My first cardiac rehab session - British Heart Fou...

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My first cardiac rehab session

Heather1957 profile image
40 Replies

I did my first Cardiac Rehab session this morning, there are 6 altogether which should have started last month but was delayed due to the new variant.

I have to admit I knew I was unfit but never realised how much.

There were 5 of us and at a guess I would say I was the youngest but they all performed better than I did. I kept up with the exercises but my heart rate kept going too high so after each exercise I had to walk around the hall to bring it down which meant I missed out on 2 exercises.

I need to do more during the week in an effort to balance out the HR so it doesn't spike.

I am still hoping to go to Vegas next month so sadly will miss out on the whole 6 weeks (my cardiac nurse is aware of this) If they had started in January as planned I would have fitted them all in.

My resting HR is quite high so maybe a higher dose of beta Blockers are needed.

I felt okay though and actually enjoyed what I managed to do,

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Heather1957 profile image
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40 Replies

Well done Heather, I'm sure you'll start finding the exercises easier over the next few weeks.Have they given you any exercises to do at home between the weekly classes?

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to

Not this time but I am sure I have some from my last visit with the physio that I need to dig out. I am sure that when I finish these sessions there is a programme at a local gym that I am entitled to join so I won't just stop, hopefully they'll give me all the details before I finish.

My Cardiac nurse was there today and although she won't be there next Wednesday I have an appointment to see her at the clinic (close to the health centre) after the session when all being well she will discharge me so I am able to go on holiday!! ECG first though.

Hello :-)

I think sometimes we don't realise we are not quite as fit as we thought but it will get easier as you go along and it is a shame you cannot do all the sessions but hopefully you will pick up enough to show you what to do at home and I am sure going round Vegas which sounds brilliant to be going there will give you some exercise :-)

Something you must really be looking forward to and I am looking forward to hearing all about Vegas when you have been :-) x

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to

Thanks, I have been before and I know I'll break all records on my daily steps.

in reply toHeather1957

O how lucky are you having been before , I bet it is amazing :-)

I am sure you will break all records on your daily steps :-) x

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to

You have to get yourself fit to visit, the place is huge. One year my mum and sister came out and I had to push my mum in her wheelchair as she couldn't walk far (she was over 80 then) My sister had a mobility scooter as she has bad knees and has mobility problems, it was a work out in itself.My sister has hired a mobility scooter for this trip too but I have always said as long as my legs work I'll walk everywhere, I like walking but cycling and step ups are another matter.

in reply toHeather1957

I will do my best to get fit :-)

Sounds like you all have a wonderful time :-) x

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to

I have been losing weight (slowly) unlike so many I seemed to have lost weight during lockdown, I did have my mother living with me for the first year of C which stressed us both out which may have contributed to it. Even the Cardiac nurse said I looked as if I had lost weight today. I didn't like to say the leggings I had on were like slimming pants and held everything in!! LOL

uzininemm profile image

Good to hear you enjoyed it, and I do hope you can continue after the 6 weeks are up, is there any chance they can add the weeks on you have missed at the end, (when I did my 8 week course) I had to miss one week, however I was allowed 'unofficially' to add this one at the end.When you finish, if you are going to continue ask them to do you a exercise plan (they were more than willing to do one for me), as I was staying on at the gym where they do this, therefore I can speak to them. They also got me a discount for the monthly membership.

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply touzininemm

As I said I have a feeling from something that was offered by the Physio that there are ongoing sessions in a gym that can be taken up, not sure if it a subsidised programme but worth looking into.

I joined our local council gym programme a few years ago but because I have an income I had to pay for it, it was about £30 a month but you could use all the sessions, pools etc in my council area, I think I need to look into doing this again.

The Cardiac nurse spoke to one of the attendees of the course and talked about another location they had been to so maybe there is an option.

When I signed up to this it was starting on the 5th January so I have the gear so it would be a waste not to get the use out of it. LOL

Heather1957 profile image

What way would you want me to take it?

I wish I was as perfect as you but sadly I am not!

You think I should cancel a trip for 5 of us for the sake of 2 sessions?

