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Blood pressure

54 Replies

I have a blood pressure reading of 115 over 65, I read that this could be my arteries are blocking with cholestorol. I haven,t been feeling well for a while now but because of the virus cannot be referred. I have SVT and mild mitral valve prolapse but have been trying to avoid an ablation in case it causes me more problems. I,m on Bisoprolol 1.25 mg. I am unable to do the things I used to do and climbing the stairs is an ordeal. I am 74 in a few weeks. Is there anybody similar to me that can give me reassurance until I can see a doctor. I am paying to see a cardiologist privately. I live outside London.

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54 Replies

Thankyou! My grandmother had a heart attack at 69 and my aunt at 55. I do not like taking medication so have declined statins hoping to do it with diet but I fall off the wagon often. I think it’s Bisoprolol that makes me feel so awful. I did read that if there is a difference of over40 in the top and bottom numbers there could be a degree of cholestorol build up. When we get over the 70 age we overthink and wonder when we will meet our maker. Otherwise I,m quite active( ish)

Athena-Heinrich profile image
Athena-Heinrich in reply to

Our relatives arent always an indicator of our own time span. ..Bisoprol definitely has an effect - I cant take more as I go extremely wierd - but 1.25 isnt very high and after 9 months my body has adapted to it. All our bodies are different though thats for sure. I cannot stand even the idea of medication and have pushed for as little as possible . I think about death every day too but it always has been part of life and I say to myself worrying is a waste of whatever time is left and doesnt improve my life one bit. Done my will and am going to get a do not resussitate order in place then take pleasure in being alive while it still can be a pleasure!

DiggyDoggy profile image
DiggyDoggy in reply to

I too used to resist taking medication. Now, I think NOT taking statins for all those years when I should have is one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made, and potentially one major reason I'm now pretty much dependent on having to take tons of meds every day now. I very much regret my past decision.

in reply to DiggyDoggy

24 years ago my cholestorol was high, I hoped my diet kept it in check. I was working and taking care of my family, I only went to the doctor if I was really unwell

Mabel14 profile image
Mabel14 in reply to

I wish I’d taken statins sooner, I thought I could lower my cholesterol through diet. I’d lost weight and was more active but still had a heart attack, they said I was doing all the right things but it made no difference, my cholesterol was still 8.6. After HA I went onto statins and it went down to 3.9, I don’t get any side effects from the statins (Atorvastatin), I wonder if I had taken them a couple of years earlier it may have been a different outcome. Perhaps its something to consider?

gilreid1 profile image

I am also on bisoprolol and readings of 120/65 very normal for me. Your GP would have prescribed Bisoprolol for a reason so I would recommend asking if this was the desired outcome.

Stay safe


080311 profile image

I too am on Bisoprolol 2.5mg. My blood pressure is between 105/60 to 110/65 I am 73, and had OHS 4 years ago to replace Aortic valve and bypass. I am so sorry to read you are struggling, hopefully you will get some answers when you see the cardiologist.

Best wishes Pauline

Palpman profile image

A BP of 120/80 is textbook normal. That is a difference of 40mm Hg.

If your BP has a difference of 40mm then you are totally fine.

Thanks everyone for responding! The difference in the top and bottom of mine worried me especially as I feel as if I got a box of frogs in my chest sometimes and feel exhausted a lot of the time

Heartbear profile image

Don’t worry about it. HA last July at 51 (now 52 as of last week) 100% blockage on the LAD so I’m lucky to be here. On Bisoprolol 1.25 mg among others. have a spreadsheet of my BP and HR. It’s typically 115/65 to 70, HR 65 ish. All good from what Barts tell me. Hope this helps,


in reply to Heartbear

Oh Dear! Heart attacks were common on my grandmothers side. They blame smoking and food but I was brought up by my grandparents on a farm in Wales,everything was homegrown and fresh,and not a lot of money for luxuries. I think it’s genetic. My grandfather smoked until just before he died at 79, also worked as a coal miner for many years.

Heartbear profile image
Heartbear in reply to

My HA remains unexplained, in fact I've given up asking why it happened. All bloods were and are within limits, I'm a never smoker, eat well, am active as a runner, not overweight, no family traits. Maybe being 51 and male was enough of a risk. I've accepted it has happened, it's something I need to be aware of and have moved on with positivity. And threw myself into the rehab exercise regime which I have continued every other day since, which fell on Xmas day and my birthday last week :-)

MountainGoat52 profile image
MountainGoat52 in reply to Heartbear

Might be worth requesting a check on your homocysteine level if that hasnt been checked. That was my problem and it is hereditary. Combined with work induced stress, it resulted in me having a HA.

