I gather it’s some form of heart rhythm but how long does it last and can you feel it. I ask as I don’t know if I experienced one many years ago.
Was diagnosed with mitral valve /thickened heart wall in December.
Prior to that I assumed I was fine other than 3 occasions through 2016-2017
I had an episode where I had sudden spells of palpitations, feeling sick, throat pain, ice cold sweat, right side jaw pain and indigestion- I thought it was just that. I Experienced the same thing 6 months later.
The first two times I was scared but didn’t get medical advice as it wore off after a couple of minutes.
The third time some 8 months after the second, i experienced the same on a much more extreme form. Actually felt like my heart was about to burst. I remember walking home the following day doing tiny pigeon steps. I went to my parents the following day and cried my eyes out. This was 2017.
I was cleared of heart attack. Had 24hr blood/heart monitor fitted. I recall some weeks later I had an echo, and saw a cardiologist soon after. All I got was “you have tachardia”. No follow up appointment or medication was issued.
Fast forward to 2024 and the echo showed valve regurgitation. Interesting how quick these things can develop…..