End of Jan this year had a doozy of ha , blue lighted straight to Oxford bypassing local hospital.Straight into Angio theatre and stents in. Needed one in LAD but couldn't at time due to severity.
Several days in hospital and discharged with them saying comeback in March for other stent.
Went in as day patient in March , stent put in by very confident young doctor but coming out of theatre nurses holding my leg , back to ward with 2 young doctors and nurse taking turns with fist in my groin for which seemed ages. 2 hours later was told l can go home.
Felt ok but then nearer home started getting twinges, by night time pain was worse.
Couldn't sit. Lie down , even walk. Rung ward next day they advised take paracetamol!!!
I was in agony, my abdomen from hip to hip was black and blue. GP gave me patches which helped a bit but still in terrible pain, was in wheelchair for a month.
In between all this found out cancer was back in lung from 5 yrs ago.
Now thing is l have appt with cardio in Jan, echo getting done with further tests involved and l would like to know if l can request that fully qualified surgeon can do stent if needed with collagen plug used instead of someone's fist. I am not usually one to question but the trauma and pain l went through still resonates so much..
I have had vats procedure on lung, and very recently had RF ablation (which was very successful)
the pain was nothing compared to what l experienced in March