Aside from my higher than normal for my body heart rate, I have a very exhausting chough all day long it feels like my throat has an hairy sensation and it's irritated somehow and I start choughing and choughing to try to rid the feeling , on the odd occasion I have had some mucus but not often at all then comes bedtime and I fall to sleep only to keep being woke up with a tickle back if through and gasping for air and choughing sometimes it's like need to chough but I can't chough right if that even makes sense ? I have appointment with my cardiologist which has been forward to tomorrow now so I will see what he says , but would you maybe see a respiratory consultant just to get the lungs checked out and then would they be able to advise which consultant to see next if it turned out not to be anything to do with the lungs? Thanks for reading
What consultant would you see - British Heart Fou...
What consultant would you see
the person you are seeing is a doctor and he or she can advise the next course of action.
We here are a community of people who have (or care for those who have) cardiovascular problems And whilst we might b able to make suggestions we are not medical people.
Hi, I was only looking to find out what consultants people have seen in order to be pointed in the direction by them for the properly treatment , I wasn't asking for a medical diagnosis on here.I have not had any luck and gp hasn't advised what consultant to see I am just unfortunately fobbed off, I have private health insurance so able to go and see consultants but I didn't want to see a consultant who maybe wouldn't have a clue where to start with my symptoms which is why I was asking what consultants people have seen in order to get diagnosed
Thanks for the response, take care of yourself
And good luck with your struggles
If there is someone here who has the same medical history as you, and has seen your post, then I expect they can give you their take on it.
But as you are seeing a medical professional yourself then that person is surely the best one to guide you.
Unfortunately I haven't been guided by any medical professional has to what consultant to see.
My thoughts were just to basically see what consultants everyone else has seen we all sometimes need the help from others if it's the right direction or not and I'm trying to sort myself out and have to start by asking for help and here is a good place to start
This is a support group with just advice and tips and friendly people, hence I was comfortable to post and ask everyone, I think we all know we're not medical professionals but the comfort of knowing your not alone goes more than a long way with most of us on here I was just looking for other peoples experience with consultants I'm trying to get myself into the right direction and has I'm stuck I thought why not ask!
Take care of yourself 🙏
Cough, it's Cough.
So very sorry if my spelling has offended you , I am not very good at spelling or reading I try my best though please remember this , because when reading people's post you don't know there background I don't mean to spell things wrong it unfortunately something I am not very good with
Hope your well , take care 🙏
Poor form.
Im a little confused 🤔
Take care 🙏 I hope all is well
I was pointing out to Stentsandrun their comment was rude.
Thank you for the lovely response I have answer your comment and thank you for sticking up for me I do apologise for my spelling
Have you considered it’s a gastric issue? I have reflux and that cna cause me to cough, especially after eating. I’m often left with a need to clear my throat for a while after eating.
Another thought - it could be medication linked. I was on ramipril for blood pressure and it caused a cough. I coughed for almsot 12 months on and off - not a big cough but annoying. They changed my meds and within a few months the cough went away.
Ah thank you, well I am thinking it might be acid reflux to be honest but my gp is not helpful in guilding me , he knows I have medical insurance and to private and I think he thinks I can just do that, but I just need guidance on what consultant, but I get nothing from him in terms of help I don't mind obviously it's why I have health insurance but having to figure out what consultants to see my self can be rather hard , I'm not medically trained.
I have been in touch with a respiratory specialist secretary today and told of my symptoms and they said that he would be able to help and would be able to recommend another consultant if it turned out to be something other than what he deals with.
So I shall book and make an appointment, it's a start.
Thanks for the reply, it's very helpful I'm sorry to read you had a chough for so long , but they figured out the problem
Yes the acid reflux choughing can be very annoying and draining especially when suffering with other health conditions like us..
I hope all is well with you otherwise, thank you again I appreciate the help very grateful sorry for my spelling mistakes
Take care of you ! And all the best 🙏
If it’s gastric related, you’d need to see a gastroenterologist. Good luck. Let us know how you get along.
Thanks, I had a chough years and years ago and was told it was acid reflux after testing, but back then I was under another go who guided me where to actually start. It does seem similar to before well very much the same, I was given an inhaler and acid medication but in the end just time took it away. I shall see the respiratory consultant first because I would like to get my lungs checked,
If he thinks acid then at least I'll know I've checked my lungs.
I have a cardiologist appointment tomorrow with results from my holter monitor and I have scan on my heart with him, so I'll bring it to his attention tomorrow maybe he'll point me down the right road.
I'll keep you posted and please stay in touch I'm always here if you need a chat
Take care of you , 🙏