I had my post op appointment for my mitral valve repair with my surgeons registrar today. I had an ecg and chat and was told I would have an echo in 5 years time. I'm feeling much better than I did pre op and ready to get life going again. But I can't help wondering if 5 years is a long time and if this is normal now or due to NHS cuts. What is everyone else experiencing regarding check ups?
Follow up appointments: I had my post... - British Heart Fou...
Follow up appointments

Hi I had my mitral valve repair in 2007 and was seen by my surgeon every 6 months and then my follow up went to 12 monthly for a few years.
I am on the waiting list for a mitral valve replacement as my repair has failed and I am surprised that things have changed so much in the last few years (and not for the better! ).
Hi Shopgirl
So pleased your post op appointment went well and you are feeling better for having had the op. I have no idea whether five years is a long time before having a check up. No doubt there will be a heart chum on this forum who may know.
I hope you continue to make good progress and go from strength to strength. Well done.
Dory x💕
Hi Dory, it definitely took until week 8 to feel the benefit. My lungs feel like new! No more catching my breath. Reading my old posts makes me realise how far I've come and grateful for what surgeons can do for us. X
That is heartening news, so pleased to hear how well you feel.
I’mlooking forward to being able to go on long walks again with Boris, hearing your story gives me hope.
Dory x❤️💕❣️
It's just time and patience Dory in the end. 8 weeks on I'm back walking my old golden retriever in the afternoons now. He is nearly 13 so not too demanding though! X
What a coincidence, we kept goldies for forty years before changing to Boris the HWV, he was supposed to be a downsize, ha,ha! Though to be fair he is 8 kilos lighter than our last goldie who was a big but slim boy and lived to 14.
Enjoy your walks, I will be taking Boris out shortly, not as long a walk as I or Boris would like but lots of ball fetching makes up for it.
Dory x 🐕🐾💕
Hi shopgirl,
Glad you are feeling bette 😊
Its so strange hearing 5 years to wait for an echo,i read a similar post with the same length of time to wait.
I have already had an echo and seeing my cardiologist again in december then yearly echos i was told but i have had a mitral valve replacement.
I wonder if they only check yearly after a replacement or is it a case of where you live as to budget cuts?
Did the surgeon say why its a 5 year wait?
Jenny x
Hi Jenny, no idea why it's a 5 year wait. I'm slightly confused whether I should feel delighted that no one needs to check my heart for that long or that it is due to budget cuts. I guess it's down to if I get any symptoms that need checking. X
I know it must hard to know how to feel as we get used to being checked yearly pre op.
I suppose it must be a good sign if they are confident to say see you in 5 years.
Its still all the unknown
I hope the repair has made a difference for you.
Jenny x
Hi Jenny the repair has definitely made a big difference already. I guess as I get more confidence and forget the problems I've had post op I will have more belief in the 5 year check up scenario. I think heart ops are such a big deal for us and sometimes we need reassurance but given the cost implications that's not always possible. X
PVR. Annual Review with annual to every 18 months for echocardiogram. However I had underlying congenital heart disease that complicates the matter and changes the review guidelines.

From a quad bypass point of view, follow up with cardiologist 6 weeks post op. Discharged and just see GP, as far as he knows there is nothing else unless I report problems to him and then get referred.
Thanks Julia, they decided I needed a replacement in April, I saw the surgeon in October and he said a 5 month wait from then so I imagine it's going to be at least a year all together. Mind you after what Wendy has been through I am not building my hopes up. Really hope she got her op yesterday.
So glad you are feeling so much better and wish you all the best for the future.
Hi all, not sure how it works, but I asked to go back and see cardiologists who has agreed to see me every year for the rest of my life. I am glad I asked for this as my GP said they are the experts in their field whereas she said she has knowledge about the heart, but doesn't know everything. I think knowing that I'm going to be monitored annually has helped. Maybe in a couple of years I may feel more confident about my health, but at this moment in time I'm not ready to be discharged. However, I do have other health problems and it may be those reasons along side the HA is why they've agreed my annual check ups.