Hi, just looking for advice please. Following my triple heart bypass operation back in March I contacted my car insurance company as advised , who confirmed that my condition, heart attack followed by CABG, would not impact upon my car insurance. So I'm wondering why the same doesn't apply to my travel insurance... I'm flying to Germany in December and whilst its not horrendous, the quotes are at least double now.
Insurance following CABG: Hi, just... - British Heart Fou...
Insurance following CABG

This raises a good point I've been thinking about...
Post CABG, I consider myself a lower travel insurance payout risk than in the time leading upto my diagnosis/operation! The angina is no longer a current condition on my formal medical records and my diet and medication etc are helping to prevent issues that could result in a claim 🤞🤞🤞.
Much less risk than before?? = less travel insurance premium for angina related CABG??
(PS. maybe this is the approach of the car insurance and why premiums haven't inadvertently, or not, changed)
insurers work very much on statistics, so if the stats show that they have many claims, or a few very expensive claims, from your condition then they have to price the risk accordingly.
There’s an article about this kind of thing on the website of MoneyHelper.
Your condition is very unlikely to present a motoring risk. If you had another heart attack whilst driving, you would almost certainly be able to stop safely. The risk of sudden cardiac arrest or loss of consciousness which leads to an accident is remote. On the other hand if you had a heart attack or other medical problem on holiday, it would cost a lot of money. If it happened anywhere near the USA it would cost an absolute fortune. This correlates with your motor insurance costing no more, travel insurance being more expensive and travel insurance covering the US being extortionate.
I had 3xCABG in December and we’re on holiday to Portugal in 3 weeks. As I had a nectar card (20% discount applies) I tried Sainsburys travel insurance and for me and the Mrs it is £85 which includes CDW for car rental. I thought that was exceptionally reasonable. I’m also booked for Budapest Jan ‘25 and it’s a similar price, a bit cheaper as we’re not renting s car.
If you had a bad car accident your car insurance would rise. You have had a bad health experience and this will be reflected in your travel insurance.
Did you stay with your existing co or shop around? I find justtravelcover.com to be pretty good.