I am sat here shaking my head at your post, you have NO IDEA of my full situation but carry on judging me if it makes you feel better about yourself!

Oh and if you read my post you will see that the sessions should have started on 5th January so I would have finished them in plenty of time for my trip.

Some people have made comments about my attitude on here but my goodness I would have to go a long way to equal yours.

Heather1957 profile image

No I never said I would miss all 6, why would I say I have been today.

For the sake of my blood pressure I shall end it here as how can I possibly have a rational discussion with someone who has posted the things you have.

Have a lovely day.

Chappychap profile image

Wonderful news that face-to-face cardio rehab has restarted. Many people on this forum have reported that it was cardio rehab that gave them the knowledge, confidence and motivation to implement fundamental life style changes.

Good luck with the remaining classes.

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply toChappychap

I totally agree re f 2 f, it is one thing to follow a YouTube session but no-where near as beneficial as being with other people.

Heather1957 profile image

What are you talking about? Yes it IS up to me and that is my choice I'm sorry my trip to Vegas seems to have brought out the green monster in you for some reason.

Would you believe after my bypass in 2017 I went off to to Australia and New Zealand!!

I will enjoy life as long as I can and with advice from people who matter (cardiologists and medical experts) they have no issue with my trips, so you'll understand why I couldn't give a jot what you think.

That's me done, I have had a good day, just some advice for you don't apply for the Samaritans will you!!

Ha ha ha ha!!

ChoochSiesta profile image
ChoochSiesta in reply toHeather1957

He's only giving you his advice. Tbf he makes a good point.

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply toChoochSiesta

Which is what? Because I will miss out on 2 hrs of rehab I should cancel a trip that is for 4 other people?

Oh and he isn't giving his advice he is judging me and yes, I take exception to that.


Prada47 profile image

Well Heather your right arm may need a bit of strength for Vegas !!Have you been before ?? We stayed at the luxor which was quite nice. Only problem we had, it was to windy to do the flight tour of the Grand Canyon !!


Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply toPrada47

This will be my 17th time since 2001! It was booked for March 2020 and we all know what happened then!I went to the Grand Canyon in 2002, we had a flight to the Canyon, a helicopter into the canyon and a boat trip down the Colorado - fabulous!

We have stayed at the Luxor and the Excalibur but now tend to stay at a non casino hotel just down from Planet Hollywood, nothing special but it has a pool, gym, no smoking and all rooms have their own kitchen so we can prepare more healthy meals.

All I have to do is keep C free as we have to take a pre flight test the day before we go.

Maybe you'll go back for the Grand Canyon trip?

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply toHeather1957


Used to live in Mississippi so it was a quick flight from Jackson to Las Vegas I can understand about the Casino. What I used to do was change $20 into quarters and you got a free beer, then change them back and do the same again Beer all day for free yeah LOL

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply toPrada47

Oh yes I enjoy a free cocktail when on the slots.

Prada47 profile image

Whoa take 5 we all have enough on our plates Relax I read it as I am trying can't ask for more

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply toPrada47

Life is good and I can still walk so can't complain!! LOL

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply toHeather1957

I am Prada 1947 so can give you 10years and yes if you can get around it's all a bonus !!!


Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply toPrada47

My mum is 90 and I am sure she'll outlive me. Sadly I follow my dad who had coronary problems when he died at 52.Luckily we live in a better medical age and are more aware re smoking and diet so have more ownership in our health.

RufusScamp profile image

Doesn't matter what the others are doing. You are all starting from different places. I have severe heart failure, and started the rehab after a week walking in the Swiss Alps. Probably not wise but I survived, and that was two years ago.It may be there are follow-on sessions. I was offered low-price gym sessions for six months, scuppered by the first lockdown.

The BHF website has lots of exercise programmes you can do at home - as long as you are careful!

I hope you get your trip, and enjoy yourself.

Prada47 profile image

LOL and don;t forget the Beer ! Remember Quality v Quantity

Boris1978 profile image

Just remember what your body has been through like a previous poster has said it will easier when I attended rehab sessions I was very young compared to the others but we all had one thing in common and I always tried to encourage others around me

Cruise1 profile image

Why criticise? It’s their life and if she wants to go to Vegas and get some pleasure after all she has been through why not?Presumably she has got travel insurance in place. Life is too short anyway and after all the Covid restrictions my motto is Carpe Diem - seize the day.

