Hi all
I am a 55 year old women with a history of hypertension ,high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes.
Two weeks ago I attended A&E for a suspected obstructed bowel but after having the contrast dye during an abdominal CT scan I became unwellfelt faint and had chest pain, heaviness and tightness in my chest and jaw and very high blood pressure 199/300. It was extremely scary and I spent the next couple of hours in rhesus being treated for a heart attack. I was told my ECG was slightly abnormal but inconclusive but the blood tests showed no damage to heart so unlikely heart attack.I was discharged 24 hours later for a referral for angiogram in October .Just 5 days later I was at home sitting down and started to develop the same chest pain becoming very sweaty and light headed an ambulance was called and I went to A&E. Again my blood pressure was very high and ECG inconclusive ;the pain was relieved on having the Nitrolingual spray. I did have an echocardiogram which was told was mostly ok , was discharged with spray to go back later in the week for a Cardio CT scan .I refused the contrast because I was so scared because of my initial reaction to the dye. The view of the radiologist was that it wasn't an allergic reaction and that I was being very reckless refusing the contrast. I am expecting a call from the rapid access chest pain clinic on Tuesday morning and I am wondering what to ask and expect? Over the last week I have been in pain for large portions of the day -at rest as well as when I am moving . I am using the spray 6 times a day on average and although it relieves the pain I still feel pressure and chest tightness. I have lost all my confidence and taken time off work. I feel like I am constantly wondering if I should be calling an ambulance. I feel silly for being anxious about the contrast but it really feels like that is what set off these acute symptoms.I am concerned about the angiogram . I have an in law who tragically died last year whilst having an angiogram with a query allergic reaction so that knowledge together with my experience is constantly playing on my mind yet I also feel very unwell and know that I need to be treated.I would like the opportunity to discuss my concerns and hope I can get that during the telephone consult. I would love to hear from people who are managing to live normal lives with unstable angina as at the moment I feel incredibly anxious. I have been taking my blood pressure since coming out of hospital and it is all over the place sometimes very high ,sometimes low - anyone got any thoughts on that ?