Hello and Merry Christmas to all. I am a 49 year old female. I am not currently under the care of a gastro I have just joined and wondering about a certain symptom I’m having that concerns me. I do have a history of acid reflux. It’s not always been bad but I haven’t managed it well and diet hasn’t been the best the last several years. I’ve recently had a bad bout of reflux and now I am left with a constant feeling of something stuck in my esophagus for the last few days. It’s mostly behind my breast bone area. Started taking nexium for 3 days and it gave me a dry throat so I switched to Prilosec today. I can swallow and eat fine and it doesn’t feel like food gets caught when I eat. It seems worse while not eating and only when I eat does it feel a bit better although that is short lived. It’s not pain it’s just there and unrelenting. I’ve been very good about my diet the last 3 days eating less and only non acidic food and lots of water. Seems a bit worse at night. I plan on making an appointment with gastro after the new year as I’m away for the holidays. Can anyone relate and give some advice. I’ve had kidney cancer twice and overcome that but when this happens my mind goes straight to the worst place. I understand you are not doctors and I must see a gastro and have an endo which is causing me much distress. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. Happy holidays.
concerning and new acid reflux symptom - British Heart Fou...
concerning and new acid reflux symptom

I have had diagnosed reflux disease for over 15;years during which I have taken a PPI and will continue to do so. If you have had a sudden flare up it has likely been caused by a trigger either something you have eaten or a postural thing. On the rare occasions I now get relapses it's back to basics for me on a bland diet and small portions with frequent meals for about a week to 10 days to allow my insides to heal. You can help yourself at night by sleeping with the mattress tilted at the head of the bed and /or sleep on your left side if you able. Plus avoid eating at least 3 hours before you go to bed. You certainly need to follow this up with your gastro consultant asap, especially if your symptoms persist, and an endoscopy might be needed. Long term you really need to look after your diet, research the foods you should avoid e.g. bloating, acidic, irritating perhaps keep a food diary to identify triggers. I have also identified that compressing my abdomen doesn't help say when decorating so I avoid it. Long term reflux disease should not be ignored. I may have been lucky since when my reflux disease was properly diagnosed after years of getting 'indigestion' I found out I have Barretts Oesophagus which can be serious if left to deteriorate.
Thank you. Yes the plan is to get into see gastro after the new year. I’ve never experienced a feeling of constant indigestion which of course is very concerning which has been almost a week. Thank you for your reply.
Sonetimes you can get a flare up of gastritis with acid reflux. It sounds like your oesophagus is inflamed. If you have either it can take a few weeks to heal. You probably need stronger medication to protect your stomach, so see a medic.
I have had a swollen feeling inside my throat and constant mucous in the back of my throat… for years. Not sure if you might have any of that, too? I went to GI and ENT and regular doctors over these years (10 years if getting worse bit-by-bit) Until constant dry coughing started eventually.
Got fed-up with the regular drug pushing docs and saw a Naturopath in my area. He ordered blood tests (much more extensive than regular doctors check, if they do). They weren’t cheap. I found that I have extremely high sensitivity to all dairy, especially cows .. then goat was medium sensitivity.
I cut out dairy almost completely (and onions, garlic, regular tea, limes, peppers-on my medium sensitivity food/beverage food list, as well)
I now don’t have that swollen feeling in my throat and quit coughing. I wonder if you might have a food sensitivity as well? They can cause acid reflux. It only took a week of quitting dairy to see a good improvement about a month to see it almost disappear. If I have a little dairy (chocolate or say a tiny bit of cream in coffee) I get it back again.
I know your symptoms are probably not the same but can’t help wondering if perhaps it is food or beverage related . Mine suddenly got severe, after nearly 10 years of slowly getting worse.
OR could you have silent reflux as well as regular acid reflux?
All the best!
I have Liver Cirrhosis and have been under the care of Gastroenterology for 10 years. Regular Endoscopy, 6 monthly scans and Blood Tests. Last endoscopy found Erosive Gastritis and upper Oesophagus raised veinous areas so the symptoms you described are exactly mine. It can be very uncomfortable.So yes, I would most certainly make an appointment.
I have stubborn Chest Pain and the train of thought is that it's now Gastric issues causing it.
I'm on 15mg Lansoprazole twice a day.
Hi and thank you for your response. Does the medicine help? Or is the feeling always there? Does management of diet help? I will be going to gastro after the new year. I do hope you are doing well.
is anyone’s pain - like an ache behind the sternum especially in the night. I have a hiatus hernia and chest pain
Have you been to your GP about it? Hiatus Hernias are often dismissed as nothing when they might need investigation.
My husband has silent reflux; no symptoms at all. He was prescribed a PPI because the reflux has damaged his voice box. His speech is now so croaky I can barely tell what he says. He's deaf so he didn't hear or understand the explanation so he took one course of PPI and stopped. This damage can lead to a cancerous condition ( I forget he name) so you really must see the consultant and be much stricter with your diet. Prop yourself up in bed, no food at least 3 ho urs before bed etc. I'm sure you know the routine.
Yes I’ve already been modifying my diet albeit only recent. I work full time and know I have reflux but have been poor in managing it. I do not drink or smoke but have a tendency to overindulge and overeat the wrong things at different periods of my life. In the midst of getting a gastro appointment early next month. Hope you husband is going ok.
I have been endless times to Drs and A and E and cardiology and endoscopy. HH wasn’t seen two years ago in endoscopy examination but was in oesophageal swallowing test two weeks ago. Had 24 hr ph mamometry and results in next two months. Tried every diet and every ppi!
I’m sorry to hear that. You must of been suffering and I hope with them now seeing the hernia you can be on the road to recovery.
if it’s the HH causing the chest discomfort - my worst symptom is chest pain/discomfort in the early hours of morning. If it’s isn’t that it shouldn’t be stable or unstable angina or small vessel ischemia given results of mri , cts and and angiogram . Only other thing is CAS but symptoms don’t really fit that either! I will keep advocating and exploring
I have oesophagatis as well
For a number of years I have been suffering with a very bad back. In order to help this, about 5 years ago we had one of those adjustable beds, wonderful, and the unexpected result was that my wife could adjust the bed to suit, and she no longer suffers acid reflux, which had been quite bad.