Terrible taste in my mouth after stop... - Lung Conditions C...

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Terrible taste in my mouth after stopping smoking.

Mariehope profile image
20 Replies

I have been stopped smoking for 4 months.i had been a pack a day for thirty years. It's not been easy for me, I have really struggled with it. I have put 2 stone on in weight, and have felt awful and ill with my chest the full 4months. I have been an asthmatic from being a child. I have taken seretide and ventolin inhalers for years now. What is worrying me is since packing the fags in , I keep getting a bad taste in my mouth,and I was wondering if that has happened to anyone else on the site? Thank you. Marie.

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Mariehope profile image
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20 Replies
Louisiana profile image

I PROMISE that you will feel much better eventually - I had smoked for 51 years and I did manage to stop but was tempted many times to just have one :x But, the yearning does go away......good luck. I didn't have a bad taste in my mouth, but we are all different. Perhaps I didn't have the nasty taste because I literally lived on tea biscuits - I just had to put something in my mouth!!! :p Good luck :)

megannell profile image

"Marie.... Yes! it happened exactly the same for me too. I had been smoking for year's, I am 68. and a few months ago was diagnosed with stage 4 COPD. It frightened me so much I stopped smoking instantly that very day and have been to scared to put a cigarette anywhere near my mouth since. But! like you I had the most foulest of taste's I had the worst cough ever.. I had exacerbation one after another I felt so ill. But!!! a big but! I a bit further on down the line and I now feel amazing. my breathing as improved my taste buds have come back. True I have put a little weight on. But I was only 6stone 0 pounds.. so I was grateful for the extra weight.. so please don't give up for you will eventually lose that dreadful taste.. and well done for giving the cigarettes up..be proud yourself.... Megan.."

O2Trees profile image

Big respect Mariehope. Don't give up quitting, you're a star. The advantages are everything, the negatives are tiny in comparison. The taste will pass :)

katieoxo60 profile image

Hello Mariehope, Well done for giving the fags a push. Sadly the weight gain is very common when you give up I put on about two stone so understand how you feel. Your chest should improve somewhat given time and the taste in your mouth is best treated with mouthwash I have found. Fruit juice makes it taste better too, salt water is another. It's probably because the smoking deadens the taste buds then they come alive when we give up the fags. Keep trying till you find a solution for you it helps take your mind of cigarettes. Once again well done.

patj profile image

Well done I gave up 7months ago and have suffered ever since been ill and feel so much worse for not smoking. But I have copd so I know the benefits will be great to give up, it has been really hard but I have done it and will never go back. I had smoked for 40 odd years. No bad taste in my mouth though but as has already been said we are all different. Keep up the good work.

Lolly2 profile image

Hi Marie, Good for you being able to quit! It is one of the hardest addictions to conquer!

I had a bad taste as well, but just for a while. My sense of smell has come back with a vengeance, and I now carry a Vick's inhaler stick in case someone nearby has B.O.....Lol.


eightyplus profile image
eightyplus in reply to Lolly2

Old Nicotine will do anything to lull you back into his embrace Mariehope. Don't let it win, stay quit and enjoy a new life, neither you or your loved ones would enjoy the alternative.

Offcut profile image

Firstly do Not Smoke AGAIN EVER!

Once you stop smoking the rubbish you used to inhale and coat your throat and lungs and mask the taste buds. The act of putting the smoke into the lungs keeps some of the rubbish in there and this is now trying to move out. It is like not washing the bottom of bin now and then.

I gave up in 1992 and my GP tells me he considers me a non smoker now.

well done you it will take time for things such as taste buds and weight to get back to normal each day you do not smoke you extend your life that bit more.

jimmyw123 profile image

just as eighty plus says,,,,, old nick!! y teen will do anything to get you back,,, dont let him!!! thats the most important thing you have done,in stopping smoking, you WILL reap the rewards,,,, you deserve a medal mariehope,:)

try anything to taste your mouth, i found drinking pure lemon juice sorted him out [old nicy i mean :) ] but anything to taste your mouth, i even chewed on raw garlic,[still do, no friends :D ] but not every ones cup of tea,, but whatever pleases you,,, but never let him win!!!

kindest thoughts and best regards,, jimmy xxx

onamission profile image

Well done for giving up the cigs I gave up 10 years ago and for months I coughed worse than I did on the cigs my mouth tasted discussing no matter how many times a day I brushed my teeth but this does go I promise

Pollycolly profile image
Pollycolly in reply to onamission

Hi how long did it take for this horrid taste to go. I quit 13 months ago my mouth tastes really vile. It’s not as bad as it was initially, but still vile taste when I wake up in the morning. Also nausea feeling sometimes, I think this is related to my taste. Anyone else feel nauseous.

helingmic profile image

Mariehope, You chose a wonderful nickname. Although you feel grotty, and I really sympathise wiht you there, You will feel better. Ot's all that smoke and tar that's coming out. You are doing yourself a great service. Not smoking will lengthen your life, you will feel lighter and freer.

