I had a pacemaker fitted in May 2024, all has healed well and it's doing it's job but I find it very uncomfortable. It's on the left side but quite high and the top of it catches on part of my shoulder. I think you can see from this photo. You can see the scar from the insertion, the pacemaker is on the left and is quite proud at the top.It's a bit sore, sometimes a bit achy. I prefer to sleep on my side, but I can't lie on my left side as it's too uncomfortable and if I sleep on my right side I have to try to stop my shoulder dropping forward as it catches on the pacemaker. Basically I am aware of it all the time and also worried that if my shoulder is interfering with it It might get damaged. I'm on the wait list for an AV node ablation so not having a pacemaker isn't an option. Is your pacemaker comfortable, anyone else get discomfort?
Position of pacemaker, help needed - British Heart Fou...
Position of pacemaker, help needed

It takes a while to get used to having one. Having been a front sleeper I had to go to a back sleeper for ages. It took a long time to get to sleeping on either side but still after 6 yrs I don't want to sleep on my stomach It gets easier and most of the time you won't even realise that it's there
Good luck
I’ve had my pacemaker for 4 years now and still find it uncomfortable to lay on my left side ( pm side ) . Looking at your pic the pacemaker doesn’t seem that high and seems to low to catch on your collar bone. Could it just be where it’s still healing inside and you can feel that as there is a lot of scar tissue healing inside. . It may be worth speaking to your cardiologists secretary if you definitely think it’s touching your collar bone and try and get an appointment. Hope everything settles down soon for you.
You could contact the device clinic and speak to someone there. They usuallly check my area sometimes when I visit. I had mine done 6 yrs ago. I forget it’s even there. Let us know how you get on. All the best.
hi there, sorry to hear of your discomfort etc. completely empathise. I had a biventricular pacer fitted in August, 11 weeks now. The last couple of weeks can sleep on sides again, but prefer rhs, however I have cushions to support my shoulder and in the night get an awful feeling and need to go onto back. My view is that your pacer has been placed higher than mine and it’s no wonder you are having these problems, sad to say. If you could, compare your site with someone else and then go armed with this information to your surgeon. I always slept on my front most of the night, can’t do it now - boo hoo as I have a bowel problem which appreciates being rested like that. Alas, also, the pacer has not helped with my problems, dilated cardiomyopathy, my weakness etc, the same. So it’s going to be interesting to see what my EF is, was 25% sure not shifted. All the best.
Sorry to hear it's not working for you, at least mine does seem to. I'm not a complainer but tbh it was much more painful than I expected when it was first done then it settled down and I forgot about it. However in the last month it's become more painful again and with certain movements of my should I can hear it click as it rubs against the shoulder blade. The arrhythmia nurse commented that she also thought it was high. Sitting here I can feel it aching. I've just looked at some pics of x rays of pacemakers in situ and normally it's well clear of the scapula, mine most definitely isn't!
That’s no good needs to be sorted alright. Yes, I started to get an awful pain in my throat whilst having it done. Needed more pain killer. Surgeon could’t understsnd it, said everything goes down not up. I couldn’t lay down for over a week. It was reducing before I left but was so worried,]. Anyway, I googled it and low and behold others had same problem, a person gave the full explanation of what it was via his cardiologist (briefly it is when a right vein is taken for inserting pacer through, there is another nerve on it which goes to throat) I sent a note with all the info on to the surgeon! I get twinges never had prior, in stomach and chest. Wouldn’t mind if it made a difference. Hope you can get sorted quick.
hi Sharpglo
I have a CRPT for the last 8 years , it has been very successful for me , but it depends all the time on how the last technician has set the thing up , sometimes I need to go back as I get worse symptoms after some adjustments , they are fly=unny creatures in the pacemaker clinic , never accept they have made anything worse , but I am thick skinned and ride out the arguments to get setting best for me .
Its quite reassuring reading these posts. I had a pacemaker put in July this year and am regularly aware of it - much more so than i expected.
FWIW I found this lady's videos very helpful - some of her stretching exercises may help you
especially this - youtube.com/watch?v=2TrCGjG...
Her videos about pacemakers were posted 5 years ago.
I can't get it to work but having looked at some X ray pics of pacemaker implants, mine is definitely high in comparison. The movement of my shoulder is compromised by the top of the pacemaker rubbing against the scapula so tbh I'm a bit wary of moving my shoulder too much. Thanks for replying, I hope yours settles down. I was surprised at how uncomfortable it was for several weeks following insertion, also the insertion was painful, the junior doctor (under direction of a consultant) had to keep removing stitches as they weren't correct. My own daughter is a hospital doctor so I do understand about them having to train but it wasn't the most enjoyable experience!
I had my pacemaker fitted 2 years ago. I do not have much fat in that area it is quite prominent. Although now used to it still have some issues with its position. It is very close to the top of my left arm and sometimes catches if I bring my left arm across my chest. Some of the discomfort could definitely be scar tissue produced during healing. Also on occasions I can actually see part of the wire. It will take time but you should get used to it. Good luck.
Its still quite new to you and will become more comfortable as time goes by and you will be able to sleep on your left side eventualy. I am 10 years in and had my 1st battery change this past november and I forget its even there sometimes. I sleep on the side of my pacemaker more than the other side with no problems. Give it time.