I have been diagnosed with heart failure with a low ejection fraction which went up and is now back down.
I have been put on Dapagliflozin and a diruretic.
Does this drug affect BP? Mine is dropping every day.
I have been diagnosed with heart failure with a low ejection fraction which went up and is now back down.
I have been put on Dapagliflozin and a diruretic.
Does this drug affect BP? Mine is dropping every day.
Yes it does. I have to take another drug - Fludrocortisone at the same time, to try and raise my B.P which is low anyway. The trouble is, that one makes you retain fluid - which obviously isn’t ideal with H.F.
Can you take the Dapa at bedtime perhaps, so then you’re laying down anyway if your B.P drops?
Hope you feel better.
Exactly the same treatment and symptoms as mine and my blood pressure and heart rate have dropped quite worryingly to very low levels after being dangerously high causing HF. However am reassured that things will settle down over time so have accepted this. Perhaps have to be patient but it does cause concern.
Anyway hope you feel better soon.
I'm also on Dapagliflozin and have bouts of feeling like I've got vertigo. My BP has been 98/66 this week and with the heat as well its been hard going. I hadn't been told about the lowering of BP so might take this at night from today ..thank you for the advice xx
hi yes they make your blood pressure drop. I have always had low blood pressure and I take Dapa, Entresto and Bisoprolol which make it drop even more. Had problems with it going too low and taken to hospital twice so keep an eye on your symptoms. They told me I’d got to take tablets in the morning and I take some in the evenings as well to spread it out. Hope you go on ok. X