I am 60 and have had a low heart rate-32 for a number of years , recently had some AF with heart rate spiking to 200 and then taking 2hours to calm . Belt monitor established I had 5 second pauses at times. I have always been very active ,cycling , running etc but am concerned that the pacemaker will reduce what I can do . Having read lots of the posts I can be reassured that it’s the right thing for me to have done , but can’t help but worry.
Nervous about pacemaker fitting - British Heart Fou...
Nervous about pacemaker fitting

Hi, I have a Pacemaker and it certainly won’t limit what you can do. I had one fitted last year and it was the best thing I have ever done.
Hi Rosie. I had one fitted 2 weeks ago a d am still rather sore over the pacemaker site. Did they ablate t you heart's own AV node as well?
I have had a pacemaker for nearly 6 years. When you are discharged you will be given advice for the first few weeks on what not to do. Once the wire(s) have settled I carried on as normal. I don't notice the pacemaker, it's there doing it's job.
I had a pacemaker fitted back in March this year. It took a little while but I started running again, 5k at comfortable speed to start with. When I asked the Consultant at the time about limitations, he'd say, very few, eg. no cage fighting 🌝
I found that the more active I am the better I generally feel!
I'd say, basically, my pacemaker returned my life to what it had been before.
I had a pacemaker in 2022. It took a few months to get used to it and for everything to heal. I went back to walking and personal trainer. Some adaptions needed with personal trainer, mainly due to position of pacemaker and the maximum level set. No other restrictions did a 11 mile walk yesterday. So it should not stop you doing anything .just adapt things. Good luck.
I had my pacemaker fitted over 7 years ago with the same problem i was 61 at the time you will feel a whole lot better for having it i still do most things i have 2 dogs to walk every day without a problem and i do my shopping and gardening to
I have had my pacemaker for slow heart rate and long pauses, now for 5 yrs and agree with everything people have said, it gives you your life back, I’ve been skiing, walk a lot and generally fit, the pacemaker will be your best friend. 😊
Its natural to be anxious about the procedure and we can only help to try to alleviate this by giving you some comfort from all our experience and the positive outcomes that the pacemaker gives to us. I had one in June this year and was also anxious but now its just part of my new normal and I rarely think about it, and if I do it is in a positive way. I feel better in myself and can exercise without difficulty. Let us know how you get on best of luck with the procedure.
thanks for the positive thoughts , it’s helping me to hear so many good stories.
I had my pacemaker in February this year, I went in at 8am, theatre at 9 back in ward at 9.45 no pain everyone was lovely. I had mine on right hand side as I am left handed. Now I have a monitor at home that sends in my readings to the hospital. I don't even think about it now, scar has just about disappeared too. Please don't be worried just give it time it does get better in my case it took a few weeks but so worth it.
Hello There is no need to feel nervous about having a pacemaker put in.Your pulse rate is very low ,mine was 45 plus Atrial Fib My pacemaker is set at 60 and never goes below I had it mooned three years ago and it really helps The procedure is done without a general anaesthetic ,maybe some local used and you can feel pressure when the Dr presses it in but otherwise apart from some bruising and soreness for a couple of weeks afterwards it’s a cinch .You will be happy it is done and feel 100% better
Sorry the word mooned should not be in there silly automatic fill on again the word should be done Thanks
Hi Whitetrek, I am 63 and SSS diagnosed in March this year following a routine procedure.Did not know I had an issue with heart. Always been quite low rate, 50 at rest but started dropping to 35 and pauses up to 5 seconds between beats. PM fitted in April and after initial recovery been fine. Stated gentle walking on day 2 and gradually built up. Careful with arm for first 6 weeks, then resumed modified Pilates and 8 weeks after op I was tent camping, walking and cycling in France. TBH didn’t really feel any benefit, but then I didn’t know I had an issue apart from occasionally feeling slight woozy and a bit breathless when starting off up hills. My PM is set to 50 beats minimum as this was previously my resting rate, but this can be adjusted. I like others have a home monitor which sends data to the pacing team. So far no concerns and no contact since 6 week check up. Good luck and hope you are back to activities soon.
thankyou for your replies , had PM fitted yesterday and they have set it at 50. Can feel it is a more consistent heart beat, but quite sore as had ILR removed and an allergic reaction to the dressing. I went into the operation so much more positive after reading the comments you shared of your experiences . Wishing everyone a happy and healthy Christmas.