Hi all I’ve got to get this off my chest as it really is annoying me.Many on this forum have gone through worse than my HA in Sept’22 and are living their lives to the full as indeed I am but it seems that Jeremy Clarkson thinks he cheated death etc and will have to live now like a monk from now on!All he had was a bloody stent fitted like thousands of people every day and I do not think his dramatics do any favours to the BHF and perhaps he could donate the fee he received from the Sun to the BHF charity.
Heart Attack/stents: Hi all I’ve got to... - British Heart Fou...
Heart Attack/stents

Oh please my sides are aching through laughing, I've had sex stents and have never been near a monastery, every time I see Jeremy Clarkson now he will be wearing a monk's habit hood up head bowed traipsing up and down on his farm lol
That man will get attention and make money out of anything 🤮
I agree he is making a mount out of a mole hill. Look at the King and the Princess of Wales both with cancer and how they have handled themselves with dignity.
Clarkson is a drama queen . Bet the first things they told him was lose weight stop smoking and drinking . Wonder if he will 🤔
Clarkson is a hypocrite. Until something affects him personally it isnt that important or even a genuine thing to him. And he is also out for as much publicity and cash he can make out of any situation.
I haven't seen much about JC personally but if he is high lighting heart issues to people who think it will never happen to them good on him.As for making money out of it, I wish I could have made money too....
As for the king and the princess haven't they just done the same by making it public knowledge, to make people aware ?
I did a post about him on local social media urging anyone who looked like Clarkson or Salmond (fat, jowly and out of condition) to urgently see a GP.
It got over 4000 views. So his plight has raised the issues dramatically which must be a good thing.
We all deal with things in our own way and no doubt Clarkson has been shattered by his experience and is dealing with it in his own way.
Once he has had time to come to terms with it then no doubt he will change his current outlook.
I agree with Still_Breathing Personally I think the above comments are unnecessary, and for the wrong forum. Why are we all on here? Most of the comments I see on BHF, mine included when i first joined, are from people who are shocked, and possibly frightened by something that's hit them out of the blue. Mountains out of molehills. Well mine felt like a mountain, and compared to others on here probably was a molehill. I didn't even need stents. Meds for life yes. It still frightened me. Jeremy Clarkson is just another human being facing the reality when your health fails you. Every now and again something happens that has people saying "be kind". For me, this is one of those moments. Nobody knows what it's like to walk somebody else's shoes until you're wearing them. If he does raise awareness then what's the harm. Good for him.
👍well said.

Any celebrity that can talk about heart disease awareness, can only be a good thing.
If what he said makes someone reflect on their health its what matters.

Still don’t totally with Clarksons comments and it’s all about me me me !

Well said BluebellWds! 👍🏻

Absolutely spot on.
Well THANK GOODNESS the NHS are not like some of the comments. Makes you wonder if the people making them would of got there life threatening treatment, with that kind of attitude. SHAME ON YOU.

I think Jeremy Clarkson would have money enough to get treated privately if needed. He didn't appear to be on a waiting list as so many are and due to his high chance of making it newsworthy he probably got the best of the best treatment and care.

Your opinion
In common with all "celebrities" we can safely ignore the silly news such as Mr. Clarkson and others and take our health advice from those who are qualified to give it whether by shared experiences as on this site or by the medics; however as a fellow human being I do wish Jeremy Clarkson well at what must be a very worrying time.
I wouldn't get so upset you'll make yourself ill. It doesn't matter to me what he says or does although it did cross my mind 1 stent.
personally I could never stand him , an absolute talentless tosser,never could understand why the British public ever watched him
Only an opinion but, I think you're bringing some dramatics to the table, nobody is worse than the others, we all have our personal demons to fight, how we face up to that will be different from one person to another, Clarkson chooses to live like a monk, well good on him if it makes him feel secure.
Don't take Clarkson so seriously, he's simply being satirical. After all don't we all, now and again, grumble about having a spinach smoothie for breakfast followed by a nice glass of plain water, a lovely dish of sliced cucumber at lunch, with, if the doctor allows it one piece of Ryvita at teatime.
I find Clarkson's sense of humour quite funny.
If he brings attention to heart issues then that can only be a great thing.Can't believe what I have read here today. Caring bunch..... not.
BHF forum for all but not celebrates. Really.
Excuse me we all have the right to express our opinions and beliefs and deep down care for ALL in this forum celebrities included.
JC is a journalist, if he didn't exaggerate it wouldn't make interesting reading. I'm sure like most of us, and I'm nowhere near overweight, probably underweight, we all think we will be on salad and water for the rest of our life. I've had a valve replacement and bypass and type 2 diabetic. I'm conscious of what I eat but I do enjoy some "naughty food" now and again. I think JC has highlighted that nobody is invincible (I thought I was) and that he might reach out to people who are having symptoms but ignore them.