Clerkenweller profile image

The blood pressure sounds good. A lot of people including me had a problem with bisoprolol (including me) and alternatives are available which can do the job. I personally am very pro statins. There is mounting evidence that problems people experience are not related. They work.

Echoing the above. BP sounds normal/low and is similar to my daily readings. But you should insist on seeing/talking to your Doctor rather than taking advice off a forum.

in reply to

Very difficult at the present time to talk to a doctor. I,m hoping that very soon we will be face to face albeit with a mask on.

GreenGuy999 profile image

A general rule of bp number should be around 100 plus your need to start worrying if you get dizzy standing up or if the number are close to each other.

Issues Climbing the stairs...get a bungalow

in reply to GreenGuy999

I live outside London,property very expensive, and not a lot of choice for one independent person. I lived in a flat, horrendous noise, I bought this small house 15 months ago for £285.000. Bungalows are in excess of £450.000

GreenGuy999 profile image
GreenGuy999 in reply to

Stair lifts then.

in reply to GreenGuy999

I,ve got a winding stairs going up at a 80 degrees. Like climbing Everest.

in reply to GreenGuy999

100 plus your age! That would make mine 163 rather than 115!

GreenGuy999 profile image
GreenGuy999 in reply to

Yup so anything below is good!

JennyRx profile image
JennyRx in reply to GreenGuy999

The 100 plus age is no longer used as if you’re 60 with a systolic of 160 that’s cause for concern. We used to use that yardstick - no longer as it’s not safe as we age.

GreenGuy999 profile image
GreenGuy999 in reply to JennyRx

Is there something else that’s a better guide?

JennyRx profile image
JennyRx in reply to GreenGuy999

Blood puts normal range at 90/60 to 120/80. But some conditions and age can allow for the upper range being extended.

in reply to JennyRx

The medical profession used to concentrate on the bottom number to diagnose hypertension.

JennyRx profile image
JennyRx in reply to

True. I was told that when I first qualified as a pharmacist. Now it’s both numbers that are used.

MountainGoat52 profile image

I'm on 1.25mg of Bisoprolol and 25mg Losartan. Nominal BP 125/75 with pulse mid 50s. My BP varies +/- 10 points according to my day. I'm happy with this at age 69. Much better than the 220/110 that I recorded some years ago!

Bisoprolol generally lowers the heart rate and so provides a measure of protection. It can make you feel dizzy, faint or even weak. I occasionally get hypotension when I am really relaxed and have been sitting for a while. Always careful when I stand up, though sometimes I get half way across the room before the dizziness occurs.

in reply to MountainGoat52

I have the same problem on Bisoprolol .

in reply to

Bisoprolol seems to reduce blood pressure and lower pulse too much for a lot of people me included.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to

I had to change from bisopralol. It dropped my BP so low I couldn't function at all.

in reply to MountainGoat52

Yes I find that too, I relax in the afternoon and watch tv, get up and come over dizzy.

Lincoln410 profile image

Hi Delnoleen, bisoprolol left me feeling very lethargic and generally unwell. My GP reduced the dose from 2.5 to 1.25 mg but after a few weeks I was back to feeling unwell. I asked to see my cardiologist who then stopped the med completely and I have felt much better since.With regards to the BP I think it can be a matter of a little knowledge being too much sometimes. The untrained of us make all kinds of assumptions and reach conclusions based on the little we know - or think we know. I was told after my HA and subsequent cabg that the emotional/mental impact of the event takes longer for recovery than the physical aspect and I have learned to be true. Follow up about the Bisoprolol you may find it makes all the difference - hopefully 👍😃.

in reply to Lincoln410

Thanks! I think the Bisoprolol does make me feel unwell but having tried to cut it down I found I felt just as unwell. I think it is like withdrawing from something our bodies are used to.

Lincoln410 profile image
Lincoln410 in reply to

In the end I just didn’t seem to be able to tolerate it.I did also read a post on here that a certain cardiologist had take all of his patients off it. I do agree wholeheartedly with the last reply that you should insist on the referral to your cardiologist and not take no for an answer, they are the experts and give you the best advice. Once I spoke to mine he made a follow up appt also, gave me much more confidence 👍