Walkingf profile image

Hi, just by posting this you put yourself up to receive opinions, some favourable some not! but you did post, so really YOU know the answer?Youngest participant x unfittest x heart history = gym or indulgence capital of the world?

Your life, your choice, but best of luck wherever that may be😀

benjijen profile image

I don't see the problem if you will only miss 2 classes and a break does you good mentally. As someone else said, you may well be able to do the final 2 when you come back as others have done. You should be given details of follow on classes but will probably have to pay for them. They are well worth it and far cheaper than Vegas! Enjoy your trip.

What a great post and well done for completing what you did .

I’m sure that it will get easier.

I was lucky that I was reasonably fit before this all started and even though I have the odd “ I can’t be bothered days “ I still try and keep that level of fitness.

So the bright lights of Vegas is calling, I was there in the 70’s, think it might have changed a bit ! Just a shame that Elvis has left the building.

Your mental welfare will get such a massive boost being with your family on holiday, ……..Mental over physical? Now thats a bun fight for another day, mine is the mental corner every day….. just read the posts on here.

Take care

DaveSpice profile image

It's good that you recognise that your fitness is lacking, it is important to exercise every day, go to youtube and do the BHF 10 minute workout every single day. Do some walking too anything to keep yourself active as it should be clear that this is a major reason for you ill health. The hard part is keeping it going, well it is for me I am lazy by nature, I get my wife to push me all the time. Heart disease doesnt happen over night it takes years and creeps up on you. In my younger days I played sports and when competing you have to push or look foolish and lose. Now that you have been shown up by the "old boys and girls"..well what are you going to do about it?

Fynndog profile image

Good luck Heather. Have a good holiday but try and keep to a good diet and get plenty of walking doing sightseeing. You were very lucky to get cardio rehab and it’s a shame you will miss out. Many of us dud not have your good fortune. Lockdown came along and we had nothing. I would have appreciated learning about keeping my heart rate stable and would have enjoyed the company if others in the same boat as me. Unfortunately I and many others were shut away just trying to deal with the lot we’d been handed.Anyway good luck and good health

Hi Heather , I’m interested in what your consultant and nurse say - have they said you are fit to fly ? Did you get insurance ok ? If I’m not being too nosey can I ask how much you paid . I would love to go to Spain but haven’t looked into it yet as I don’t have the medics go ahead yet . I had breast cancer 4 yr ago , heart attack April 2021, Sepsis on April 2021 waiting to get gallbladder removed . Heart attack November 2021 . All arteries clear no damage done . Can’t get gallbladder removed until cardiology say it’s safe to do so. I’m well looked after and rehab is going well .

Wishing you well , x

Just have to say you’re very lucky to have the chance to get away wherever that may be. As for cardiac rehab again you’re very lucky to have any so I wouldn’t worry too much about missing one or two sessions. I have had no such luck here … no rehab because of Covid and still no sign of it either as restrictions start to lessen.

1jbh profile image

I am still hoping to go to Vegas next month so sadly will miss out on the whole 6 weeks .It was certainly clear to me that you meant you wouldn't complete the 6 week course Heather .

And as long as the cardiac rehab team are happy that you are not at risk by doing so then you should go and enjoy yourself.

I started my Healthy hearts 1 week before the initial lockdown so only got one week of my course fortunatley I was quite fit and they were happy to discharge me.

If they know in advance they will have already given you the tools and info to move forward and continue getting fitter after course is complete .

ETHEL103 profile image

Well to me that's all that matters and if it helps encourage you to do a bit more that's fab.

SMUDGER47 profile image

Hi Heather, I did all my rehab online due to lockdown. There are some very good videos on 'Youtube' which take you from level 1 to level 5. I did 3 sessions on each level every other day, 15 sessions in all and completed in a month. I'm back playing football twice a week (am 65 in April) and feel really good. Keep up the good work and have a look at those videos.

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