I have quit smoking for nearly three months and still coughing up clear liquid with brown string like bits , is this normal after giving up smoking. I smoking 15 a day for thirty years .
stopping smoking: I have quit smoking... - Lung Conditions C...
stopping smoking

I didn't stop coughing up gunk until 6 months after giving up, in 1985/6, when having a minor medical procedure under anaesthetic was done with my feet lower than my head for half an hour. Give it a bit more time, Stanley, unless you have indications of an infection.
Hi. I gave up smoking 10 weeks ago and developed my first smoker's cough!. I was advised by several great people on this site that the cough and accompanying gunge was my lungs trying to clear themselves. My cough is slowly getting better, so look on your present condition as a positive thing and I'm sure things will slowly improve. Bear with it and never,ever be tempted to take "just a puff".
Well done Stanley. I think it is quite usual. It's six years since I stopped sadly I've developed COPD but I'm sure it would be worse if I still smoked. Do try & stick with it. Best of luck Nan
Congrats on giving up the "Evil Weed", better late than never.
Next, get rid of the idea that there's anything "normal" about getting past this addiction and its effect on you; we're all different and we all react differently when we're in its grasp and when we kick free.
Don't judge your reactions by what others go through..., just concentrate on solving your own dilemma and you'll benefit much more. This mucus is a natural buildup that your body is ejecting so it can begin healing more..., that's about all it amounts to and will soon end. Not to panic.
You've been screwing over your breathing system for at least 30 years..., what else would you expect??
Again, Congratulations on Kicking the Habit..., ONWARD !!!
stanleycardwell1936 Yeah it's normal they say it depends on the color just the other day was doing it doc prescribed Antibiotics in A 5dose pack non smoker for 2yrs