Hi everyone, my father has been suffering from extreme head pain, lightheadness, spells of blacking out, paleness, nausea and other symptoms. He has had two MRIs on his head which the neurologist keep referring him back to the cardiology team as they keep saying it’s fine. They have done a myocardial infusion test which came back normal, however they wouldn’t allow him to do the treadmill test as they said his blood pressure was so high he’d have a heart attack. He has been suggested for tilt table test which hopefully comes soon. He has also got AF which cardiologists said he doesn’t need medication for yet other people have questioned them that he needs to be. Just wondered if anyone has any head pain that could be related to the heart or if it is any other possible reasonings as this is the main issue of concern. Thank you!!
Advice with head pain related to heart? - British Heart Fou...
Advice with head pain related to heart?

Apparently intracranial aneurysm has been ruled out. High blood pressure can be a cause of headaches as can meds like nitroglycerin type meds. Maybe the high BP is why he's not prescribed anticoagulant for his A Fib but hypertension and A Fib usually are treated. His GP will direct him.

Hello and welcome to the forum!
Do you know what medications he is currently on? Some can cause lightheadedness and headaches. Diltiazem (a CCI - Calcium Channel Inhibitor) took about 10 days for this to clear but mire recently with the anti-biotic Co-trimoxazole it got steadily worse and was stopped when I also developed nausea and had a heavy fall! Your GP should be taking an interest but I know some do not and fob people of with "You are under the hospital now"!
hello Emmarandall
You have been given some guide by knowledgeable contributors. I can’t add to that, but I can tell you how to remove one of your duplicated posts. Go to the post you don’t need, ie no one has replied to that one, press the button marked “More” and it will give you an option to delete.
Not to worry you but my wife had similar symptoms, the problem was found by CT scan and veinogram, turned out to be blood clot in Sagittal sinus vein. Which was resolved by anticoagulation medication. Hope this may help.
High blood pressure can be related to narrowed arteries. I would think investigation by the cardiology team will determine what is happening. High Blood pressure was instrumental in me having a heart attack, even though I was on medication. The cause was narrowed arteries and stress in combination with a hereditary tendency to having blood clots. Neither my high blood pressure or stress was acknowledged by my GP as being serious enough for me to be referred to cardiology and he just kept giving me more and more medication.