Travel by Air to a hot country after ... - British Heart Fou...

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Travel by Air to a hot country after a heart attack

Philosophy-of-Life profile image

Hi Veterans,

I am a newbie here. I am 45 and had a heart attack on November, 2023. I had a stent fitted and am on medication now and doing okay. I go to work and the gym and lead a mostly normal life, although I sometimes experience a little chest pain on and off. I am trying to book a holiday to fly to Saudi Arabia in the Middle East for two weeks in April 2025. It’s a hot weather country, you know. My question is, can I fly to the Middle East and book my flights? By the way, I had a meeting with my cardiologist a few months ago who said yes. Before paying for flights, I wanted to double-check again. Can anyone share your experience on flying by air and traveling to a hot country like Saudi Arabia? Many thanks in anticipation!

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Philosophy-of-Life profile image
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26 Replies
Happyrosie profile image

before you book! Check whether you can get travel insurance, it’s expensive for hearties. Take the cost into consideration and once you’ve booked, get the insurance into place. Try Moneyhelper or Moneysavingexpert on travel insurance general advice.

I can’t comment on whether the travel itself is suitable for you.

Lowerfield_no_more profile image
Lowerfield_no_more in reply to Happyrosie

+1 on checking out travel insurance provision before you book.

RufusScamp profile image

I imagine hotels, shops etc are all air-conditioned. I would avoid going outside during the day, and drink plenty of water. But I can think of dozens of countries I would rather visit! Do make sure you have good insurance though.

devonian186 profile image

First things first is to ensure you can get insurance as has been mentioned. Saudi is an unusual country to visit and I would imagine health care to be expensive.

You must have some special reason to want to go there but if its your first trip since your op it might be best to go somewhere nearer and less hot? You will experience scorching temperatures and the malls and hotels will be ultra air conditioned all of which will affect breathing ability, whether or not there is a related health condition.

Sav100 profile image


I had a HA and sent in 2022 and surgery in September 2023. I flew for the first time last Friday to Turkey, currently sat here In 30 degrees, yes I’m under the shade, drinking lots. Found the best insurance was via money super market as they had a lot of company’s that covered heart conditions and weren’t to badly priced. I declared all health problem’s and got really good cover for just over £40 for a week. Was quite stressed over the flight but not sure why, went just like it did before everything. If your given permission to fly and are sensible then I would say go see the world, you know what you can and can’t do. My only advice is carry all meds in your hand luggage, make sure you have something with you from your GP that says you’re allowed to carry and take them. As some countries don’t always approve the same meds as the uk.

Hope you get away soon, I waited a year, but going was the best bit of R&R I could have given myself. Enjoy your travels x

Gooner1947 profile image
Gooner1947 in reply to Sav100

Could you please share the company you used for your travel insurance please? Thank you

Sav100 profile image
Sav100 in reply to Gooner1947

Sorry for late reply,

I went via money supermarket, declared everything and all the meds I was taking, and conditions. They came back with Admiral. It wasn’t the cheapest but I choose one that was middle of the road but had a high medical cover of £10 million.

Hope the info helps xx

Gooner1947 profile image
Gooner1947 in reply to Sav100


Rooksway profile image

Hi there.

So glad you seem to be doing so well.

I am a relatively fit (I thought!) 62 year old, exercise regularly and eat well etc. I had a STEMI heart attack in February this year and as a result had some Angioplasty and a stent fitted.

At the time we already had a holiday booked to Oman (also hot) so I was expecting to have to cancel. The hospital cardiologist said there was no reason not to go and the rehab nurses also advised as I had no contraindications or ongoing issues so all should be ok. I called our travel insurance people and they were not excited about it at all, just made a note on our file. The destination had a local town with hospital facilities.

Obviously I was a tiny bit anxious for my first trip away, mainly due to the “what if” thoughts in my head, however I decided that life is there to be lived and not to waste a single moment of the second chance I have been given. So we went - 8 weeks after the HA and had a relaxing time, I honestly didn’t notice any difference in the heat, even though, like you, I’m on this cocktail of drugs.

I’m very glad I went because it made me feel more normal and gave me the confidence to get on with life. My husband and I have since been away again to do tick off one more from our bucket list!

It’s a decision you have to make yourself of course, Good luck and I hope you enjoy your trip wherever you decide to go!


Gooner1947 profile image
Gooner1947 in reply to Rooksway

I am in the same frame of mind as yourself Deb. The more we think about "what ifs" the less likely we are to do anything. We normally go away and stay at our cottage by the sea for the winter months in The Philippines.

We have not booked flights yet as still waiting for my coronary angiogram and then take it from there.

