Hi all just joined the group as it would be good to hear from others with same condition. I was diagnosed with Afib 18 months ago, the one that comes and goes. I was put on 2.5g bisoprolol but then reduced to 1.25g as my hear rate was going under 40 beats per minute however I have now had two episodes in 8 days and my medication has went back up to 2.5g. It’s left me exhausted and for thr first time anxious about it. Just wondering about others experiences.
anxious : Hi all just joined the group... - British Heart Fou...

Hi, I am on 1.25mg Bisoprolol following cardiac arrest. I have bradycardia and before all my recent events my resting HR was around 40bpm. Before that paroxysmal AFib had been detected and I was put on anticoagulant to reduce the risk of a stroke. At the time bisoprolol was considered but not prescribed in the end because of my bradycardia.But I subsequently had a cardiac arrest caused by left ventricular tachycardia, which is uncommon. The risk of high tachycardic rhythm for me was now real! So bisoprolol at the lowest dose was prescribed.
While in hospital my HR frequently dropped to 35 BPM, the ECG monitors are normally set to beep at 50bpm! One night I was woken up by a nurse shaking me because my HR had dropped below 30bpm! I had an ongoing battle between duty consultants putting me on and off bisoprolol and for a while I had heparin injections (I found very unpleasant).
I had a defibrillator with pacing function fitted (ICD) and initially the plan was to pace me at 60bpm and to gradually increase the bisoprolol dose. However, the pacing function was causing problems with blood pressure and eventually this was switched off. I guess my body is used to it's slow HR. It's now set at a default cut in level at 33bpm. My bisoprolol was kept at 1.25. so this has been the regime for 6 months.
My understanding is bisoprolol is a drug your body has to get used to. It's not a stop start drug and changes can take quite a while to settle, more than a month. For me, I think it was perhaps making me a little tired but now I am back in a full exercise regime that includes daily short walks (45 mins), 3 runs a week including a Saturday Parkrun and a long walk a week. I have good energy levels, and definitely better mental health and physical health from the exercise. I don't have any circulatory issues per se, but as a consequence possibly from an embolism or inflammation do have some heart muscle damage in the left ventricle and a reduced EF.
I've had loads of anxiety and that's normal for heart problems. It's functional in a sense that it helps you take a rain check on what's happening to your body , lifestyle etc. It can be disabling, but it can be managed if you focus on the things you can control and doing things you like doing.
I hope this helps and the side effects settle down as they do for most people. There can be an impression sometimes on HealthUnlocked that everyone has side effects that plague their lives. But most people who are actually managing probably don't engage in this forum.
This post has giving me so much hope and confidence. It's like a mirror of what I'm currently going through . Been of work eight weeks after a mental break down ,I didn't know how much my heart condition was affecting my mental health.
I've since seen a cardiologist that explained everything to me and has recommended the ablation procedure which should scheduled in the next few months.
I'm prescribed
I've had heart issues since 2019 caused by viral myocarditis,but I've been able to manage this with medication.
I've continued to work & have a relatively normal lifestyle.
Paroxysmal Afib has floored me ,everyday is different &I'm unable to make plans to do anything.
The flecinaide meds have helped reduce the frequency of episodes which is reassuring.
The anxiety that comes with these conditions is a major player in how you cope with it.
I'm managing my anxiety considerably better now with the support of my family ,although the guilt is still present for not being able to work & earn a wage .
I'm 53 and self employed and have never not worked .
It's tough not doing what you've always done.
Again thank you for the detailed post it's helped 😊 me so much .
There are other drugs for paroxysmal af,my friend has a tablet that goes under the tongue- get in touch with go surgery and speak to their pharmacist
Hi, I have paroxysmal AF and after an unsuccessful Ablation procedure in March this year, I am back on Bisoprolol. I am now taking 5mg per day whereas before I was only on 1.25mg. I asked my Cardiologist when he recommended 5mg per day if I could take it in 2 doses (am and pm). He said it was absolutely fine to do that. I still feel tired and feeling like I am working against the grain most days, but I am hardly having any episodes, which is most important to me.