post op consultation: Well yesterday... - British Heart Fou...

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post op consultation

momander profile image
6 Replies

Well yesterday was 13 weeks post op double cabg, and I was waiting for a follow up phone call from my surgeon at 10.40 am. It cam to 1pm and I had heard nothing so phoned his secretary who was so lovely and extremely helpful, although she did not know why he hadn't phoned as he had not left a message with anyone saying where he was or if he had been called away. She assure me that even though the list was long, I would get a call but that she did not know when, and that it would most likely be from a member of his surgical team.

At 2pm a consultant phoned , asked me how I was feeling, then asked if i had experienced any clicking sensations in my sternum? after that he said "Ok, right then Mrs Kenny" !!?? I knew this signalled the end of the call!! I had ben waiting for over 3 months for my surgeon to phone and had questions I would have liked to ask!!! This consultant was just not interested in me as a human being at all, and jut gave the impression he wanted to get through the list of calls he was given to do .

I told him I had a few questions and asked if that was ok? I asked my questions and he began to say that someone should have sat with me post op and explained all of this to me??? He asked if any one had? and I said they had not. His reply was "perhaps you have forgotten"??? I only asked 3 questions as I just felt so uncomfortable with him. Each question I asked was answered in a very dismissive, clinical, matter of fact way, and then the phrase "ok, right then Mrs Kenny"

One of the questions I asked was in relation to the sudden intermittent swelling on the top of my sternum. My GP and cardio rehab nurse and physio have all said there is nothing to worry about and it is just part of the healing process. He suggested that there was a build up of fluid there and that I should see my GP for diuretics!!?? I've actually lost a significant amount of weight since my operation, not gained any.

I had such a lot of emotions running through my head yesterday and this man's attitude just set me right back !! Today I feel better, but what I am most annoyed about is that I didn't have the courage to speak up, defend myself, or tell this person that his chosen way of communication was unhelpful, dismissive, rude, unprofessional, clinical, cold and business like!!! Who would have the nerve to speak to a consultant like that??? not many I am sure. You would get absolutely no where and would be labelled as a troublemaker

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momander profile image
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6 Replies
bagsypartime profile image

I'm cabgx2 and had my 8wk check sign off two days ago.It was brief (two hour drive there and back) ecg and x-ray.Then quick review of meds goodbye.Mainly registrar.

Glad to see you venting.Good for you.

In my case my wife says they were probably glad to be rid of me.I argued with the nurses the whole time and had my own opinions about everything.(Not then but during my intensive and ward stay-they let me out after four days!he!he!)

As to your questions, remember that although these people are incredibly clever and skilful they mostly stick to guidelines such as NICE which dictates which meds you have,Assuming both your mammarys were harvested there can be a variety of things such as nerve damage.I'm a bit sore there.

Some of the other people up for my check- we waited together ECG Xray height weight BP; were a bit longer out and had complications such as fluid.The ones with problems maybe get more attention.I did say thank you to my surgeon and i think he did a pretty good job but i don't think he was that interested in my making a speech- as i said my wife thinks they are well rid of me.But the point i'm making from their perspective they are not too keen on talking about (from their point of view) niggles.

The other point to make is that 40% of us cabg are supposed to have clinical depression.I see your registrar didn't help that, but make yourself aware as a factor.

In my case didn't want the op, my wife bullied me into it,i moaned and complained the whole time i was in hospital, i definitely wouldn't have had it if i'd known how painful and tough the recovery was, but now it seems things might have worked out for the best.

Hope you recover well and it's a new beginning for you.

Max1019 profile image

it is very hard when you feel dismissed by those who you feel could bring some clarity to your concerns. I had similar experiences. Unfortunately we have to keep fighting for ourselves despite all the challenges we’re facing in trying to get some semblance of life back.

I suggest you go to your gp as he said, get checked out. You need peace of mind.

I am 31/2 years on from my bypass and still have issues and am still trying to sort difficulties out.

You matter and so does your mindset. Learning to take a day at a time helps. I wish you well.

Max1019 profile image


We all recover at different rates and we have to keep pushing doors until we find that element of peace to live with! Go for it, your worth it.

scentedgardener profile image

I am so sorry you've had such a rotten experience, I know exactly how you feel although not after such a serious op.I am usually that person who will say "Hold on a minute, I want to ask..." but seem to be losing that ability to a degree . I really must gird up my loins to carry on. I had a much delayed first cardiology appointment last year, and believed what I was told, that my problems were caused by atrial fibrillation. At the appointment I tried to ask him when I should seek help as when I got episodes I typically get all the symptoms that are red flags for heart attack. He very rudely cut me off before I could finish my sentence, ( I am always concise and factual in this type of appointment, not rambling on), and told me it wouldn't kill me.

I was told I would have a follow up in 3 months, but it has taken over 12 and in that time I have discovered that most of the symptoms do not belong to AF, and I am rarely getting any arrthymia.

Had I stuck to my guns I wouldn't have wasted over a year.

CyclingTime profile image

I found the same at my yearly discharge.

1. Question. I get a heavy beating if I try to go to sleep on the left side of my chest I can only go initially to sleep on my right side. Answer that's normal....turns it it isn't and by coincidence I found a few weeks ago I had iron deficiency and the iron tablets have stopped the heavy beating and I can sleep either side now!

2. Question. Where they took the vein near my wrist my thumb pad is very tight in the muscle. Answer. Yes there is nothing we will do with that unless it's excruciating pain.... reality I got some Physio and it's greatly reduced the issue

Kali_heart profile image

I live in Canada and the situation is no different. They don't realize how hard it is to go through these things when there is no one else to talk to. I'm 2 years post CABGx3 and now I have AFib. Take these pills and come back in 3 months. Seriously, that is what my cardiologist said.

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