Hi my baby is 10 months old and had surgery at 11 weeks old I've noticed in the last month or so that a dent had appeared behind her scar and I'm wondering if this is quite normal or whether the bones have moved or dislodged as shes quite energetic and loves to throw herself about quite alot
Surgery scar: Hi my baby is 10 months... - British Heart Fou...
Surgery scar

She's a beauty. Give the BHF Nurses a call on 0300 330 3311
As babies grow and change at a fast rate it is probably a normal feature but I am sure BHF Nurse will put your mind at rest - they can view the picture.
I did speak with them yesterday but they said I need to speak with her surgeon really as he would know more but im still waiting on the call suppose I was hoping someone could say they experienced similar and all was fine, always have felt like a bird trying to swim when it comes my little beauts condition
Guess that's a natural way to feel wanting to protect her. Persist with getting a response from Cardiologist but in meantime I found the att info community.babycenter.com/po...
Just had a look i assume they resolved what ever it was as it was a few years back now I think I'm going to try contact her surgeon again thank you so much xx

Hello and welcome to the forum. I would not worry overmuch. Someone at my rehab course had an unstable breastbone and it caused him considerable discomfort. Your little girl would soon let you know if this was the problem. Wait until you speak to your surgeon. It probably relates to the amount she has grown since but if there is an issue it should be easily correctable. Good luck.
I hope it is just down to growing shes such a character like to throw herself around and someone told me the bone could have slipped and others have mentioned pectus excavation or something like that anyway sounds like a spell from Harry Potter, but on researching that it just gave a ton of worry think ill try contact her surgeon again but thank you xx
I would advise that you ask your medical team about this as they have the breadth and wealth of experience needed. My granddaughter had her first operation about the same time as your daughter, is now five and gone through her second operation last September. For both operations her recovery has been amazing but on each and every occasion my daughter has had any concern she has phoned her team and asked them and they have been more than happy to help. Rather ask them than worry. You have an amazing daughter. Best wishes.
It could just be that she is growing and the scar is stretching. I think she would definitely let you know if she was feeling anything. Hubby has a similar one but stopped growing many years ago!!! She's a cutie.
Hopefully when you have spoken to the surgeon tomorrow you will feel much better.
Do keep us informed.
I do think half the time its me that makes the whole thing feel worse but I didnt push in the beginning when she was really poorly because so many professionals said she was fine so I gave up and we nearly lost her so now I dont stop haha xx
Hi Elliesmummy, What a little cutie you have there, if she is energetic and throwing herself about it would seem she is healthy enough, try your cardiac team again, they should be able to put your mind at rest. Good luck to you and your family, take care
Hi Elliesmummy. You have a beautiful little girl. She reminds me so much of my little granddaughter.
Please let us know how you get on. xxxx
OK so I've spoken to the surgeon on video call today he had a good look and has said it isn't her scar sinking as such but her ribs bowing outwards and would like to see her in a couple of weeks to confirm this if so its not dangerous and more cosmetic so ill take that news happily after everything she's already been through xx
Hi Elliesmummy,
So pleased to read your post, I bet by the time she is fully grown it won’t be noticeable. I know it’s not the same but one side of my sternum is higher than the other from my OH surgery, looking at it can’t see it but I can feel it. She is a beautiful child and as you say she as been though so much already in her young life. Once her surgeon as given her the eyes on check, everything will be great. I wish Ellie a long and healthy life, and her Mummy all the luck in the World.
Stay safe best wishes Pauline. ❤️
I must say in 10 months its been so tough for all of us here and the oast few days with all the care from everyone here I've felt full of hope that there's people who know how tough it is, I truly hope she has an amazing life aswell I feel blessed to have such a beautiful little girl with such a fantastic personality to wake up to everyday ill be forever grateful to everyone who's helped us through including all the advice on here, I dont suppose anyone knows of a support group as like I've said for 10 months I've felt very lost I don't like Facebook and things and have found it very tough finding someone in the same boat to express concerns to or even help if I can xx
Great to hear how you got on and another example of how you sometimes have to persist when it is often the last thing you want to do. Ellie is fortunate to have you 'fight her corner' must have been a tough year. Just found a few links which may get you started in your search for some back up.
Good luck x
Thank you xx