I'm 77 so without feeling morbid, I don't want to just sit at home in Wales trying to keep warm etc.

Gooner1947 profile image
Gooner1947 in reply to Rooksway

Is there any advice you could offer when on the flight? I assume it was probably 7 hours or so from UK. Thanks

Rooksway profile image
Rooksway in reply to Gooner1947

Yes about 7hrs to Muscat - I did nothing unusual, drink plenty of water - I never take alcohol on a flight anyway- get up and move regularly and if you normally wear flight socks then do so - I don’t bother!

Honestly if your cardiologist says your heart is fine then you are almost certainly in a better position now after treatment than you were when last you went away!

The first trip is the most anxious after that it will feel much more normal


Gooner1947 profile image
Gooner1947 in reply to Rooksway

Thank you so much for your reassurance Deb!!

Saudi Arabia. Holiday 😱

I have been there twice, it ain't like the Costa del Sol 😆

aardvark68 profile image

Like Rooksway and several others, I went to India six weeks after a STEMI, cardiac arrest and stents. It was very hot there in September. Apart from deciding not to go walking in the Himalayas I had a great time. I also regularly spend part of the year in a very hot climate. Be sensible, drink plenty of water and make sure you have insurance. Then just concentrate on enjoying your journey.

EdtheDead profile image

I had my M.I exactly 12 months ago and developed Pericarditis shortly after. Yes, I've struggled immensely but a deep realisation hit me. Life is so damned short that there is no point in dwelling on it.I started researching travel Insurance and myself and lovely wife decided to travel.

The travel Insurance for the pair of us set us back nigh on a grand for annual multi trip and off we went.

We've been away to hot climates 5 times in the last 12 months and we're not letting up any time soon.

Just go for it but prepare well.

The hot weather does affect me, can't deny that, but be sensible, stay in the shade during the hottest part of the day, drink plenty of water and wallow in the delights of new experiences.ife is definitely too short so fill your boots.

Gooner1947 profile image
Gooner1947 in reply to EdtheDead

I'm with you on that.

Gooner1947 profile image
Gooner1947 in reply to EdtheDead

Ed.Could you possibly share the insurance company you used?

EdtheDead profile image
EdtheDead in reply to Gooner1947

We used All Clear and they are excellent. Just remember to declare absolutely everything. They'll let you know whether it's relevant. Just recently had an MRI so had to let them know but no additional fee was charged.

FakeNews profile image

Go. Your cardiologist is the most qualified of us all. I have visited many hot countries since my heart attack. I do get tired when in the sun, so walk slowly, stay in the shade where possible and drink lots of water. Listen to your body and don’t overdo things. Have a rest when you need it and most important enjoy yourself.

Gooner1947 profile image
Gooner1947 in reply to FakeNews

Sound advice. Think we'd rather spend the winter in hotter climates than trying to keep warm in UK and walking out all wrapped up risking falling over on ice etc.I'm 77

FakeNews profile image
FakeNews in reply to Gooner1947

Totally agree. Staysure offer me good travel insurance. We are all on blood thinners so less chance of developing a DVT on the flight and on long haul I always wear flight socks.

Gooner1947 profile image
Gooner1947 in reply to FakeNews

Thank you.Still waiting for my coronary angiogram. Hopefully not to long off now.

Obviously can't make any decisions till after it and then chat with cardiologist.

We normally go for 3 months and stay at our cottage by sea in The Phillipines.

We have family around too if help needed.

Sometimes we go via India- spending a month there. But will probably not do that now. Keep it simple.

Good advice about the socks.

If given ok to go will make sure we book flights with connections in Middle East to break up the journey. May even stay over for a night or so in hotel.

It may all not come to pass but I don't want to just let the possibility pass us by. It's keeping us motivated too

MWIC profile image

Just back from Cyprus - 35 degrees and 29 at night so hot and humid but not quite Saudi temps. Travel fine and no prob - the heat dilates your blood vessels and this lowers BP so watch out for your BP going too low especially if on medication- I had to stop taking Ramipril as went too low and this sorted it

Gooner1947 profile image
Gooner1947 in reply to MWIC

That's interesting about stopping Rampril. Did you make the decision yourself when out there or was advised to before you left?How long were you away for?

What was "too low" BP?


MWIC profile image
MWIC in reply to Gooner1947

Own decision- I had some probs a few months ago - feeling weird and like I was going to pass out and was on 7.5mg Ramipril so I stopped it and the issue stopped, started taking again and came back so stopped and GP visit - advised to take 5mg but could only take 2.5mg so it seems Ramipril now lowers it too much and primarily it’s my diastolic which was down in 50’s.

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