Having found this group I am amazed how supportive it is! I had a 'heart event' ...still don't not what yet.. at the end of September after 3 'phone triages' with GP who was convinced my persistent cough was just a 'bad cold'..!!
A real appointment revealed it to be viral pneumonia and somehow this caused rapid oedema...I looked and felt like the Michelin Man walking through glue... I was admitted with a scribbled note from the GP which just said 'HF?'
After 2 nights in hospital I was sent home with Bisoprolol 2.5mg Bumetanide 1mg, Digoxin 62.5mg with a follow up echo (consultant was brilliant)..but not much else in terms of information, advice or support.. it is really scary as I now worry about any ache or pain....and sleeping with a dripping nose is challenging
I do too much research into everything but I have come to the conclusion that 'Dr Google' is a dangerous idiot offering unfiltered and often completely contradictory information, combined with journalists 'click bait' as 'fact' so I am incredibly grateful for the BHF phone line and this group...Perhaps in Jan when I see the Cardiologist I might just find out what is going on!