Hi I’m waiting for an angiogram after having an NSTEMI (mild heart attack) on 19th Dec and been told that there is a 4-6 week, I’m just over 2 weeks in now. My question have people returned to work before their angiogram or stayed off until it’s done. I’ve had an echo done and been told that is fine. I start cardiac rehab tomorrow I don’t know whether I should bring up with them or speak to my gp.
Angiogram: Hi I’m waiting for an... - British Heart Fou...

I've found the cardiac rehab nurses to be more knowledgable about cardiac stuff than my GP. (Don't get me wrong, I like my GP, she's just less specialised than the cardiac rehab nurses.)
Hi, I had a nstemi back in April, I was actually kept in hospital as there was only about a 1 week wait for angiogram. I am retired so in a different position regarding work but the cardio rehab nurse will probably provide you with an "instruction manual" which sets out weekly guidance for walking etc. So you will definitely learn more from them, I guess if you work from home on a laptop that is likely to me more doable than a manual job but I'm sure they will be helpful.
It is a difficult question in a way to answer I would not want to say what to do but I wonder if you contacted the BHF Nurses they will be able to give you some good advice
Let us know how you get on x
Heart Helpline team on 0300 330 3311 Mon-Fri 9-5pm
You should definitely talk to your cardio rehab team about anything which could be related to your recent NSTEMI, that is what they are there for. And they should be able to advise if you should return to to work, although of course that may be dependant on what you do. I hope you find the rehab course rewarding as many do.
Blimey , I had nstemi 13th July 2023. My Echo by paramedics at home was fine too. It was the troponin count that confirmed it . First one was 74 then a second one, thank the lord that the doctorate hospital did a second test, came back 402. I was fit and strong and walking round as if nothing had happened. The doc thought he was sending me home until that blood test. I was kept in and had angiogram next day at another hospital. That confirmed blocked arteries and I was transferred to St Thomas’ to await bypass surgery . ( was told triple , ended up quadruple!).while waiting for surgery I asked what would’ve have happened if I didn’t go in for trop test as my echo was fine . Doc said it was like a ticking bomb, I might have a heart attack while working round my farm and the outcome could be much more serious or fatal depending if I was able to get help etc. Obviously that was my situation. I would refer back to your medical team before going back to work. I made a fantastic recovery and living my rebirth. Feel lucky to have had the nstemi. A good friend had a cardiac arrest , sounded awful ( broken ribs from CPR) but he’s also made a fantastic recovery .
I am on acute cardiac ward at the moment. Monday woke at 3am with headache took 2 co codamol. Woke at 4 worse . Called my daughter but had trouble talking only said help my HPX can cause speech loss for a while if ill. called ambulance but would be hour so my daughter took me .at hospital by 5.
Straight to E&r corridor had blood tests, ECG and CT on my brain all with hour.
Long wait . Then 2nd ECG showed something wrong . Had to have blood test for Torponin count 170. So stayed on corridor over night . Started on aspirin and redid blood test but don't know the count ..Saw cardiologist and said would get me on ward but stayed there Monday night.
Tuesday feeling ok..then on the afternoon went to the loo .Felt hot in bathroom . When finished just wanted to lie down felt very weird. Shouted my daughter. Rest she had to tell me . I was fighting her and nurse trying to sit me down ..They got me on the bed cardiologist shouting to open my eyes which I did little. Then she said it was mad dash to ward. But more alert but still words coming out one at time and miming. Hooked me to machine up gave me some new heart medication including injection into my tummy.
Cardiologist said may have had silent heart attack as had no pain just very breathless. But the Torponin shows heart muscle damage .
Wednesday had echocardiogram on my heart just have to wait for test results But cardiologist said to my daughter about angiogram and may be stent but depends on Ulta sound .
