As some of you know, I was only diagnosed with AFib a month ago and am still trying to get to grips with the problems that the condition and the beta blockers cause. I do get very tired and with it, anxious and depressed. Am flying to Tenerife on Friday and although the GP says I am fine to fly, I am scared that I might have an episode on the plane where I am unable to bring my heart rate under control. In reality this probably won't happen but I spend a lot of time at the moment worrying about it, so much so that I keep on thinking that I shouldn't actually go. In reality though this holiday is to celebrate my 70th and I have paid for my kids and their partners to join us so opting out isn't really an option and I owe my wife this break for putting up with all the crap I have given her over the past couple of weeks. So, what I am really asking is what is it like to fly when you have AF, what should I look out for and are there any tricks I should know about. I will be wearing compression stockings (am not on thinners) and although I would love a couple of stiff drinks, know I can't, in fact haven't touched alcohol since day one. Sorry if this is a bit of a rant, blame it on the meds 🙂
Frightened of flying with AFib - British Heart Fou...
Frightened of flying with AFib

If you are 70 and have PAF I think that you should be on an anticoagulant. The beta blockers is likely to keep you out of tachycardia. My advice is to stay hydrated, avoid alcohol and eat small portions. You should be fine. Enjoy your holiday.
if it’s any sort of help my brother has AF and is Flying to Uganda this week and he’s a retired GP . If your doc has said you’re good to go, then relax and have the best week with your family. We all know stress isn’t a good thing for us, take the professional advice from your doc and go 😎
Hello - I am interested in your post as I have Afib....but I also drink alcohol - only on thus bad for Afib? Doctor never mentioned it? Certainly when a fly I like a gin before just to calm my nerves
Go and enjoy. Any warm weather is better than the cold and wet English winter.
I am in permanent AF since 2016 and I travel the world. Don't let this AF define you and don't worry about today it only spoils tomorrow. Before I went into permanent AF I had suffered episodes on a regular basis and in various locations, aeroplanes, cars, cinema etc but I refused to let the condition rule me. Enjoy your holiday with your family, keep hydrated, leave the alcohol alone, cut our caffeine and try not to eat large meals. These are the adjustments that helped me. Take care.
Hi There
I have had permanent Afib for 24 years- I am 77 and have just got back from a trip to the United States and Canada- a real long haul.( I had no problems) If you are on meds to control your Afib I am sure you will be fine- flying to Tenerife. Its normal to be anxious and depressed initially until you come to terms with the condition- but rest assured a couple of stiff drinks will be fine if you think you need them. My Afib is controlled with Adizem it keeps my resting heart rate down. Relax, go one your holiday and enjoy your family.
All the best