I’d been on Bisoprolol since my cardiac arrest in Aug ‘23, and had the dose lowered to 1.25. My bp was still low even after taking me off Ramipril, so the physician associate at my gp’s got the go-ahead from cardiology to let me also stop Bisoprolol. I’ve seen many posts about this, and people seem to vary between coming off abruptly or tapering down. Has anyone been given definitive info or guidelines on this?
stopping bisoprolol: I’d been on... - British Heart Fou...
stopping bisoprolol
1.25mg is a very low dose so you may not find much in the way of side effects. There is of course the possibility as we are all different, have you discussed cutting them in half to see what happens? As it is a rate control your BPM may go up a bit. I have just stopped Bisoprolol at the same dose and given a calcium channel blocker Diltiazem, didn't miss the Bisop. at all in terms of anxiety, just needed a few days to get used to the new drug as hearts like stability. I have AFib and was on Bisop. for 16months 5mg down to 1.25mg and never once had a problem with a reduced dose. Good luck regards Kathleen
unfortunately it is down to you how you want to stop but you can get side effects like I did but they pass I’m also off both meds now, stop bisoprolo over 4 weeks now and stoped ramipril for the last 10 days, its best to try and stop the bisoprolo straight away instead of miss a day etc as it will clear your system quicker instead of being topped up by the dose every now and then
This is a good sign. Coming off meds is a sign that your heart is actually recovering well!