hi, does anyone else take antihistamines for hay fever, with HF and AF?
can’t ask the pharmacist or GP so I thought I’d see what others do!
allergic to tree pollen and fed up of sneezing already, lol. 🤣
hi, does anyone else take antihistamines for hay fever, with HF and AF?
can’t ask the pharmacist or GP so I thought I’d see what others do!
allergic to tree pollen and fed up of sneezing already, lol. 🤣
It is unusual that someone can't talk to a pharmacist. It doesn't have to be the one affiliated to your GP, any pharmacist will do. Or even talk to 111.
Hi I have dilated cardiomyopathy and take antihistamines. I did check first with the pharmacist though so yes I'd say ask them today. Fingers crossed you can take them to help your symptoms.
Hi,I have heart failure and suffer hay-fever my GP prescribed Citerizine been on them now for 8 years have had no problems
I also take citirizine with no issues. Never even crossed my mind that there could be any interaction with my heart pills or condition. Ignorance is bliss🤔
Hi I'm also suffer from Hayfever, my cardiologist and Doctor said a definite no. They can effect certain meds.Then I read an article about Heart meds and antihistamine meds that said it was ok if you used certain makes. It was only a few days ago I asked the same question as yourself and was told by a forum member you are not allowed to ask a question like this, as it's against the rules🤔. I had said that I was going to talk with the appropriate experts. So pleased you got pass the not allowed question. 🤗
whiteghost, we can and do ask for others experiences. What we can’t do is advise people what to take. We CAN advise them to see a pharmacist
That was exactly my point. I was asking if anyone was taking antihistamine. Not if they would prescribe. I would always seek a medical expert. As there are some people on here who think they are more experienced than others in there replies. Which is just as dangerous.🤗
Interesting post for me, as nowadays my hayfever symptoms consist of the odd sneeze and drier eyes than usual. But last Thursday, for the first time in my life, I had an hour of itchiness, hives, pounding heart and flushed skin, with my blood pressure soaring from 130/74 a month ago to 175/76; an hour ago it was 147/71.
I put it down to a massage a friend had given me the day before releasing histamines, but I'd also been doing some gardening close to trees and handling a little cement. So I'm now inclined to think it was due to various factors combined, including hayfever.
(It was a thread on this forum about 20 months ago that alerted me to deep massages being inadvisable if one's on blood-thinners or anti-coagulants, as I am. Since my TAVI heart valve op 22 months ago, I must have had seventy light massages, with only beneficial effects.)
I take antihistamines, though not for hay fever and went through several appointments pre-CABG without any suggestion I should stop them from any of the doctors I saw. They did note that I took antihistamines as several times I was taken through the list of all the meds I was currently on and why I was on them.