More tired now!?: Hi can anyone tell me... - British Heart Fou...

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More tired now!?

Heartandflowers profile image

Hi can anyone tell me is this normal ……

I am walking about 45 minutes daily and carry out normal day to today activities. I am working a little from home. My concern is I am more tired now than I was three weeks ago and am feeling quite down. They tell me my heart is functioning at 35%.

I am 2 months 6 days on from Emergency PCI two stents fitted.

Taking Ramipril 1.25 mg twice daily, atorvastatin, asprin, prasugrel,Lansoprazol,Bisoprolol,Eplerenone, Ezetimibe. From zero meds before HA.

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Heartandflowers profile image
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28 Replies
devonian186 profile image

That's a lot of meds from nothing.

After my quad bypass I am on 5 meds including aspirin and that could be reduced to 4 if I were given coated aspirin so could drop the lansoprazole.

Its still relatively early days after your procedure so tiredness is to be expected but might be worth mentioning these conditions to your GP or pharmacist.

If you are not that active have you put on weight as that would slow you down

Heartandflowers profile image
Heartandflowers in reply todevonian186

Gosh quad bypass you have been through a lot! I am feeling sorry for myself, got to stop it and accept the new me.

Thank you so much for your help, I have contacted GP surgery they are going to put me on ‘ask my GP’ To see if I can speak to one………

I weigh 9.10lbs 5.5 weight more or less the same, but not as active as before

I will take it on board that it is still early days. Thank you ☺️

devonian186 profile image
devonian186 in reply toHeartandflowers

You are taking 8 meds of which 4 or 5 are regularly cited here as causing a variety of problems. We are all different but that is quite a cocktail.

My bypass was in May 22. Two weeks ago my wife and I were lying in Bed in our hotel in Zermatt watching the sun tinge the top of the Matterhorn pink, so there is no obvious reason why you should not get substantially better.

Whilst discussing your medication with your GP you might ask what exercise would be considered suitable.

Its easy to get swept along in GP conversations so might be best to write down your queries as bullet points on a piece of paper and tick them off when the GP answers them. Do keep us informed.

Heartandflowers profile image
Heartandflowers in reply todevonian186

I am very thankful I am still here and need to get a grip and sort things out. Just so not easy to get to speak to a GP so hope they call me back. Thank you for your advice I will begin my list !

devonian186 profile image
devonian186 in reply toHeartandflowers

I run a new series of courses designed to get the attention of your GP.

The most popular is to go into their reception, speak in a series of agonised gasps to the receptionist, then collapse dramatically in front of them.

The moaning in pain whilst twitching on the ground module is of course an extra . The rolling of eyes has been discontinued as it did not work.

I am joking. I think....

Robfromwales profile image
Robfromwales in reply todevonian186

30 odd years ago my father , who wasn't given to this kind of behaviour , lay on the reception floor saying he wasn’t moving till he could see a dr. He had pneumonia and knew he was ill and couldn’t be seen. He was duly seen! I wouldn’t recommend it but interesting story!

devonian186 profile image
devonian186 in reply toRobfromwales

He must have taken the GP's Pneumonia module course that my father ran.

Again, joking, I think.

Heartandflowers profile image
Heartandflowers in reply todevonian186

I have now been Prescribed coated asprin and am dropping the Lansoprazole !

Really, thank you for your message it was very enlightening.

devonian186 profile image
devonian186 in reply toHeartandflowers

good to hear

MountainGoat52 profile image

I totally agree with devonian186, mention your symptoms to your GP or whoever is now responsible for your on-going care. We are all different, yet we are started on a standard cocktail of medication which needs adjusting to suit ourselves. I had some severe issues with my nedication after my HA, so my GP referred me to the Pharmacist at the GP practice. She adjusted my medication and my symptoms reduced and now I have a mix of medication that suits me. Zero issues.

Heartandflowers profile image
Heartandflowers in reply toMountainGoat52

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, I am looking into my meds I hope the GP will call me back. It’s pretty bad here for GP service. I don’t like taking Lansoprazol as I have googled it! I really need to discuss why they are giving me some of these meds. As you say a standard cocktail and I have never really had it explained to me why. Other than to protect your heart and stop another attack……

I am getting down so thank you for your help 😌

MountainGoat52 profile image
MountainGoat52 in reply toHeartandflowers

My feeling is that we all need to know what the medication that we are prescribed actually does. Thankfully the NHS and NICE websites give useful information. However, I do not feel that this is any substitute for having the medication explained to you in detail by a doctor or nurse.

