Hi all, recently had a suspected TIA nearly 3 months ago. I got home one night and went to lock the door and I couldn’t get the key in the lock. I had no pain, no disorientation or confusion, no blurred vision, no pins and needles or numbness, no slurred speech, my left arm just felt a bit heavy. I immediately had thought stroke, tried lifting both arms, left arm felt heavier and I could clench both fists. I don’t smoke, don’t drink, watch my diet but I am about 2 stone overweight.
I rang my daughter and 111 immediately. Paramedics showed up, did a few tests, everything normal but I went to hospital same night. Bloods and CT scan were normal. I was told it hadn’t presented like a classic TIA, my blood pressure wasn’t as high as they’d expect for a stroke or TIA and I was given 300mg of aspirin, told to take 75mg of aspirin per day from here on and sent home with an appointment with the stroke department.
Went to the stroke department, had a neck ultrasound which was normal and was told again that it hadn’t presented like a classic TIA, but they wanted an MRI scan.
It took about six weeks to get the MRI scan. MRI scan showed nothing, everything was healthy as it should be and great for my age. At a further appointment a month after the MRI, I was told that they couldn’t say for definite if I’d had a TIA or not, given TIAs leave no damage and the fact it wasn’t a classic TIA or presented how TIAs usually present. However, they said they were treating this as a TIA based upon my risk factors, my risk factors being over 55, (I’m 58), overweight, cholesterol level of 5.4 at that point, (cholesterol level is now 5.1 and no bad cholesterol), raised blood pressure on two occasions (blood pressure is fine at home, often as low as 110/70), ex smoker (I quit 10 years ago), they were advising statins and a blood thinner.
My dilemma is, what if this wasn’t really a TIA, what if they are wrong. And I’m not relishing starting on medication for life, if it’s been a false call. I’m still taking the aspirin, but haven’t started the medication yet which has now been sitting in my cupboard for a week.
I just don’t know what to think or do for the best.
Sorry this is long.