I was prescribed 6 drugs in March following a silent heart attack. They were the usual - Aspirin, Clopidogrel, Ramipril, Atovastatin, Bisoprolol, and Lansoprazole. Five weeks ago food and drink began to taste awful - sour or vinegarish. I can't bear to eat any dairy, fruit or meat. I can eat vegetables and eggs, and can tolerate fish. It is not oral thrush - and I am currently prescribed Fluticasone nasal drops but now after 8 days they have made no difference. Has anyone else suffered with a change in the taste of food after a HA?
Everything taste awful - like vinegar! - British Heart Fou...
Everything taste awful - like vinegar!

Yes, when I was discharged after quadruple CABG (Nstemi July 2023) I went through months of things not tasting right. It was pretty awful, however it settled down and I dint have any issues now 👍🏻. On a similar cocktail of drugs , changed from artovastatin t Pravastatin finally to Rosuvastatin and on 1.25 Bisoprolol, half of a 1.25 Rampiril, clopidogrel, pantaprazole and aspirin.
Thank you for your reply DWizza. Did they alter your statin drug because they thought it was that particular drug causing the issue with your taste?
I'm on everything you mentioned here I don't have any problem I must be the lucky one hopefully it will go away
No, I think the taste issue was to do with the effects of meds that were dropped into me (anaesthetic etc, pain killers ) or just body reaction to the surgery . It settled down but was acute in the first 2-4 months. Statin was changed due to giving me zombie episodes, I was hugely fatigued , aches & pains in muscles and joints , cognitive impairment, felt very cold all of the time , had periods where I just couldn’t function.
Hi DWizza- I didn't have any surgery. The recurrent theme at the moment seems to be either the statins or the Ramipril. The taste alteration didn't start until 5/6 weeks after heart medication started. I'm always grateful for a response to hear what other people have experienced - so thank you.
I’d certainly look at the statin side of things , I also got d as one low blood pressure when the zombie episodes came on100/60 from 115/75 not a a major concern for my GP but I felt so rough. Gp thought the statin was “reacting” with my other meds to cause the drop … who knows… I hood you find a solution 👊🏻
Four of the medications are the same as mine, I have not had any adverse food tastes.
Hi there. I have had most of the meds you are on. I had bad taste for about 2 weeks with Clopidogrel and Artorvastatin and a really bad cough with Ramipril. My Heart Consultant changed Ramipril to Irbersartan ( I also have COPD) and GP stopped Artorvastatin and so far, 8 months on, No problems. Good luck. I wish you well
Thank you 3M4A - I do suffer a persistent cough with the Rampiril - so I think that may be the culprit? I'd love to give up the statin as my total cholesterol count is now under 4 but the Cardiologist wants me to stay on it!