulance. I told the hospital Dr CT scan was needed. They did that and found cancer, we couldn't believ it either .this was last September. Radiotherapy in Feb. He is doing well now.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Marie22

Oh no! That’s awful. The Consultant said I had blobs on the bottom of my lungs. I’m glad he got over it. That must have been quite a scare for you.

watergazer profile image

hi Mavary it took me at least 6 months to feel better. Slow and steady with everything so don't except to run yet! My x rays showed shadows (the pneumonia) for a few times so I was sent for a CT scan which showed lots of damage to my tubes hence a slow recovery. Take care.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to watergazer

I hope I don’t have problems like that but I know I’ve been quite rough. My normal time for bed is twelve or after. Since I’ve been ill it’s ten. I could even go earlier. I won’t know any more until I go for my X Ray on 27th June.

Mavary profile image

Thanks Dickinson.

Did your temperature still go up when you were on antibiotics? I didn’t think it should but maybe that’s how it is. It’s knowing what’s right and wrong . I know after about a month I still feel rough. I just think I should feel a little better even if I do feel weak.

roly79 profile image

hi Mavary, have had pneumonia twice which makes asthma worse. it took me atleast a month of tottering around like a 90 yr old, I'm in my 30s,before I started to recover. lots of vitamin supplements recommended by doc to fuel your immune system cod liver oil is supposed to help and magnesium helps soothe the asthma, also a humidifier let's me sleep at night without coughing fits and a cloth face mask in cold air made the difference between breathing and an asthma attack. take it easy and take your time. also remedial massage can help loosen up the chest muscles that tighten up around the lungs when you're unwell. best of luck

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to roly79

Thank you Roly 79. Did you still have a temperature even though taking antibiotics?

Optimism profile image

Hello. It took me 3 months to feel normal again. One advice for you is to stop thinking about it too much. That was my problem. If you think about it too much, it causes you anxiety and depression and you'll have more difficulty breathing. It'll be hard for you to recover. Don't rush. You'll be fine soon. Just relax.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Optimism

I’m fine as regards depression. I dont get like that. I just feel rotten at the moment.

donut43 profile image

Take as long as you like until you are 100% sure and confident. Keep tabs regularly with GP and Resp team. It ranges from a month to 6 months depending on your problems age and GP.


Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to donut43

Thanks Dan I appreciate that.


bexx profile image

i had pneumonia twice and I should have done this but if it gets any worse or get any new symptoms go to A&E as you might need the antibiotics intravenusly did they put you on steriods at all?

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to bexx

No they haven’t bexx. They did say I may need some somewhere down the line. It looks that might be coming. Thank you. My Granddaughter is nicknamed Becs. You made me think of it.

punkyb profile image

My husband got pneumonia this year and he is struggling just as you are. He has complained of the same weight loss and other symptoms. However he only had to take one antibiotic. I know pneumonia is nothing to mess with so take it easy on yourself and do everything you can to heal. keep loving healing thoughts toward your body. Let us know how you are doing....I pray the consult with your DR goes well...

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to punkyb

Hi punky. So sorry to hear your Husband has pneumonia too. I have felt a little better this afternoon. I can understand how your Husband is feeling. I just feel wiped out. It’s taking me so long to do anything.

punkyb profile image

it is probably the antibiotics tiring you out...

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to punkyb

Hi Punkyb

How’s your Husband doing now?

punkyb profile image
punkyb in reply to Mavary

he is baking a banana bread right now so I think that is a sign he is better. he is alpha male and talks

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to punkyb

Mmm! Sounds nice.mine could cook a dinner but he wouldn’t have known how to cook a cake.

Ramy22 profile image

I’ve only just caught up with this Mavary. How are you now? Are you feeling better? I do hope so! X

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Ramy22

Still coughing well and woke up with tight breathing. Was lucky I’d gone to the loo a couple of hours before so could hang on until my ventolin worked. I’m now waiting to hear from the results of the X Ray and blood test which I had at the end of the week. I should hear tomorrow hopefully.

punkyb profile image

he is feeling better. He has to go for a cat scan because they found a nodule on his lung. So we will know more next month

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to punkyb

Oh dear! Hope it’s nothing to worry about.

punkyb profile image


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