got my bypass surgery tomorrow quite nervous🙏🏼🤞
surgery: got my bypass surgery tomorrow... - British Heart Fou...

Good luck I had mine almost 4 weeks ago and was very nervous until I got to the hospital. You see so many Dr's that there is no time to be nervous and they are all so reassuring. For me the recovery has been difficult but others bounce back so quickly. I hope everything goes well for you and a speedy recovery 🙂
good luck with the rest of your recovery stay positive don’t get yourself down
As weepip says, once you've check in at the hospital, everyone puts you at ease and you don't really dwell on things. They will look after you very well.
I'm coming up to 2 weeks post CABG - patience and pacing is the key. For me, things are starting to get better and beginning to become a little more normal, but it is a long process and still a long way to go.
Take care, all the best!
hi I’m now 5 weeks into recovery and I’m also finding recovery difficult I had a heart monitor due to irregular heartbeat …my heart started to slow and miss a beat causing a fluttering sensation in my chest I went 48 hrs symptom free 24 of which was monitored yesterday I gave the monitor back and guess what it happened again …I keep self diagnosing using bloody google I’m now worried I’m going to end up with a pacemaker due to Bradycardia or Afib I feel down about it all ….i hope you’re doing a lot better than me
I know how you feel I was getting alot of skipped beats lying in bed makes you very anxious dosnt it I thought I was going back into afib that i had for about 3 weeks after surgery. Like you I have been worried about a pacemaker but that is worse case and something that works incredibly well . I'm 9 weeks now and my symptoms do seem to be settling down still getting the odd skipping but I did have that prior to surgery . I find my heart rate does take a jump when I first wake up but then settles hoping they just need to adjust the medication maybe but still haven't got a appointment to see the cardio. But things are improving and am trying to get out for walks a couple times a day increasing them a little .hoping cardio rehab will make the big difference. It's hard sometimes to be positive but I'm determined to make this work as I don't want to do it again . Good luck and feel free to message any time 😁
You’re right it’s definitely hard to be positive when you think things are getting better then you get another episode..I have my first consultation on the 15th plus I’m waiting for my heart monitor results so hopefully within the nx 2 weeks I’ll have answers and I can move forward….and the same to you good luck and message anytime
If you were not feeling nervous I would have been surprised I think quite a few of us before this op felt nervous but as I might have said before if I can do it you can
You are in safe hands and this time next week hopefully you will be at home or looking at coming home and starting your recovery
When you can let us know how you are doing x
Wishing you all the very best. Look forward to a new improved you healthwise and a bright future. Best wishes.
Hi. I can't offer any advice here as we are waiting for my boyfriemds bypass surgery <19 July> so we have not yet been theough this, however just to say I have read lots of lovely posts on here about people's recovery and how it's all been worth it, wishing you all the very best and do let us know how you are doing after your surgery.
When I’m worried about something big I always think about after the event and how much better life will be so I jump myself over the frightening hump. You will be so relieved when it’s done as you won’t have to worry anymore. My husband was in hospital waiting for three weeks to have the op and it took its toll but he came home so quickly afterwards. Just don’t overdo it when you come out, especially if you have a good day and do lots because you will have a tricky day following. Let us know how you get on.
it’ll be fine, and it is normal to be nervous. Mind you my surgeon said “it’s just a bit of plumbing”! I had AVR and CABG.
wishing you a success procedure and the speediest and most comfortable rehab . Looking forward to hearing from you post op 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻
I hope the surgery goes well. It’s only natural to be nervous but what is a monumental day for you is just a normal day’s work for the surgeons and the staff, and their calmness and professionalism carry you through.
It’s normal to feel nervous. I wish you all the best with your recovery.
Just wishing you Good Luck for today, Minti - but in all honesty, you probably won't need it! As the surgeon who performed my triple op two & a half years ago said when I thanked him at the six week assessment afterwards - "We just did the really easy bit, it's up to you now to look after it". It's a big operation for us, but a general procedure for them these days. You'll be really well looked after and probably home before you know it. Our experiences are all very different but, if yours is anything like mine, you'll be uncomfortable for a wee while afterwards, but simple paracetamol took care of any aches & pains I had and it wasn't long before I felt like a new woman. - and still do! Onwards and Upwards, as they say and here's to a long and healthy future to look forward to. Carol
Very inspiring message having my CABG on Saturday so reading this really helps
They're all so professional SMR - and you really won't have time to worry once you get there and it honestly is just a run-of-the-mill op for them these days! After your op you'll probably spend a couple of days in ICU until the drains and wires are removed (it all looks a bit scary, but it really genuinely isn't, it just looks worse than it is 😊) and they'll watch over you 24 hours a day and tend to your every need. If you feel sore, don't be afraid to ask for a painkiller, we're all different in how we react to and feel pain, and there's absolutely no shame in that, some people just don't like to ask! Thankfully I was absolutely fine with paracetamol (full dose, 2 tabs four times day for the first wee while), but there are stronger painkillers should you need them and they'll be more than happy to provide them for you. I was very lucky in that I only had to spend two days there before moving back to a side room on a main ward and home just two days after that. I was admitted to hospital, after a heart attack, and spent five weeks there before my op so getting home again to my own bed felt like heaven! I live alone, but my brother who lives close by popped in every morning to check if I needed anything and my sister called in most days for a couple of weeks. and everything went really well. Can I just suggest stocking up with some non-perfumed shower gel - Sanex do a great one, as do M&S - as your wound might be a wee bit stingy using a perfumed soap. Just think, this day next week you'll have it over with and can start to concentrate on your recovery and going home - and you'll be fine. Mind you, you might want to stay in a bit longer - it's 'election' day next Thursday and you might want to avoid all the hullabaloo around that! 😀 Carol
You are absolutely amazing with all that information can’t thank you enough
You sound like you had an amazing recovery and I’m hoping for the same
Surgeon rang me this morning I’m first on list so that’s also given me a boost
your words mean a lot to me
Thank you
I'll be thinking of you on Saturday SMR - and that's brilliant news about being first on the list too. It was really kind of your surgeon to call you, sounds as if he or she is really attentive which is a bit of a bonus as well! I was trundled off to theatre around 2:30pm on a Friday and vaguely remember groggily waking up in ICU around 9pm. Not too sure what time the operation actually started though, so don't know how long it took and we're in a recovery room for a while afterwards before being taken to ICU. You probably won't remember a thing and will be a bit confused afterwards. I was helped out of bed to sit beside it first thing next morning, they like to have you sitting up and moving as soon as you possibly can to disperse fluid etc. Just do absolutely everything they tell you to do and the breathing exercises are really important. If your experience is anything like mine, I think you'll be surprised at how quickly things start to get better, although you may not realise it at the time. When you're going home - hopefully not too long afterwards😊- a little rolled up towel or cushion will be handy to tuck below your seatbelt to avoid it pressing on your wound and they're good for hugging during a cough or sneeze as well! Oh, and don't worry if your medications need to be tweaked a bit in the months afterwards either, a lot of people's are, my own included, as it's usually standard procedure to start you on the lowest doses to see how you get on.
