NSTEMI in April. I would like to ask which wrist did you all have your angiogram procedure in. Right or left?
NSTEMI in April. I would like to ask which wrist did you all have your angiogram procedure in. Right or left?
Right, all three times.
Everything else being equal, I've read that the operators like to stand on the right side of the patient, therefore, the right wrist is usually picked, however, I'm sure they could do the left wrist if there was a good reason.
Right wrist
Right wrist.
I have had 2 in the Right wrist one in the left wrist and 2 in the right groin.
Right wrist here
The right wrist x3
Right groin x3
4x right, 1x left
right wrist
Right wrist
Left with me on both times
Right wrist 1st time ....they tried to go back in right for the planned second one but couldn't get in so they switched to the left
First 2 in through the groan. Second 2 six weeks later through the left wrist.
Before my first angiogram the cardiologist said I had a weak pulse in my right wrist so used the left one with no problems. At the second angio a different cardiologist decided that he had better skills and could use the right wrist. It was the worse pain I'd ever felt and have been left with a weakened wrist even though it's a year later. I can't hold anything heavy in my right hand. For my third angio I insisted they used the left wrist which they did, no problems. I've been told I don't have a radial pulse in my right wrist but there is a faint ulnar pulse that comes over to the radial side, but this is never large enough to use for an angio.
Right wrist
I had mine in the right wrist. The worst part was after the procedure with the pressure wrist cup, my arm swollen up and bruised quite badly. But procedure went well so don’t worry you are in amazing hands
Had 2 right wrist but nerves were damaged trying to get into right for third time so swapped to left and 1 in right groin and 1vin left groin.
I had two in the right wrist.
I had mine in my right groin
Right. Can I ask why you are asking. ❤
Hi @ everyone & Quesswho.. The reason I’ve asked is because my angio was done in my right wrist and it did hurt on entering. Unfortunately I have now been left with an AV fistula 7 months on and referred to vascular who wary of operating due to more complications. I had really bad bruising after mine, but I’m aware that some have had angio’s in their left wrist and my consultant said why did they go through your dominant hand
2 in right wrist
mine was done in the right wrist.
Right wrist X3
Right x 2
right because it was opposite the very large screen - was my understanding
Only had one - in the right wrist with no problems.
Right wrist. Didn't ask me which, but I was having a heart attack at the time!
Right, local anesthetic, didnt feel it at all.
2 x right wrist
They tried the right wrist, but we're unsuccessful, so they done it in the left one which was very painful.
Right wrist
Right wrist. Can I ask why people had so many? Making me a little paranoid here 😳
Left wrist
Twice in the left wrist...
Mine was the Right
For the reasons explained by mjames1, the preference is to enter by the right wrist.
With my first stent the surgeon was unable to take the catheter up through the veins, despite several attempts, so had to switch to the left which was quite awkward.
For my second angiogram, which resulted in two further stents, the ( different) surgeon told me he was going to go in on the right despite previous issues. He achieved this but it was rather a protracted process.
Right wrist. No problem getting in, local anaesthetic worked fine but after a period of time, my vessels reacted by 'clamping' down on the catheter. They had to whip it out quite quickly, otherwise they said it could be stuck there for hours until the vessels relaxed sufficiently. This was quite painful for a couple of weeks afterwards in my arm and shoulder due to trauma to the vessels. However, I think this is not a common occurrence.
Right - wasnt asked, it was simply how things were set up in the theatre
I had both my stents inserted right arm.
It depends on which wrist they deem most suitable on the day. I've had one in my right and one in my left.
Right wrist.
Right wrist
I think the left wrist, but can't be sure - quite some years ago. Groin was right side.
Both on the right. A friend had first on right then on left but she has weak veins/arteries so now she needs another it will be groin.
please see my reply guys above to Quesswho
right wrist wasn’t given a choice
They tried my Right Wrist but the vein collapsed so they had to rather hurriedly pull the catheter out. No issues with the left, but with the fella stood on my right hand side I had to be a bit of a contortionist.
It’s very rare. I’ve not heard of cancer developing with a fistula…where did you read that info? They have said they won’t do surgery on it because it could become complicated and cause bleeding 😩 so I am now left with this long standing complication!
Seems like I am the only one who’s developed a complication after my angiogram 😩
"Fistula" just means abnormal connection. An anal fistula and an AV fistula are otherwise totally different beasts.
Phew good news. I knew I had read about fistulas and cancer. 👍
A fistula is an abnormal opening that connects two hollow organs of the body, or an organ to the skin.The contents of one hollow organ can leak into the other or through the skin.
A fistula can form due to infection or trauma.
An arteriovenous AV fistula, where blood leaks between an artery and vein isn't really the same as an anal fistula.
I am not sure it's appropriate to suggest an AV fistula will cause cancer.
Sorry I wasn't suggesting a A/V fistula would cause cancer I said I had read a Scientific paper on fistulas and cancer. PadThiaNoodles has cleared that up. Really nice person.
Hi did you see comment from PadThiaNoodles Fistula" just means abnormal connection. An anal fistula and an AV fistula are otherwise totally different beasts. Phew did not want you dwelling. I just knew I had read a Scientific paper on fistulas and cancer. Still hope you will get some help. Take care❤
Right wrist - no problems apart from unusually sharp pain when local anaesthetic was injected.
Can I also ask those that take aspirin….do you take it in water or just by mouth please?
I take coated aspirin as disposables songstress with my tummy. Intake Minnesotans glass of water at breakfast time
Thank you. I’ve read on here that some say it doesn’t give the full strength so will be interesting to see what others say
Hi, I had mine in the left wrist this January, he did say that as I had had a CABG in 2018, this was the rationalle fir using the left.