My first experience with heart related medication was Bendroflumethiazide prescribed for high blood pressure. Wow, did it make me unwell. One dose and I was unable to get out of bed the following morning. Not good. My GP at the time refused to prescribe an alternative, so I went untreated until we changed practice a few years later.

The introduction to the new practice resulted in me being prescribed Ramipril for high BP. The GP automatically prescribed Lansoprazole as he thought my stomach needed protection. Cue repeat inability to get out of bed. That started my research of heart medications which has stood me in good stead. I know virtually all there is to know about diuretics and PPIs.

The Ramipril was changed to Amlodipine on account of me having a damaged kidney (don't ask). Amlodipine gave me oedema and mental issues, so that was changed to Losartan... for me, a brilliant medication. Unfortunately life got to me and the max dose of Losartan couldn't keep my BP in check.... add in Doxazosin and what happens is that my BP goes up, I have a blood clot and heart attack.

I was then prescribed more medication, but the purpose of every single one was explained by the sister in charge of the cardiac unit. Timescales were also discussed... what was for life, what was for a time. The new meds weren't without problems as I said, but at least I wasn't treated like an idiot as I knew their purpose. It was refreshing that the Pharmacist I dealt with was happy to accept I had the relevant knowledge, but I do appreciate that this may not always be the case.... I've just been extremely fortunate.

I sincerely hope you get the answers you need and the appropriate action is taken to get you back on track.

Kindest regards,


Heartandflowers profile image
Heartandflowers in reply toMountainGoat52

Hi Gerald, I spoke to GP we went through the meds, I have a better understanding now. Most are for life, so much I have to accept and stop thinking in the past! You know all the if onlys!

Yourself and others have helped me with your knowledge and understanding of the strange situation I find myself in. With more time I hope I will be more brave and more positive like you and others.

Thank you for taking the time.


MountainGoat52 profile image
MountainGoat52 in reply toHeartandflowers

Hi Deborah,

None of us want to be on medication, but it is a fact of modern life. There should be no shame associated with taking medication. I firmly believe that our lifestyles and environment are a big part of the problem. Stress due to work certainly was part of the reason for me having a heart attack.

One thing to remember is that medication is meant to make you feel better. Please don't suffer issues on account of taking a particular medication without referring your problems back to your GP.

Keep well,


Skiffrower profile image

It took me 3 months to get my body and the meds to tolerate each other and I was v dizzy for a lot of that time . I was able to drop lanzoprazole after 3 months cos I dropped to 75mg aspirin. It gave me violent diarrhea, but since stopping I have realised that it also made me exhausted. I know of others who had issues with bisoprolol . Everyone is different and reacts differently to the meds but we tend to be given a standard package and then it is up to the patient to shout out if things seem problematic . It is quite common for the meds to need tweaking ; like others on this thread, I think you need to talk to your GP .Btw 45 mins walking is good effort.

Heartandflowers profile image
Heartandflowers in reply toSkiffrower

Hi, thank you for taking the time to reply. I have called GP Practice, hope to get a call back. I do not like the Lansoprazol have googled the long term effects and most of the short term are happening to me too. I would like to be able to drop it!

Its great to read your encouraging words, I would like to eventually go out walking twice a day but feel so tired ! Oh gosh my new world!

Thank you 🙂

Andyman profile image

Don't walk everyday your body needs to recover. Have days off to allow for this.

Heartandflowers profile image
Heartandflowers in reply toAndyman

Hi, thank you for saying that. I feel as if I am expected to be walking two hours a day by now! I know I have come a long way since 7 August but I dont know exactly where I should be at this point…..

Am feeling so much better talking to all who have messaged me on here thank you for lifting my spirits 😊

Andyman profile image
Andyman in reply toHeartandflowers

You can't exercise 7 days a week and not expect to be tired out. Do 5 days and you'll find you can go further and not feel so tired. Really your doing great just over doing it

Heartandflowers profile image
Heartandflowers in reply toAndyman

😊 thanks I will certainly stop feeling bad about myself from the feedback I am getting! Although I am very happy with myself today I did one hour 15, the walk just seemed to flow. I was in a better frame of mind not overthinking too much and that is down to the lovely response I have received from fellow BHF members! I was very tired when I got home but will not now see exercise as something I have to do without fail! I will try to relax more into my whole new situation.

