Had a doozy heart attack (not the first) end of January, bypassed a very good local hospital and they took me straight to JR Oxford, straight to angio theatre, 3 stents and a 5 day stay.Had to return beginning of March for stents to LAD which they couldn't do in Jan, only as a day patient,
For some reason they couldn't use collagen plug so I had 2 young doctors with their fists in my groin for an hour, 3.30 came and nurse said I could go home, no discharge letter just given a leaflet.
Was feeling fine on way home , pain started later in evening , anaesthetic wearing off?
Thursday was in agony, so painful could hardly walk, Friday rung ward to ask advice - paracetamol they told me,
By Sunday I was black and blue right across from hip to hip, my daughter cried when she saw it.
It took 3 weeks for soft tissue to heal, then nerve down my leg and my hip was giving me horrendous pain
In between time heard from rehab team, l was in no fit state to even contemplate it but went along so I could ask advice, shuffling along with a walker!!
No advice whatsoever, just let it heal
Have not had a follow up with consultant,
In the 5 weeks after ha I was feeling lot better but after March assault don't seem to be going forward
So fed up