I’ve just had 5mg of Amlodipine added to my Ramipril dose of 10mg - 5mg with the Amlodipine in the morning and 5mg at night - and I am finding it really difficult to sleep. I am waking up in the middle of the night and can’t sleep during the day. The best way to describe is like feeling on edge or that my head is too full of chatter to let me drop off.. Is this a known side effect? Is it likely to disappear? I would appreciate any advice. I am 54 and can normally sleep for Scotland!
Help: Amlodipine & Poor Sleep - British Heart Fou...
Help: Amlodipine & Poor Sleep

It is bad stuff. it can and will cause all kinds of problems. feet swelling, arms hurting, weight gain, fast heart rate I can go on and on. My wife had a big letter wrote up to you and it got lost. we both were on it. its bad stuff. if this help write back and my wife will tell you more a little at a time. seems they dont like long responses. so many things like acid reflux, tongue swelling, joint pain list is just on and on
Many thanks indeed for your reply. It’s quite worrying. Have you changed to other drugs?
I changed to valsartan. My wife stop taking and eats beets now. Beets seem to do the trick. If you been taking awhile you may have withdrawal. Both of us did. We had been on it for years. 5mg once a day for me and 5 twice a day for her. Its been over 6 months and we still have them. I called myself coming off slow and the wife cold turkey. affected us the same. Do some research on beets. The wife eats beets about 3 to 4 times a week. Just regular can beets from the store. Beet juice works great but taste bad. lol. Pickled beets work but just regular can beets eating them with a meal taste better. They start to work in a couple hours. Eating regular seems to maintain.
I’m interested in what you say about “beets”. I expect this is what in England we call “beetroot”, that is the root of the plant, it’s very red??
We don’t get it in cans here, either it comes fresh and we cook it or it comes pickled.
Anyway, I’ve been eating beetroot which I cook myself ever since I was in my twenties , so more than fifty years, and it’s never affected my blood pressure. Well, it might have affected it by a few points (like 120 instead of 125). I eat it most days as I LOVE the taste and it’s good the the (excuse me)bowels.
Hello again. Canned beets from the store is what she uses. Pickled beets worked just as good but you can only eat so many pickled beets. Also have use beet juice. it works very well. The taste. Well lets say not that great but you can mix it with other fruit juices. look up beet juice for high blood pressure. Beet juice is the best everyone says.
Good morning JJ1970. Sadly Amlodipine doesn't suit everyone and does have a lot of side effects. Best to get back in touch with your doctors There's plenty of alternatives they can give you. I am on 5 mg Ramapril 1 a day. And I take 1x4mg of Doxazosin morning and evening. Brian
Hi, I had a bad time on Amlodopine and came off them after 3 months. I’m on ezetimibe now and am feeling much better . It is trial and error unfortunately to find which of the many medications out there that work best for you, hope you find the right one soon.
How do you know its amlodipine that causes sleepless nights
When I attended the AF clinic they took me off Amlodipine straight away because of it causing swelling in your legs and ankles. I was told they wished GPs wouldn't prescribe it as they always take it off patients. I have been on Ramipril for decades with no problems. Also on Flecainide and Apixaban feel fine on those as well. If you have AF or PAF asked to be referred to AF clinic at your local hospital they will help you .
Many thanks indeed. I don’t have AF. I had vertigo and nausea and my BP had gone up to 210/105 so they’ve started me on Amolodipine in addition to my Ramipril to try and bring it back down. I think I have viral labyrinthitis that has pushed it up, but it’s difficult to know for sure. They’re currently trying to rule out a TIA.
This would be effect of the meds anyway, remember that they are given to us to make us better. What we experience as lack of sleep could be us getting spells of" better", feeling less tired?
Hi Jedi, I can’t get to sleep or drop off the way I can normally despite feeling exhausted. It’s like I’m a bit hyper. It’s difficult to explain. It’s definitely not normal for me.
I’ve been on it (10mg) for 6 years and never had a problem and I sleep like a baby. As has been said it doesn’t suit everyone so speak to your GP there are alternatives.
I’ve been taking 5 mg of amlodipine for 4 years. It’s just one drug of several that I take for BP and CHF. I have to honest, I haven’t had a problem (except for one of the generics) and it was the tweak I needed to finally get my BP controlled.
I’m on Amlodipine - changed on to it 4 yrs ago - no problems for me at all - whereas Ramipril and I don’t see-eye to eye at all. I sleep well….but I think it always takes a week or two for meds to settle in. I take my 10mg . along with Bisoprolol 3.75mg….AM
Is it doing what it’s supposed to? Speak to your GP for reassurance..or changing it again. Don’t get too stressed, Take care
5 mg at night?? happens but not a lot ask them why (the night time dose ) cant be taken in the morning it would probably help although we all respond differently so you maybe just need a different drug ask