i have been on amlodipine 5 mg for a year for blood pressure, since then i seem to have developed tinnitus, my question is could it be linked to my prescription? or is just a case of getting old and the two are not linked at all, has anyone else experienced this? would it be worth stopping my amlodipine for a week to see if my tinnitus lessens.my average blood pressure reading has improved since starting amlodipine 145/80 from 150/90
Amlodipine /tinnitus: i have been on... - British Heart Fou...
Amlodipine /tinnitus

Dear Charlie
There are alternatives to Amlodipine. I didn’t get along with amlodipine and my GP switched drugs. Your BP isn’t too bad especially as it is easing. You could try relaxation techniques and more exercise. And better diet.
I got a week of tinnitus type noises. Boy it’s annoying, isn’t it. I realized I had the slightest of infections, with cold type symptoms. Once the infection pushed off, the tinnitus stopped.
I have a tinnitus relaxer, which is an electrical device that plays white noise overlaid with a choice of sounds, such as babbling brook. The device will cost about £35 and I have used it a lot.
ok thanks, what are the alternatives? i just seemed to have developed tinnitus since being prescribed amlodipine, my gut feeling its just coincidental but i did wonder if anyone else had a similar experience
My GP switched me to Ramipril. But there are others. I agree with you, it’s unlikely that amlodipine would set off tinnitus. My little GP practice has an employee who will discuss medications. Many chemists likewise.
Good luck
I think choosing to try a different medication or a trial of not taking Amlopidine to see if it helps the Tinnitus is best discussing with the GP.Any trial I do either coming off or starting a new drug to help solve my side effects I always do with GP participation rather than " consent" . Getting your long term treatment and self care right with chronic illnesses is a partnership between doctor and patient with you making the final choices.
I discuss things with my GP then suggest how I would like to try something then we decide when and how to try it. OBS are taken at the appointment before I start then the GP usually tells me to come in a few weeks later to see if it's working or if what I'm doing needs amending.
My Constant Left Ear Tinnitus is actually linked to my Tachycardia, I get Intermittent pulsating right ear tinnitus triggered by blood pressure symptoms and vascular migraine so unfortunately any changes in medications I've done over time has not helped the left ear at all but better blood pressure and head ache management has helped the right ear.
It's very frustrating and makes it hard to hear sometimes, especially on the phone or if there are noises behind me. I do need to use distraction techniques to try to forget the noise or have background noise rather than total silence.
thank you for your reply , i plan on contacting my GP, i do manage to sort of block it out if i dont think about it, its only when in a silent room i get the constant ring/hum and even then i sort of have got used to it,, i will take his advice but really want to try something else just to rule amlodipine out and see if it the new prescription works in cancelling the noise.After all if i dont try i will never know.
As you say it's worth a try and it's good that you are planning to do it after chatting to your GP. Be prepared it may take a number of weeks or more for you to hear any change if it is likely to occur.
I've had tinnitus for 40 years. As sure as I can be, it was caused by loud noise.
thanks for your reply, i must admit i think its an age thing and nothing to do with my prescription its just that it has come on since taking it, i just want to rule out the possibility it could be linked
Tinnitus is so annoying isn't it? All I can tell you is I've been on Amlodipine for 4 years, and had Tinnitus for 18 years. So not the Amlodipine in my case. My Tinnitus started suddenly in the hours following shoulder surgery, I was on morphine. The Tinnitus has been there ever since. Before the surgery I was a long time user of ibuprofen, I think there may be a link there too. I'm on quite a lot of meds now, and it's amazing how many of the information leaflets in the packets list Tinnitus as a side effect. I do hope you get yours sorted out.
I didn't get on with Amlodipine, terrible swelling of my legs and spontaneous cramp. Switched to just Losartan and that has been fine with no side effects. Didn't get on with Ramipril either. You MUST discuss it with your doctor.
Did coming off the amlodipine help your tinnitus?I've been on amlodipine for 6 weeks, and my tinnitus started within a week of taking it. It wasn't too bad at first, but my GP increased my dose and within a week the tinnitus got worse! ENT consultant has said that it probably IS due to the amlodipine, and I'm speaking to my GP in a few days to explore alternatives. But woild like to know if the drug is likely to have caused permanent damage.
i have just carried on taking amlodipine and yes i still have tinnitus its annoying but i just try to block it out BUT thanks to your post i am going to ask my GP if i can swap , tinnitus did start around the same time as starting amlodipine but thanks to you i will see if i can try something else for a month or two , please let me know how you get on? i will also keep you informed on my progress ,
I will do ! Hopefully it will reduce ...
just has to do the weekly blood pressure readings and now have a telephone appointment january 2nd ,going to ask if i can change medication due to the current ringing in the ears will let you know how i get on, did you get any joy with your doctor?
Hi Charlie boy, can I ask if your T resolved?
no still have it and just learn to live with it, currently on 5mg amlodipine & 5mg Ramipril blood pressure readings excellent
I have had the same and five other side effects and jaw pain. Thumping heartbeat in chest. Hurting shoulders and it sent my blood pressure higher ended up in A&E where they changed my meds. It cleared up most of them except tinnitus which has lasted three weeks. Only hoping it will clear up.