First of All thank you for your advice in the last post. I emailed the CEO of the hospital last week regarding hubby's health and there failure and neglect. But then Head of Adult learning disabilities contacted me. I explained it was not a learning disabilities problem. Waited until Tuesday but still heard nothing.
So followed up and more to my original email . I also added that if I didn't get a response ASAP I would have no choice but to contact a Medical Neglect lawyer. Within 30 mins I got a response from the CEO say she had forwarded my email to Divisional Director of Operations.
And Division of Medicine & Therapies.
He called me within 2 hours and explained he would call me by 12 noon on tomorrow (Wednesday) .
He called me at 11.45 on Wednesday saying he needed a little bit more time bur he will call.
1.30pm he said can you bring hubby gor an MRI at 4.30pm. To which I agreed.
Now just waiting for the drs to look at the MRI report which was completed at 5.39pm today. And his EEG is booked for Tuesday.
So hopefully will get a fully picture of what's happening to hubby by the middle to end of next week.
It was a harsh line to take with them and I did explain that I was doing this for hubby and anyone else that can't speak up for themselves. I said thst I wanted to know what procedures would be put in place to prevent this happening to anyone ever again.
Many thanks