No idea what's going on . Is this normal 🤷😢
God that’s awful - after mine, next day I felt fine but went to A&E and heart attack confirmed. Admitted and angiogram next day - 90% blockage and ballooned (no stents) I would not be rushing back to work until you have the angiogram which will confirm what the problem is and if any reason that still exists that needs correcting - I’d also be pushing as cannot believe they would wait that long before doing an angiogram - very best of luck, try to stay calm and don’t be overdoing anything
I believe I had a two small heart attacks a fortnight apart, i reacted to the second episode and went in to a and e, all tests fine apart from my triponin levels which were raised confirming a heart attack - they admitted me into hospital and wired me up to monitor me whilst they decided on action plan! Angiogram showed LAD 95% blocked, resulting in one stent fitted. Completed cardio rehab fine, 6 months later needing my GTN spray most days after exertion & cold- back to GP - referral back to hospital, chased twice, told one years waiting list for an appt! Realised I couldn’t and shouldn’t wait this long!! Paid privately to see cardiologist/ thankfully he acted on my symptoms, another NHS angiogram done and found my LAD 100% blocked, stent had been put in incorrectly or I simply do not tolerate stents. Multidisciplinary Team decided to send me home with medication to control but if this didn’t work bypass surgery would be needed. Long story short, almost to the day from my original stent I had a single heart bypass. On my experience I would not be at work and certainly not doing anything to over exert while you wait for an angiogram, you don’t know what caused heart attack! Seriously I cannot believe they have sent you home . My husband needed triple bypass many years ago, and was put on waiting list to have op , when I asked the surgeon on his diagnosis if he could drive he said” well would you want to be behind someone who could have a heart attack at anytime!” Thankfully he had private healthcare with work at the time so just a two week wait and he had his op. But honestly everyday till he had op we were on tenterhooks!
I honestly think cardio rehab will send you home, and may even be able to chase angiogram up for you? They are amazing and have direct access to consultants. Or as others have said call BHF nurses, they too are experts and can give you better advice- I can only go by experience and my symptoms, our bodies and circumstances are all different. Wishing you the very best of luck, just have all your questions ready !!
I saw Cardiac Rehab nurse this morning she said no to go back to work until after the angiogram for two reason 1 because they don’t know what caused this and it happened at work and 2 it would go down as another absence if I went back and then off again as she said I might need to be off another week after the angiogram. She also said they are treating as an NSTEMI but raised trip in in levels alone don’t qualify as a heart attack and if my angiogram is clear then it might not be considered as a heart attack or they may not be able to confirm it was or wasn’t because it may have been a piece of plaque that has broken away and temp blocked a smaller artery and they can’t pick up smaller arteries within the heart on an angiogram . Sick of all this last year I was told I could have had a poss TIA but they aren’t sure and now it might or might not have been a heart attack. All the while I’ve ended up at a&e 10 times over the last 20 months having these funny turns as they call them and never getting to the bottom of it making me feel like a fraud.
That may make more sense. I was shocked by our original post as I would have expected that if it was definitely an HA you would have been kept in until they did the angiogram.
I had NSTEMI MI late Jan last year. That was on a Friday. They was no doubt that I was going to be kept in until they did the angioplasty: that is they assumed I would be needing a stent so I was slated straight for angioplasty not diagnostic angiogram. I didn't actually get it done until the Tuesday (weekend, consultants, golf....). But there was never any question from them that I was staying put until that was done. Mine was mild and I have recovered to normal heart function,.
I w ould ask the cardiac nurses on the rehab team but I certainly wouldn't start work until after the angiogram and rehab were finished.
Further my other post. Had echocardiogram this morning. Saw cardiologist this afternoon. Had heart attack on Monday in the lower chambers of my heart. Friday hopefully transfering to other hospital for angigram and stent or stents fitted. Then into the care of heart team ,action heart etc. hour ago had chest X ray
On lot of different heart medication they stopped my Flecainide and Apixaban plus injections into my tummy. But I am not worried being well looked after and in the best place .
All I had was headache and pain left side of my neck. Bit breathless but no chest pain or pressure and only my usual pain in my arms and legs from my neurological condition.
I am officially a hearty💜
Glad you have now got a diagnosis and being looked after. Won’t be long before your fixed
Thank you. Do you think they will make me into Lynsay Wagner . That's one for the over 60's🤣
I’m sure you will have more energy I’m still waiting for my angiogram appt.
Hope you get it soon. Being an inpatient helps. And they won't let out of this hospital until I go to the other one . I live in Merseyside the healthcare here is excellent. Far better than the black country.
I’m in Scotland and there is only one hospital that feeds a lot of hospitals for heart and lung problems so because they had stabilised my symptoms with medication they said I could go home mainly because the cardiologist thought I would get my angiogram within 2 weeks but it’s nearly 3 now. I did ring the hospital and they said I should hear something soon.
My 1st HA happened at home, not knowing what happened I dragged myself into bed and took a puff of ventolin spray (to help with my breathing). Fell asleep and went to work in the morning! That day I also saw my GP, who examined me and told me if anything like this happens again go straight to A&E.
So the next morning I set of to work. Coming out of the car, heading to works reception I started to feel that pain coming on! I quickly made my way to A&E and got home after 2 weeks and 2 stents later!