Triple Heart Bypass: Hello, I am new to... - British Heart Fou...

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Triple Heart Bypass

metallicalover profile image
11 Replies

Hello, I am new to this community and am looking to find out if anyone has had the same symptoms as I am experiencing. I had a triple bypass 3 weeks ago and I am getting despondent because I don't feel that I will feel any better after 6 weeks which is when they said I could revert more back to normal life.

Obviously there is the chest wound but it feels like a huge invisible weight has been strapped to my chest which is severely limiting my ability to walk as advised, my walking isn't much different to when I left hospital.

Also, the main symptom I had on admittance was a bad headache behind the eyes which came on after starting to walk anywhere. That same headache is now evident even after surgery and it is getting me down that I will not fully recover.

One other thing is if I turn or move a bit faster than the slow pace I am doing at the moment I get very dizzy and it is quite frightening. My question is did anyone else have any of these sort of issues after 3 weeks?

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metallicalover profile image
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11 Replies
BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

I am glad your Bypass went well but I have to say having had a triple Bypass myself 3 weeks is very early days you have just had a very big operation and to think that at 6 weeks you will or should be feeling like life is back to normal I know it certainly was not for me

I think I was told 3 months but after this kind of op we all recover at different paces so I think it can be a guide rather than a guarantee

I would imagine you have not had your follow up as yet with your Consultant if one is planned or even started Rehab which I hope has been offered you and if not try and find out from the Hospital you were in if they do Rehab classes as they will be really helpful in your physical recovery

My chest wound at this stage felt very sore tender and slightly heavy I also got a little tiny bit of infection right at the bottom of the scar

Turning in bed I had to take my time because I could feel it so much but if you have any concerns see your Doctor and let them take a look I am sure it no doubt will be fine but always best to let them take a look

I walked really slow though at this stage and I could feel the scar as I did and would sometimes hold my chest as if I needed to support it

The headaches hopefully will settle down at 3 weeks as I have said it is very early days but if they become troublesome and dont talk with your Doctor but I do not think it is a sign you are not going to have a full good recovery :-)

Again the dizzy feeling after such a big operation your body has a lot of healing to do this may contribute to this feeling as well as the medications you are on as some do make us feel dizzy

I do think you are doing well and need to give yourself more time

The BHF Nurses are really good at answering and reassuring us with questions and I will put their number on if you feel like talking to them and they can talk you through things which can help :-)

Give yourself time and be kind to yourself and you will get there :-) x

Heart Helpline team on 0300 330 3311 Mon-Fri 9-5pm

CyclingTime profile image

Really early in the process at 3 weeks. People recover at different speeds, walking for example will depend partly on what your level of fitness was before your operation.

Go slowly build it up and it will all come.

6 weeks is just the point where you start the cardio rehabilitation exercises. The 3 month point is where you get closer to normal but still with symptoms.

It's like being hit by a car having this operation, just look forward to the end result 😊

quirk13 profile image

I had a triple nearly two years ago. I think there is a big difference between how the surgeon views recovery and reality. I was told 6 weeks for the first stage of healing and 12 before I will start to feel I am recovering. The 6 weeks is very much a surgeons view, the wounds will be healed but you definitely don't feel great.

The only thing I would say is be patient. Pace yourself and don't expect too much. By 12 weeks I was comfortable without pain meds but still limited. Even now I don't feel fully well but others are back to full recovery. One of the hardest things for me was getting my head round what I could and couldn't do.

devonian186 profile image

It is extremely early days. You are at risk of harming yourself if you try to do too much, too quickly.

Feeling very down, emotional, angry, upset is VERY normal. It will probably last several more weeks. Do get out for walks but keep them within your capabilities and gradually build up.

Greencurry profile image


I am just over 2 months into my recovery following a triple bypass.

You shouldn't worry too much as I've had very similar symptoms to you. I have the same heavy feeling in my chest, maybe nerve damage or just your body healing after a major operation. I continue to feel uncomfortable in bed due to this.

I have found that it takes time to recover and I am only now managing to walk 15 to 20 minutes to the shops, without stopping for a breather.

The cardiac rehab nurses are really good and they will be in touch with you soon. They will help you regain your fitness.

I was overly optimistic in my recovery times and got a bit frustrated with myself. I expected to out of hospital in 5 days and back to normal in 6 to 8 weeks. I wasn't, recovery for me has been slow.

However, I now feel much better and confident that things are going in the right direction.

Just remember that we all recover at our own pace. The pain and symptoms you have now, will pass in time. You are only 3 weeks into your recovery, it's still early days.

Good Luck

Partnercarer profile image

my partner’s triple bypass was 6 weeks ago and he’s still very much in early recovery. He’s just started cardio rehabilitation and it’s pushing him - doing 30 minutes of walking a day (10 mins warm up, 10 faster and 10 cool down) he’s only just now doing light tasks such as washing up - he’s still unable to lift things above head height.

I agree the BHF nurses are excellent and very re-assuring

As has also been said - your fitness before will contribute to the pace of your recovery - but be kind to yourself “hit by a bus” is an expression I’ve heard several times and is echoed by Steve my partner - wishing you a successful recovery

Hello - I had my triple bypass on 21 march - at first I was a touch off due to frustration of not being able to do much despite wanting too. However I am now 5 weeks post operation and feel a more 'normal ' I have had no pain killers since week 2/3 - donor leg has healed and just shinny scars - my chest gas healed again with shinny scar. Sleeping still awkward as can't lie on my side and some meditation affects me getting to sleep - I am out walking 40mins plus (weather permitting) every day and trying to keep active - NO lifting. Not driving yet and just had my rehabilitation assessment, it went really well. Unfortunately with the procedure we have had it's only a combination of time, rest/sleep and nutrition that will get us to were we want. Prior to heart attack in Nov 2023 I was pretty fit and incredibly active - I was flagging, tarmacing and concrete laying on daily basis also when not working i very activeinmylarge garden and gave 2 grandchildren 10 and 6- I had no symptoms whatsoever and quite shocked as I am only 61. I really hope you get passed this tricky time best of luck and do make sure you talk to someone about your concerns.

Best regards

El-Tel1990 profile image
El-Tel1990 in reply to

I am 3 years after mine, like you I had no symptoms or heart attack. It was picked up on a stress test as part of a health assessment for insurance purposes. I did all the rehab through the hospital, did a lot of walking and then joined a gym 8 months after the operation. I am still in the gym, 3 days per week, play golf 2/3 times per week and walk briskly most days. My GP says that if I keep this up I should get another 20 years before another intervention. I’ll be 82 then 😱

Jako999 profile image

It’s very early days yes after 6 weeks you can do things but this major major surgery, it’s 6 months before things may start to feel normal. I’m nearly 2 years post quad and I can still feel it and I still get dizzy sometimes.

You need to think it’s not a miracle that makes you 21 again but you have been repaired to live another day just like a car and with out having it done just like the car the end would have soon come.

Don’t try and over do things relax and build up slowly otherwise you will set your self back and back, just enjoy the fact you have a second chance. The summer is coming so relax and enjoy it with short walks and a bit of none strenuous gardening.


maggie80 profile image

Hi, it will take much longer than 3 weeks. I had quadruple and a heart valve replacement Nov'21. I went to rehab 10 weeks after my op. It's worth going to.

El-Tel1990 profile image

It takes about 12/14 weeks before things return to normal. Make sure you do your rehab , cut out the rubbish in your diet and get used to an exercise regime. You won’t look back !

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