Hi everyone
I know this is very mild compared to probably 99% of the other posts on here but I am extremely anxious and still waiting to see a specialist cardiologist and I guess just want to talk about what’s happening and see if it’s common.
About a month ago a doctor told me I had 3 leaky valves, all except aortic. All trivial or mild. I understand this isn’t severe and probably quite common but I get really worried that it’s 3 of my valves instead of just 1 or 2. The doctor who gave me the results (who originally told me I had a hole in my heart because she didn’t understand the results) said it could be from a disease I caught abroad or I was just born with it. She has referred me to a cardiologist which I see next Thursday.
The reason why I had the echocardiogram and ECG in the first place was because I get dizzy and heart palpitations (skipping a beat). I’ve had ECGs in the past and one resulted in the doctor asking me if I remember having a heart attack in the last year because that’s what it looks like... now I know doctors aren’t specialists but this sort of thing really scares me! I’ve not had a heart attack?!
Anyway, this morning I woke up and my heart was racing. Around 130BPM, which is really high when my resting heart rate is around 57. For an hour and a half it was fluctuating between 130 and 70, I felt so sick and worried and thought I was going to have a heart attack. I didn’t, I’m here writing this post. This palpitation was new to me as I normally just get the fluttering ones. This one was uncomfortable. Should I be more worried?
Currently abroad on holiday and scared to fly home!
If anyone has any words of wisdom that would be great.
I don’t drink alcohol or caffeine. I am 25 and female. I wouldn’t say I’m overly fit but not unfit. Trying heart rate seems a bit low at 57 but again, no doctor will advise and says I need to see cardiologist.
Thanks for listening and if anyone has similar I’d love to hear your stories