Strawweddrain profile image

Sorry to hear you’re feeling tired and down. It’s really tough getting used to all the medications and coming to terms with what has happened to you. Medications do make you tired and your body is still recovering from the initial event. My HA was 3 months ago I’m a lot stronger but accepting I still have a long way to go. Hope you hear from your GP soon.

In the meantime try and take it easy, better days are on their way 💕

Heartandflowers profile image
Heartandflowers in reply toStrawweddrain

Hi, thank you for your very comforting words. We are pretty close with our HA’s, I will take solace from your words of encouragement and support. I am happy to read how well you are doing after 3 months. This morning I left a message for a GP to call me and she did, which I would never have done if not for the suggestion of members on here! I am not taking Lansoprazol from tomorrow? Hurray 🎉. The side effects especially the long term ones are horrific!

I just have to try to get more at peace with my new normal 😌

Tlyna profile image

You may be having side effects from one or more of all those meds. I had very nasty effects from Ramipril which mimicked and masked my worsening heart valve problem. It eased after I dumped that med but then got worse rapidly a few months later until I ended up in emergency and then surgery. Fatigue was a big one as was shortness of breath

Heartandflowers profile image
Heartandflowers in reply toTlyna

Hi, thank you for your message. Everyone on here has/is not having a walk in the park! I am so grateful to have received all the help, advice and kindness shown since I reached out yesterday.

By sharing your experiences it helps me to understand that there is no quick fix and life throws us many curved balls! I have learnt!,,

I need to woman-up and accept it as there really is no alternative.

I hope that you are doing well now 🙂

Ziggyfan profile image

I had 4 stents fitted 2 months ago and I hadn’t had a HA so heart was functioning well and I can’t even speak without being breathless I am awaiting more tests to see if I have stenosis.

Heartandflowers profile image
Heartandflowers in reply toZiggyfan

Hi, having also had a PCI I was breathless for a good few weeks but it improved a tiny bit each day. I worried about stenosis too and was told that I, my heart had gone through a lot and I had to heal and that would take time.

I hope it all goes well with your tests. Do let us know.

BC4ever profile image

Hi. We are all different. Try not to compare (or try to compete) with other people who have been through the same thing. At one of my sessions with Cardiac Physio, one of the patients had ran there and was also going to run home! It made me feel so useless. Think about yourself. About how you feel each day, and decide if you would like to have a long walk - rather than pushing yourself too much every day. You have the option of a short walk. Or no walk at all. You need to factor in rest days too. I had my heart attack and emergency stents fitted at the end of May. I'm a 63 year old male. I've had terrible problems with side effects from some of the medication I've been taking, and I am only just starting to feel stronger. I still get breathless if I do too much. I still get tired very easily. My heart is working at 40%. I'm on all the same medication as you, apart from Prasugrel, which had to be changed to Clopidogrel, because it burnt all my skin. You will have days when you feel down. It's only natural. I do too. Those are the days when I try to get out into nature if I can, for a nice, steady walk. It helps. It just takes time. And some people need longer than others. Good luck.

Heartandflowers profile image
Heartandflowers in reply toBC4ever

I’m sorry to read that you have had terrible problems with the side effects from some of the medication. The prasugrel effects sound horrendous. Thank you for messaging me as it is good to talk to someone who is similar in age and unfortunately you lost some of your heart function like me. The meds are scary! I used to think very carefully before I took a paracetamol before! I went to see my horse today driving 20 mins each way, then with him for an hour or so. Got home and I am exhausted ! What is going on….Is it because I have lost some of my heart function ……I suppose it is. I didn’t walk yesterday I took notice of one of the kind messages sent to me and cut myself some slack.

I’m wondering whether to give up work? I don’t know how long I should give it before I make up my mind. My work is a bit stressful. I would prefer not to stop work of course, for a myriad of reasons. How do I measure these things? Cardiac Rehab called me yesterday I have my initial assessment on 1 November, I am looking forward to it! Crazy the things I now look forward to! I know what you mean about a walk and nature when feeling down, it makes me feel so much better too. About competing, I’m not going to do that, I was just pushing myself because that is what I do. That is stopping, for the simple reason I get tired and then feel low mentally and physically. I will certainly not be running anywhere, in fact I haven’t dared to run since the HA!

We both need more time, it’s very early days. So many have said this to me and some who are a year and a half down the road (one with about the same heart function) have said it gets better ☺️ So good to hear from you.

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