Flummoxedlou profile image

Hi Delnoleen, Can I add to the others here that your BP readings don't seem out of the normal range. However, you are concerned about the fluttering and I don't blame you, we all feel scared with these weird flutters, shivers, missed beats and odd sensations. despite your feelings that you can't get a doctors help, I would say, pick up the phone, tell them you are very concerned and you WANT a telephone appointment to discuss being referred - all the hospitals are now returning to normal appointments - I was at both the Papworth and Hinchinbrooke in the last two weeks. So be determined and get your appointment and ask for a referral. Don't hold back, this is your health you are concerned about so stop worrying and get on the phone.Through my own experience, unique to me of course, can I tell you that (in some cases) you can reduce these sensations through breathing exercises and avoiding stimulating factors. You know well all the stimulating substances you should avoid - coffee - tea, chocolate, alcohol, heavy foods and some lesser known products - like lip salve for instance (the ingredients often include a stimulant that you are unaware of) in particular petroleum based products. Look at soaps and shampoos - many have ingredients that don't help. Your medications could be at play there too. Then there are fizzy drinks, some forms of sweetener - the list is endless! I was taught by Papworth Rehab that a method of breathing that can help reset flutters. Its a well known cardiologist method. I have used it recently on several occasions - it's not crackpot nonsense. I'm not going to teach it to you as you must ask your doctor about it - might not be right for you. Worth asking though.

I hope you feel better soon and get the reassurance you need. You deserve to have proper free healthcare, you've paid for it all your life. Good luck and God bless.

in reply to Flummoxedlou

Thanks for your informative information. I have never smoked, small amount of alcohol when I was a teenager none since. I do not drink coffee, couple cups weak tea a day and eat sensibly, my weakness is cake which I bake myself. Some people flout all the rules and never experience anything like this which has been with me for many years.

Qualipop profile image

Terrific BP reading. I wish mine was like that. You are over thinking it. GP is more than happy with mine at around 134/69. Don't be put off statins just because of reports on Google. I couldn't tolerate the first I was given but itwas easily changed and no side effects at all.

in reply to Qualipop

My cholestorol has been about 7 for a long time. It’s a bit late at nearly 74 to worry about it. I will see a cardiologist soon I hope.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to

Goodness, that sounds as if you think 74 is time to give up. I sincerely hope not. I'm 73 in a month; heart attack and 2 stents two years ago- completely out of the blue with no previous known problems but obviously cholesterol was the cause. It's down now from over 7 to just about 5 thanks to statins. I'm keeping it down because they found two more blockages that at the time didn't need stenting. All tablets have side effects. I had to have every single one of mine changed except aspirin and believe me some were bad side effects including hallucinations. I have a 33 yr old son so I have absolutely no intention of refusing anything that could keep me going for longer. Both my parents died younger than I am now so I am very grateful for any new tablets.

in reply to Qualipop

The damage is probably done. I,m feeling so out of sorts lately too.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to

It's never too late to undo damage. I did. You sound very depressed. Your GP could help there

in reply to Qualipop

I don,t feel depressed just tired of feeling like this.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to

Well, here's hoping the doctors can sort you out. I bet it's the bisopralol. It made me feel terrible.

in reply to Qualipop

You may be right! I,m used to being active,even tending my small garden is an ordeal, dizzy and my heart doing somersaults. Thanks

Flummoxedlou profile image

I hope you get some answers. Even living a good life is no guarantee of great health, sadly. I'm sure your cakes are lovely. One of the best ways to reduce risk to the heart is to reduce stress and I too have stress levels off the chart at times. I struggle with it. That's one good reason to push the doctor to refer you. Good luck to you.

in reply to Flummoxedlou

I was very stressed for 2 years living in a noisy flat and buying my house.

Flummoxedlou profile image
Flummoxedlou in reply to

How are you feeling Delnoleen?? You had some great replies from people, did it help? I know all about the stress you mention. It's very damaging to the body. Especially if it's simmering under the surface. Hope you got through to the doctors.

in reply to Flummoxedlou

I am very reassured by all of your comments . This site is a godsend to all of us ! Thankyou all.

Phil_London profile image

Hi, very interested in your post and the replies. I have been led to believe that this is an optimal blood pressure and very good, they talk about good readings at 120/70 or 120/80 but anything lower down as far as 100/60 are very good readings, I have mine checked regular and by home readings, I am 54 with 1 stent and no BP meds and have managed to get them to these type of levels at rest similar to yours and have never been told that 115/65 is an issue or shows problems, I am hoping not. Where have you read or been told this from?

in reply to Phil_London

I saw it somewhere then got concerned because of the heart issues in my family so I looked it up on google

Gezzad profile image

That's a healthy reading. You'll be fine. No need to worry

in reply to Gezzad


Mark_tourguide profile image

Indeed we are all on your side Delnoleen! Keep posting and we’ll keep replying !

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