I've only smoked passively, but I have COPD thanks to my father who smoked for my 19 1/2 years I was at home. My father's dead now. He used to say that was his only pleasure in life. I had to take myself in hand when I got my illness. But if you do, eat properly, do your exercises and sleep well, it will produce fruit. It took 30 years of smoking to realise you needed to stop. You won't take 30 years to get rid of the side effects of not smoking any more, but stick with it, you are doing a great job. Big red stars for you.

Dawnie74 profile image

Did anyone bring up phlegm after giving up smoking

Sutton1 profile image
Sutton1 in reply to Dawnie74

No it’s hard get the rubbish move it’s hard and slow going

Sutton1 profile image

Yes iv got a bad taste since I gave up it’s been hard I say it the quit train from hell and we need all the help we can get to finish with this habit

Chance0_oPike profile image

Hello Everybody. I have been smoking for 5 years now.. I had a few attempts to quit smoking and I experienced something similar last time I tried ( i quit for 3 months back then). I was coughing wheezing and it was tough. But the doctors told me it is actually a good sign.

Smoking kills most of the lung cilia cells which are sensitive.. When we quite smoking, these cells regenerate and they sense tar and all the other bad things in the lungs, resulting in intense cough. The coughing should last about 3 weeks but you will feel better than ever after that... Unfortunately for me, I got back into smoking again and this is my 4th attempt. I have not smoked for 1 week now. I am using nicotine patches which has been the most effective so far in helping.

quittingisinMind profile image
quittingisinMind in reply to Chance0_oPike

how i stopped smoking, heavy smoker since 1981.

Met an old friend in Nov 2017, after decades and offered him a smoke, but was surprised when he told me he quit. How? He fell sick, didn't smoke for a day, and made up his mind, if can quit for a day, why not try another day and another day and another day. Yes he did it, skip for a day and repeat that everyday its that simple, were his words, you reward for your body.

I fell sick in December 2017 and incidentally didn't smoke for a day, remembered my friends's path and took the plunge. for next three days i had a pack of cigarettes and a lighter with me, but didn't light one. I felt if i don't have them with me, i was sure to go to a shop and buy one. Psychologically it stopped me from buying and pushed me further towards my goal. After 3 days i felt that i don't need that cigarette pack n that lighter anymore. Its 6th April 2018 today, n haven't smoked again yet. Thanks to my old friend.

yes, have put on weight, have bad taste, phlegm removal is a problem, but all these can be overcome. Control weight by gong vegan, consume water based foods and salads, avoid fat based foods, eat as much cucumber as possible - it kills appetite. Bad taste varies from person to person, practice maximum oral hygiene, choose alkaline foods and if possible fast for a day or two, eat nothing absolutely nothing drink lots n lots of water, it has amazing results, helps you detoxify and keep a check on your weight. exercise regularly, if nothing at least an hour of brisk walk and it'll de-stress, keep a check on your weight n help expel the phlegm.

On three earlier occasions had given up, twice for three months and once for 4 months, but huge weight gain pushed me back into smoking, this time started exercising early on and hope its gone for good.

I feel - If you light you cant quit, if you want to quit don't light.

Congratulations Chance0.... for your attempts, mine is fourth. Where ther's a will ther's a way. :)

Best wishes.

KaliforniaKel profile image
KaliforniaKel in reply to Chance0_oPike

I'm 60 days nicotine addiction sober after43 years smoking. I was up to 2+ packs per day. I read Allen Carr Easy Way to Stop Smoking... I can't even explain how he does it, but after reading the book I was completely able to put down the cigs without any trouble. No patches, no gum -- nothing. Not even cravings to speak of. I'm here because of the awful taste/sludge in my mouth upon waking every morning. It's like I've been eating bad chocolate all night long. Wasn't sure if I was gritting my teeth all night causing them to bleed or what!! Will never go back to smoking but definitely wondering about this nasty taste. Also notice the need to clear my throat often now too.

drummer123 profile image

Hi Marie! I found this site because I quit smoking 2 1/2 months ago and now I get a metalic taste when I eat, even candies too! I smoked for over 45 years and quit by cutting out 1 smoke a day until I was down to 5/day, then it was cold turkey after that so I never used any aids like the patch, Champex or gum so I know it's not from any of those things. I'm hoping to learn how long this lastes for and if there is anything I can do to get rid of the horrible taste?

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