Hi all, I’m just looking for some advice. A month ago I suffered a heart attack and subsequent cardiac arrest. I had a stent fitted and have kept up all meds, made a lot of lifestyle changes, and have been fully checked by the gp and hospital and everything looks good. However, I constantly go into full blown anxiety and imagine chest twinges etc. it’s really effecting me as I’m constantly in fear. Has anyone else suffered like this, and in your experience, does it ever pass. Thanks for reading
anxiety after heart attack: Hi all, I’m... - British Heart Fou...
anxiety after heart attack

Same thing happened to me 3 months ago, heart attack and 1 emergency stent. It's normal to feel as you do, I am still working on it 😊. It's a very traumatic experience and symptoms of PTSD happen a lot. Good luck.
how many many posts like yours! It’s so normal and natural. Give yourself time!
Having a heart attack is scary, having a cardiac arrest takes scariness to a whole new level! A cardiac arrest is the one of most traumatic things to go through & unless someone has experience of this they cannot understand how tough it is!!
If you're in Facebook I highly recommend joining the sudden cardiac arrest group, I've posted the link below. There's lots of advice and support there from people who have either had a cardiac arrest or have done CPR on someone having a cardiac arrest. The group is very well moderated and there are loads of lovely people who understand exactly how you're feeling. It might help you to know that my husband had a heart attack and cardiac arrest in 1997, he's never had another heart attack.
Good luck 🤞
Yes. 4years ago I suffered a HA 3 stents. In the early days I was as you described. Over time they got less and less. But on very rare occasions I get this feelings of doom. I spoke to my GP and she assured me that it's quite natural to experience these feeling. So when it happens I just relax and breath slowly, it helps me. I hope this helps.
Hi, anxiety is very common after such an event. I'm my early weeks and months my anxiety is something I had to come to grips with.
I did meditation using the calm app and this helped me massively. But the game changer for managing anxiety was cardio rehabilitation.
It does get better, I'm a year on and yes the odd thoughts and slight anxiety still manifest but certainly not in the intensity of the early days/weeks.
That is such a normal reaction to what you have gone through ReturnOfTheMag! I have had heart issues for the last 25 years and the latest was a cardiac arrest at the end of August this year. Incredibly scary but also a second chance at life that I am trying to grab and make the most of. It really is a "changing you mindset" thing which has taken me a bit of time to do! If your GP and hospital have checked you out and they say all is OK there is nothing else you can do apart from taking care of yourself both physically and as importantly mentally. Your anxiety will eventually pass - don't put yourself under pressure to make it pass quickly as you will get there. I still feel anxious once in a while and when you feel anxious your heart rate increases which makes you more anxious - bit of a viscious circle!! I find getting out into nature walking my dog incredibly therapeutic. I find myself appreciating everything so much more - the sights, sounds and smells of Nature are amazing! Also physically exercising at the same time is so beneficial. Please take good care of yourself and there is no rush!
Hi, I had a stemi heart attack RAD nearly 6 years ago. I remember worrying at every twinge and my mortality. Someone once wrote on here that , not to worry, you’ve had a full heart MOT whilst being stented. They check the rest of your heart for any other problems. You will be on the usual meds that should help prevent / delay other problems. I still get bouts of angina when I’m sick or under stress ( I don’t stress and have told my body this! 😆)
Live and enjoy your life. I’m now a granny to a 3 yr and 1 yr old. 🥰 . Two family weddings. I’m so glad to be here.
One bit of advice is if you don’t feel “right” get to the gps. Swapping your medication ( in the future) can make such a difference .
oh bless you! I’m in the same boat but no stent or arrest just a sudden heart attack. So I know what you are going through with the anxiety, I had mine 6 weeks ago, still suffering chest pains and anxiety. Feels a bit like a time bomb in my chest, but trying to just remain calm and work through it. I don’t really have any advice other than to look after yourself and maybe try talking therapies, I’m signed up for them for hopefully tips to ease my anxiety in stressful situations and then hopefully I will feel strong enough to go back to work. I wish you all the best x
It is perfectly normal to feel this way. Give yourself and body some time to get over this. Suddenly, out of the blue you feel fragile, scared,... dare I say it mortal.
Sadly, we cant switch this feeling off overnight and turn back to normal like before, but you will get there like all of us in time.
Key - you are going for treatment, have seen professionals that deal with these situations day in/ day out and if they have discharged you, it means no immediate danger. Lead a healthy lifestyle, be the best version of yourself and take medicines as prescribed. Get a hobby too to get your mind of things.
It will be fine - trust me!
That sounds like such a familiar journey — you might find real comfort and connection at the SCA UK "10 Years Together" Conference on 17th May 2025 in Hinckley. It’s a chance to meet other survivors, share experiences, and hear from expert medical professionals. 💜 Find out more and sign up here: scauk.org/10YT — we’d love to see you there!