Hello, I suffered a heart attack in March 2022 and had 4 stents inserted. I then attended Cardiology Rehab for 6 sessions, and had a scan that summer - all seemed to be well.
My question is this, should I expect further check ups with cardiology (say once a year or biannually)?
I am slightly concerned because during the procedure my surgeon said he would ideally like to insert a 5th stent but it couldn't be managed. Since then I have, from time to time, wondered whether further arteries were 'clogging up' because until my heart attack I was not aware of a problem with my heart - is that potential 5th stent site now blocked? I was in A & E yesterday because of chest pains (felt identical to my heart attack pain) but I was told that although my blood did show a small rise in enzymes I had not had a heart attack, the doctor advised me to ask my GP to refer me for a check up with my Cardiologist - the doctor seemed suprised that I did not have regular check ups.
Any thoughts advice would be greatly received.