I arrived slightly early yesterday as a) I always pop to the loo in case things end up running ate and b) to find the location as it was not where I had my pre-rehab assessment. A few minutes later I found a likely looking group and asked if they were for cardio rehab – they were but seemed slightly unsure if they were in the right location (the appointment information was not the clearest|). Anyway, a cardio rehab nurse appeared and lead us to the gym, although it looked nothing like the one from my schooldays!
We were each given a clipboard containing our basic information and had to check our medication reflected out current situation. This was followed by “obs”, blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and, where applicable blood glucose (BG). I was surprised to find my maximum HR was 104 – 108 which is lower than the InterWeb suggest. At the end of this we were two down – one person did not feel too good and the other had a very high BG and was not allowed to exercise (more later).
Once completed we started the warm up. Despite being one of the younger ones my coordination was dreadful. However, I felt like the walking wounded with the arthritis in my left hip playing up, my left shoulder aching (did I sleep in a funny position?) and the tail end of the coccygodynia. The muscle on that leg is also quite weak after years of PAD (at least the blood flow has improved post-bypass). After various exercises we went on to weights. Being a gentleman, and towering over everyone else, I let the others choose their weights first. This left three sets; a 1kg set in bright pink and two 2.5 kg ones in yellow. Only the instructor had picked up a 2.5kg set so I though “Go for it” and went for them. They gave me a decent workout as I could feel it n y arms afterwards and had the odd bead of perspiration. The session finished of with a circuit with tread mill, exercise bikes and steps. The exercise bike went well but coordination got me on the steps. Afterwards it was cool down exercises and a cup of coffee with a biscuit. During the exercises my pulse only got to 84 and my BGs were good.
The exercise was followed by a talk o health eating but to be honest I learnt nothing new.
BGs – A Note: Exercise reduces BG but is not recommended with very high (I will not quote a figure but et diabetics refer to their consultant) as a) the BG can increase further with exercise and b) there will be an increased risk of a clot forming. When I was awaiting my bypass, I was told to avoid very high and v ery low BGs as both can trigger a cardiac event. Hardly reassuring as delay followed delay!