Hi, how long does it take the body to be completely rid of Bisoprolol? I’ve been on 2.5mg daily for about four years for ectopic beats. My doctor has now taken me off it.
Bisoprolol : Hi, how long does it take... - British Heart Fou...

Well, according to Wikipedia (!) the elimination half-life is 10-12 hours. That should mean that every 10-12 hours the amount remaining is halved. After a few days you should have a very small proportion left. It depends how small an amount you consider is "completely rid".
It took me about two weeks before I started to feel normal while the heart got used to responding to adrenaline again. You've had a few years of the beta receptors being suppressed, so the first few days of them being let loose can be a little unsettling at times when the heart beats faster and harder than you're used to. But remember that this is a normal body response and it does and will settle down pretty quickly.
I missed 2 days of taking 1.25mg bisoprolol and I’ve not felt anything like it before. My heart was thumping , I experienced anxiety or the first time . I felt that all my energy had rise to my chest area . It was very unsettling. Got my prescription and it’s all settled down. Such a low dose too. I was considering pushing to come of it at some point and I now know what to expect !
hi I’m on 12.5 per day and don’t think i will be able to come off of it been on it 7-8 years
2-3 days apparently according to the NHS website - nhs.uk/medicines/bisoprolol...
It took me two weeks to get rid of the side effects. My bp did go up to 140/90 but settled down to 120/80 after another two weeks.
The same results happened when I came off the BP meds (amlodopine). This morning my bp measured 120/79. This has taken another two months to come back to normal. It did go up to 120/90 in the morning and an average of 120/83.

Hi. Did you have any issues with heart rate and palpitations?
Nope, I have Bradycardia and have had since I was a kid. I do a lot of excercise and my sleeping heart rate goes as low as 40bpm, even sitting watching the TV it can drop to around 45bpm. It very important to take medical device as we are uniquely different. My wife eats similar diet but her resting heart rate is around 70bpm.
when I came of Bisoprolol after years on it .
I found that I was no longer suffering from cold hands etc and was comfortable with the same temperature as my other family members.
I stopped taking it and suffered a very quick response and pains in my chest, so started again as I was on holiday and didn't fancy the risk 🤕😂
It has a fairly short half life and 2-3 days is the quoted time. (I'm no expert though, merely on the stuff)
Thanks everyone for the responses. I’m only six days off it so my body must be just trying to get itself back right and used to not having the Bisoprolol. I was on it for ectopic beats but had to come off them. Just having some strange effects of this. Heart rate is a bit erratic eg. Brushing teeth or other small movements could send my heart rate to 95. Palpitations several times during the day. Chest feeling a bit funny can’t explain it. I’m back with the doctor in under two weeks so hopefully it’ll have settled down by then. I really want to stay off these
It will be interesting to hear what your doctor says about the high pulse rate. I came of bisoporel 1.25mg at Christmas having been on it for over 16 years, initially for migraine then high blood pressure. My GP just told me to come off it as he started me on a new high blood pressure tablets. (My diastolic is high but systolic normal or low) Lercanidipine 10mg. Now my pulse rises sometimes to 126 after just getting up to do something. Also feelings of palpitations. On bisoporel it rarely went above 85 unless out walking. Despite being on the new tablet he hasn't requested to see me to assess my progress.
Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. I’ve had holter monitor since and the results were good. I’m now having less ectopics than I was a year ago. The up and down heart rate seems to have stopped, fingers crossed it stays that way. I’m still off the Bisoprolol and hoping to stay off it. I’m still going to see an electrophysiologist to investigate further. There has to be a reason my heart was the way it was.
Yes definitely see your doctor and discuss it. I stopped taking the tablets last week mostly because I forgot to take them at night. After 4 days fluid was accumulating in my hands and they were becoming uncomfortable. As soon as I took the tablets again the fluid disappeared which was a relief. The tablets did affect my digestion though !
Do you mind me asking what you were taking them for. I was on them for ectopic beats
Having been on 2.5g for 6wks for HB have decided to come off due to having Raynards disease made worse have 16 tabs left will start with halving them.....
Thank you,and others for helpful replies giving me the courage to go ahead with discontinuation
Thank you,will be speaking to Dr on phone Thursday
does bisoprolol make anyone else feel down or depressed? Like out of body? Been on it about a month for tachycardia now taking every other day but heart rate goes up pretty high the second day before I take it again
I got the same thing. I take 2.5mg daily for my eptopic beats i took pria to Bisoprolol propranolol 10mg which didn't suit me at all so bisoprolol 3 weeks ago I thought helped better but I found eptopic beats may have got worst plus I think about the beats which can be overwhelming at times so brought them on. Anyways I can't seem to sleep on bisoprolol these passed few days feeling proper down and depressed at times mainly at night I did before these past 4 days starting up bisoprolol like you I took them every other day for over 2 weeks and found my heart rate to be soo sentative so doctor advised me to go on another beta blocker or start taking bisoprolol as I've barely had any side effects part from the lack of sleep and iv always slept pretty well.Have you tried halfing it? How long have you been on it for?
The half life is 10-12 hours and 5 half life’s are considered to give total elimination irrespective of the dose (50+25+12.5+6.25+3.125=96.875%). Anything remaining after 50-60hr will have insignificant effect
I got the same. I take 2.5mg daily for my eptopic beats i took pria to Bisoprolol propranolol 10mg which didn't suit me at all so bisoprolol was less side affects. Not sure about you but iv found my eptopic beats have been way worst with being anxious and the beta blockers iv been on I thought they helped which is some cases they have done but I found eptopic beats may have got worst on some days especially when I think about the beats which can be overwhelming at times so brings them on more.
Anyways I can't seem to sleep on bisoprolol these passed few days feeling proper down and depressed at times mainly at night I did before these past 4 days starting up bisoprolol like you I took them every other day for over 2 weeks and found my heart rate to be soo sentative so doctor advised me to go on another beta blocker or start taking bisoprolol as I've barely had any side effects part from the lack of sleep and iv always slept pretty well.
I heard it's 2/3 days for most half life tablets but everyone is different and depending how long your body has gotten used to them could have side withdrawal affects. Did the doctor try halfing it for you over a period of time?. Let us all know how your getting on be nice to see if anybody gets passed the withdrawal systems which I can see from a few comments odd person has. So there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I know I dont want to be on these permanently I haven't been been told I have some sort of heart condition either so I'm waiting on 24hr monitor and the refferal for the cardiologist 🤷
Best of luck with it all and hope your eptopic beats can be handled in another way without medication.