Once you're feeling up to it, it would be lovely to hear how you got on as we'll all be thinking of you. Take care and wishing you a fast and healthy recovery with many more years to enjoy it. Carol
All the best, we'll be thinking of you ❤️
I feel nervous just like you. I had suspected heart attack on Tuesday 18th June and still in Hospital waiting for a bed at New Cross Hospital Wolverhampton to become available, where I am having a TAVI. I am petrified and just be glad when it’s over and done with. The problem being my age of 80 being against me.
Hope you get a bed soon, you are near to us. We are just outside Kingswinford, not far from Wolverhampton- all the very best. If it's any comfort, my friends mother had heart surgery aged 80 - she's now 86 and fit as a fiddle
I hope all goes well for you and you go into it was a positive frame of mind as it will help. And once healed you will feel like a new person. 💐
Wishing you all the best Minti. You will be fine. The doctors and nurses are experts. They do this all day every day. You will be in good hands and before you know it, well on your way to recovery. Just take it easy, one day at a time. Keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on. Take Care.
Good luck you’ll be fine. My quad was two years ago now and the surgery was no where near what I expected but when it’s all over rest, take it easy the recovery will take as long as you need not what others say. The main thing is get that pillow and take it with you everywhere and squeeze the hell out of it when you cough or god forbid you sneeze.😳😳
Keep us posted👍🙏
hope all goes well…
You would be very odd if you weren't nervous. It's a difficult recovery but just think how much better you will feel afterwards. WIishing you the very best
Sending positive prayers for you.
I hope everything goes well for you. The Doctors/Nurses are great at making you feel more relaxed. Speaking from experience, the waiting/anxiety was the worst part for me. Nobody will say it's an easy process but you will be surrounded by people to support you. I look forward to your next post with a positive recovery progress 👍
Good luck stay positive you are in good hands having same thing on Saturday 28 th so know how you are feeling
Hi will be thinking of you , you'll be fine and remember they do this all the time
I’d be surprised if you weren’t. The worse part is waiting for the day. Once you’re there, you’re in the theatre then two minutes later you’re awake in ICU. You’re pretty drugged up still so you literally don’t feel anything. 24 hours in ICU and you’re back on the ward. You’re well looked after till day 5 when they let you go home. I’m not saying the first few weeks are easy but nowhere near as bad as you think. Believe me 3xCABG and six months I would do it again as I’ve not felt this good for years. The difference it has made to my life is unbelievable. Please keep your eye on the future as the long term is well worth a few weeks of being uncomfortable. I’ve increased my life expectancy from less than 12 months to many more years of a healthy happy life and making new memories. Be strong, you’ve got this. Listen to the professionals, do your breathing exercises, follow the rehab and your future will be great. Sending prayers and love, I will be thinking of you tomorrow and sending positive thoughts
Fantastic news, you’ll be in good and safe hands and some down the line you’ll wonder what all the worry was about. xx
thanks for all your support had the surgery good and bad the op went well but it is incomplete due to one of the grafts being too narrow to be able to take a stitch relieved I’m out the other end but upset it’s not worked as well as I would of liked once again thanks for all your support
So glad your surgery went well, and sorry to hear it wasn't quite as expected - I've been checking in on this post waiting to hear how you are, wishing you a good recovery - take it easy
Welcome back Minti - I've been checking this post in the hope that we'd hear how you got on with the op. Good luck at your six-week assessment when you'll be able to find out a bit more about what happens next. Carol
That's great news, Minti and thank you for updating us all. I'd a few issues with heart rate irregularities after my op too, I think quite a few of us have - however my meds were tweaked (bisoprolol dosage gradually raised from 1.25 daily to 2.5 and then 5 over the course of 10 months) and things all settled down nicely eventually and have been absolutely fine ever since. I'm really glad there's no concern regarding your 3rd graft too. Here's to a happy & healthy future. Carol😊