Hi everyone. I had a STEMI in August 24 and as many people report my recovery was slow with various chest pains, side effects and emotional ups and downs. But gradually things were beginning to improve, I was walking more and faster and feeling as if I was getting somewhere.
Prior to my hear attack I suffered from chronic pain which on the whole I managed with medication, exercise, mindfulness and visualisation.
My cardiac rehab wasn't available until the beginning of Feb. When I went for the assessment I explained I might find some elements of the class difficult because of my pain and I was assured the exercises could be personalised. It became apparent at the first session that from a pain perspective I wouldn't be able to do the class as it stood and following this session it was 5 days before I could do my usual walking. I contacted rehab to explain the situation and asked if it was possible for someone to contact me. I received an email saying they were sorry to hear about my problems and had discharged me back to my GP.
I decided to go it alone with my back exercises and increase the speed of my walking which from a cardiac point of view was fine but has resulted in tendon damage and more pain.
My GP is very supportive and has referred me to physio who have told me I have very poor muscle strength in various muscles which means my back is taking all the strain of any activity. End result more exercises for my back, constant pain, highly anxious and unable to do enough exercise to increase my heart rate. All very depressing!!
Sorry for rambling but just wondered if others with chronic pain have had similar experiences and if so what might have been helpful.
One final thing I don't have access to a cardiac nurse and I have completed a pain management programme in the past.